General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit, it's a love hate thing.

Storm Spirit, it's a love hate thing. in General Discussion

    So on this account I've played as Storm 6 times and lost 6 times.

    My 3 most recent solo queue games give me a combined K-D ratio of 70 - 16 (including a 28-2), that's not including assists. I know this is just a vent of frustration and will achieve nothing significant but I am so at the end of my patience. Every time I choose this hero I am put with fuckwits, it's almost inevitable I will lose. It's such a shame, I love Storm Spirit, he hates me.


      And now the whole forum will throw their hate on u :D
      Same issue with Tinker here, but who cares?

      Chen Centaur Challenge

        I find this very interesting. I encounter the same sort of this with my favorite carry, Luna. I played over 500 games of Luna in dota 1...I'm up to 17-12 win/loss in dota 2 now and averaging KDA of about 5, but my luna games seem so much harder than just ordinary games. I seem to be certain to have an extra feeder more then usual if I pick luna. I wonder if I somehow subconsciously pick luna when I happen to be overrated on MMR and get tougher matches.

        Comparing stats anyway, you must be pretty good at storm compared to other players at your MMR.
        Your KDA is above average (2.98>2.78) despite w/l of 1-6, so you are performing above average even though on the losing teams. It is only 7 games. Maybe your luck will even out with more games.

        On the other hand maybe you are not converting your advantages into wins by not following up ganks with tower pushes. I'm at 3.83 KDA on storm and 8-1 win/loss, but I don't think of myself as really being very good at storm. I just make sure every kill gains some kind of strategic advantage.

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        Minami Kotori

          Game is about destroying that big building in the enemy base. You can have a 100 - 0, if the enemy team somehow destroys your big building, you lose. Don´t play for stats.


            Unlike D1, D2 is all about team composition. Players here are generally more aware of the existence of hero roles as well as what makes a balanced team. You can thank the plethora of guides and introductions for this.

            Mirana was one of my best heroes back in D1, but here in D2 I'm sitting on a 39.76% win rate with her. Personally, I've been playing Prophet more often as his skill and item build is more flexible, allowing me to adapt to the requirements of the team/game.

            TL;DR - Assuming you're not a noob, winning games in D2 is all about tryharding. Pick/counterpick well. Most games are lost due to bad team composition/laning.


              Just keep practicing it, eventually you will improve to a level where you can carry lower level players. Only thing you can do really.


                Well sometimes you do perform well with certain hero or in certain match but you might lose the game. Propably due to shitty mates. However sometimes you gotta take a look on your team mates especially your carry and support. You dont snatch all the resources on the map which are available on your team. A significant example will be nature prophet. Some of the np players can complete their otem builds in a very short time. He uses his teleport everywhere that creeps are available. He uses his ulti whenever cd. He is getting richer and richer while teammate going another way. Carry cannot carry. Support cannot buy wards, and dead by 2 atk from opponent's hero. In an engagement, your team incredibly fast down to 2 v 5. Perhaps you aint going to die there by having linken and play as an escaping hero like storm. But you lose.


                  for the record I don't play for stats, particularly not with Storm.

                  I guess I'll just have to take it on the chin and accept I got unlucky with morons on my team.


                    The biggest problem with storm is it isnt pushing material, which the current metagame requires


                      It's just luck. I had 6-0 lich, 8-0 nyx assassin, 6-0 necrolyte and several other 5-0 heroes I'm not that good with.

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