Smurfing for winrate is cancer and you should feel bad. Also, you will hit your old winrate and player pool again - sooner or later. Have fun stomping your first 20 games.
Thanks for ruining experience for new players by making them quit and try easier game ie LoL.
good keep it up ruin as many games as u can those cocksuckers from valve dont deserve 1/10000of current playerbase
idk wut to say, u SMURFERS !!
anyways, dota community is getting shittier day by day, look at the replies to OP, u have no business in calling him dumb/retard/ruiner/newbies' nightmare..
he wants to get a high win rate, wuts ur own business with him?
if he is gonna get back to his original Winrate then he should feel sad, and not u, calling him names, and i am pretty sure he will get at least 3% higher than his old winrate, unless his stack r bunch of losers
What you do by making a new account is lowering your MMR on purpose. You may feel good for that matches where you are better than everyone else, but you will reach the same MMR again. You do not magically get better by creating a new account. So in the end all you achieve is ruining some games, by beaing much better than everyone else, probably going 20/0 for a few games. If you want a higher winrate, what is stopping you from trying on your regular account? Don´t tell me he cant find people to play with on that one. If he cannot win on his main account, he can only win on his other account because his MMR is lower than it was before.
gonna pay only for watch your face of disappoint when anothers profecionals smurf just stop you like a pub.
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HI so im looking for good players who want to have a good winrate.Playing in eu servers.