General Discussion

General Discussionis The International 2013 Interactive Compendium worth to buy?

is The International 2013 Interactive Compendium worth to buy? in General Discussion
ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

    is this thing worth to buy? explain why its worth to buy.


      -exp bonus (this by itself is worth it, as you get items from the levels you get out of this)
      -reward at the end for correct guesses (i think)
      -support the dota 2 pro scene

      Chen Centaur Challenge

        Exp bonus is huge. You will get many extra items if you play a lot using it. I have already got over $10 worth of items and TI3 has not even started.

        The courier is worth $10 alone.

        I like the stuff in the compendium, its like a NCAA basketball bracket, which is very popular in the US. Even people who never watch basketball all make picks.

        Besides this you get to be a part of the action. The prize pool is much larger now because of people participating. This is the kind of thing that can make it possible for your favorite pros to actually make a living playing dota. If you want to be a part of making dota like a real competitive sport buy a compendium.

        Dota is not going be to be like the computer games of the past where it is popular for a while and then is forgotten. It will become a perpetual big business for the foreseeable future until some apocalypse destroys modern civilization and the internet. Watching dota is more fun than watching any real life sport and unlike physical sports people can still play dota when they get old. Also the business model is more profitable than major sports teams, investment vs profit. As Lod[A] said in his interview at the G-1 LAN finals, dota will be as big or bigger than sports in 10-15 years.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Bot Tyrone

          Really no.

          EXP bonus means extremely little, it still takes a while to level up, and the chances of getting any mythical is like 1/1000 as it is (just a guess, but I don't think that would be too far off), and then you need to realise that most mythicals aren't worth shit now either. So the EXP bonus is almost irrelevant. I mean if you gained something real from levels, which of course wouldn't be appropriate in DotA, then it would be a factor.

          The courier is ok, but its not going to be worth shit either, simply because there are what, like 230,800 of them..$10? At most you get 1 key for them (100 views are 2-3 keys), which is about $1.90.

          The Compendium itself really doesn't have shit, you get to make a few predictions which seems to achieve almost nothing, half of them are as arbitrary as they come. And then there is a massive lack of information. It doesn't update, it doesn't show match times, brackets, a mini-hall of fame sort of thing, or even finished the player profiles, I mean when you pour in about $2,000,000 dollars in total, the least they could do is make a decent product. Go to any other DotA site, ie. Gosu Gamers, Team Liquid, you get that shit for free and it actually gives you a solid amount of information, same with your standard DotA Academy, DatDota, etc. Even something like a fantasy team would be absolutely sick, but they haven't even met the most fucking basic of expectations.

          Sure $2.50 goes toward the prize pool, but come on, the rest goes to grubby old Gaben and his crew of useless fucks who can't get this game with hundreds of bugs after 2 years of beta. Even without this Compendium, Valve are fucking MASSIVE in terms of worth, and the sad thing is, almost everything they do is half-assed. If this game was developed at a much faster pace, if this Compendium actually met the most basic of expectations, then I'd say sure, go ahead and support the company that is clearly giving this game a good shot.

          Chen Centaur Challenge

            Oh yes!...another important reason why you should buy one...Casual hates the compendium so its very likely that almost everyone will like them.

            It looks like there will easily be over 196,000 sold so 5 of the 7 rewards will trigger.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Bot Tyrone

              Feel free to respond to my arguments mister ~$1.80 courier is worth $10.

              Chen Centaur Challenge

                Casual if you don't want to pay for something...go ahead and be a cheapskate, whiny, asshole...somehow you seem to believe you enjoy it. I don't get it but I guess it's your thing.

                Most people like the things you think are crap and are happy to buy them. Why do you have to be so full of hate that you want to disrespect everything other people enjoy? I think you would be much happier if you cursed your life less and tried to enjoy the good things.

                Bot Tyrone

                  Cheapskate? He is asking if its worth it, and the answer is clearly no.

                  If Valve were doing a good job with DotA, I'd be happy to support them regardless of the quality of this Compendium. But they haven't, and the Compendium itself doesn't even meet the most basic of expectations, where even free websites like the ones I mentioned have much more, and up to date information.

                  There are much more worthwhile things that $10 could be spent on, even if its just closing the gap between one product and another.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                    If you really want to make an "argument" about it, though I doubt you even know what the word means...

                    In a free market system everything is worth what people are willing to pay for it. A massive 200,000 dota players are happy to put down their hard earned cash to buy the compendium...most of them did this before the biggest rewards were even offered, much less unlocked. Clearly the item is worth more than the $10 price by the only objective measure.

                    You can whine more about how you personally don't like anything from Valve because you are angry at Valve for proving you are mediocre at dota with public matchmaking...but that is not an argument. You can rage against how far out of touch you are with what people like to buy but your private opinion is not reasoning.

                    It is so obvious that your mind is clouded by rage over your personal failure to excel at the game. You probably would even like the Compendium if you would just calm down.

                    Bot Tyrone

                      I did, I've made a case for why he shouldn't buy something.

                      The item is worth more than $10 in what way though? Fuck what other people are paying, what does the product actually offer to OP? Is a Patek really worth $20,000 to a graduate/uni student? Does it have the same worth to someone who has been working for 20 years already?


                      Pretty much nails it on everything except the value of the courier, battle bonus and HUD

                      "But as of now the compendium is flat out raw in terms of development. It almost seems like it's maybe not even 25% complete.
                      I assumed that when I bought this that it would be my direct go to source to everything International 2013. I should be able to click the book, see all the matchups, times, dates, everything. When Team A beats Team B and advances I want to see the entire bracket NCAA style. Obviously searching online for this information isn't a problem since we have an amazing community that provides these details for us but the Compendium should be able to do this as well.

                      Also the qualifier predictions.....Why aren't they updated real time? It would be amazing if I could click a tab such as "most picked hero." A list opens up showing who is currently the most picked hero and which team picks certain heroes the most.
                      Or if I wanted to track who has the highest GPM thus far it will show the name of the player and his current GPM."

                      The only arguments you have made are just 100% wrong. Battle bonus actually gives extremely little in the end, the courier is not worth $10 (where did you pull this number from by the way?). You know what the NCAA basketball bracket has (I just checked it out), live updates(?), the actual brackets, rankings, stats and videos(?). The compendium does all that? lol?

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        im gay

                        Chen Centaur Challenge

                          Yes, its true that the compendium can, and no doubt will in future years and even this one, be improved in many ways. But that has absolutely no bearing on the current value. Also you clearly didn't understand my comparison to the NCAA brackets at all, not even a tiny bit. Everyone used them on paper for decades before they finally went online a few years agao. All you have demonstrated is your total ignorance of American culture.

                          You don't know what battle bonuses do because AGAIN you don't play real matches NUB!!! and they only work in real matches. Seriously man you have no idea what dota is like for almost everyone that plays it. You need to experience it from yourself sometime.

                          Your whiny opinion vs 200,000 people voteing with their own money...but you still think your opinion is an argument.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          Bot Tyrone

                            So what you are saying is, is that it's ok to pay $10 for a product which is miles behind similar services (which are free?) for not only other things, like this NCAA basketball, but also even in DotA itself. DatDota, Dota Academy, Gosu Gamers and Team Liquid are all doing an absolutely fantastic job, and then of course I am sure Sheever, Join DOTA and a stack of other DotA-related websites are also offering much more information, updates and relevant statistics, player/team information, while the Compendium fails to meet even the basic expectations.

                            I could not care less about American culture, and how is it ignorant? I didn't realise I was supposed to know about his NCAA basketball crap when a) I'm not from America, b) I don't follow Basketball, c) You brought it up, if you have something to say about it, then do it. All I see is you mentioning how good it is, and yeah it is, there are many similar websites for the EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga and even AFL, the Compendium again doesn't even come close to any of these things. And the kicker is, this shit has been done, and not just by other sports/activites, but DotA itself, by the sites that I mentioned above. You would think that after making upwards of $2 million dollars they would actually update or put some effort into the fucking thing.

                            You play real matches and lose real matches, you fed in 15 of your last 20 matches. inb4 support, even when you weren't you almost consistently dealt the lowest total damage, not to mention you stack and still feed. Battle bonus is almost entirely irrelevant as I said, the drop rate for mythicals is likely to be something around 1/1000, and most mythicals aren't worth more than 1 key ($1.85), so how the hell is that a big factor? What level are you, and how many mythicals (and higher) and rares have you got so far?

                            Whiny opinion? Maybe if you really looked at what you were getting from the Compendium, just the Compendium itself, you would realise how half-assed of an attempt the product is. I mean seriously, they made almost no effort, and its the same effort Valve are putting into DotA. It's been 2 years, not since they started the game, but since the Beta, and we still have a massive list of bugs.

                            And of course its my opinion you fucking moron, what else would it be? Fact is compendium doesn't even offer the most basic of functions expected of it, and that's just pathetic. You are much better off using the websites mentioned above and watching the games on the stream.

                            Feel free to tell me what is stopping Valve from finishing the Compendium? Surely after $2 million dollars, its something you would consider doing?

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                              Yes, casual I'm quite happy about the fact that YOU think I'm a moron. It's quite reaffirming and confidence building to continue to receive compliments like this. I learned long ago when I was a child that all information, even from measuring instruments, carries with it the inherent bias. One must take that bias into account.

                              Since you are such a consistently terrible judge of reasoning, dota skills, and culture...your outrageous statements in fact reaffirm my excellence and correctness in regards to all the preceding relevant issues.

                              I try to help you out. I see that you are very envious soul and I know this will cause you only pain so I offer you a chance to change, a glimpse of a better way to think and live. You see the wonderful work that Gabe, Ice Frog, and everyone at Valve has done to provide us with this game and your polluted mind jumps immediately to the fact that they are being rewarded for their work...while you did not share in the reward they deserve and you do not. You need to focus on all the good things you have instead of the things other have. You will be much happier if you do. There is no reason to constantly live in a cloud of anger and bitterness as you do now.

                              I have received over $500 worth of items without buying anything but a few things as gifts for my friends and in-game tickets. I know that most players who play a lot of real, ranked games, are similarly rewarded. The only reason you have nothing is that you play only hidden private games so that you can hide your stats, because you are ashamed of them. Since you don't play ranked games you get no items. But everyone who does play real games knows how powerful that battle bonus is and is happy to pay for it...all 200,000 of them.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Bot Tyrone

                                Ah, so I guess that's what chubby american's do, can't make any relevant argument about why the product is good, so just ramble on about nothing and pretending to be smart. It would not surprise me if you had not finished elementary school yet, you continually ignore just how unpolished, let alone unfinished the Compendium is. It does not make any attempt to exceed, or even meet the kind of services that are given for free from various DotA websites, why on earth would you pay $10 for it.

                                What wonderful work is Gabe doing exactly? I'll admit the game itself is good (in game graphics/mechanics), but there are still a ludicrous number of bugs for the stage that the game is at, and most of the other features in the game are extremely poor (MM, Replay system, mute system, abusable abandon system, ban system, etc), but that has very little to do with Gabe himself, and its quite confusing for such a company to take such a long time to actually finish making a game. They don't deserve shit really, there are plenty of awesome companies out there that are clearly giving their best in whatever they are doing, working hard and being rewarded while also having their fans/consumers or whatever in mind. Valve isn't one of those companies. They work at an extremely slow pace and try to make low IQ morons like yourself believe that it's ok because the game is free to play. I'd happily pay $30,heck even $100 2 years ago for a finished DotA 2 game. I always support individuals and companies that are actually working hard with clear results. The anger only stems from you completely ignoring the actual product, which is clearly not worth it at all.

                                You say you have received over $500 worth of items from drops alone? That's bullshit and you know it. It may have been different during Greeviling and Dire Tide, but what you are suggesting is that you almost make about 70c each match, which is an outright lie. For starters you don't get an item in the majority of matches, and then the chances of getting an item which is actually worth something is incredibly low.

                                Someone over at PD did a small survey and the results were "On average, you get a rare item (1:6 key:rare ratio) every 295 games and a mythical (most are 1:2 ratio) item every 910 games." So keep lying man, you are definitely doing a really good job of it.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Chen Centaur Challenge

                                  Thanks again for all the compliments casual. You know you keep mentioning Americans being fat...does this indicate that you are unable to obtain food yourself? no...I think it must be, consistent with nearly every thought you have, that you are simply jealous of others despite having enough for most people to be content and this even extends to envy of the enjoyment of large amounts of good food.

                                  I'm sorry that you don't understand that you have no items because you play no games. Maybe you are a socialist. That could explain why you expect to be rewarded for doing no work and why you begrudge others their success.

                                  I would also like to complement the many talented artists who have contributed to the dota 2 store all the wonderful items we who actually play dota games receive. You have added so much to the game. It is beautiful and exciting to see the new concepts that continue to grace my gaming experience. All of your hard work pays off even more when I watch the replays in slow motion. Because of you the game also gives everyone more freedom since we have so many options to customize our heroes. Please take into consideration, that when casual disrespects your creations it is really also a complement since it comes from him.

                                  Bot Tyrone

                                    The art/graphics is one of the few positives from DotA 2, nearly everything else is a complete failure, its been 2 fucking years already. Graphics have almost always been the least of my concerns for games like DotA anyway, all I want is a clean bug free game with appropriate features/systems, which is expected of any game.

                                    Once again, why should anyone pay $10 for a service which is unpolished, unfinished and is surpassed by many other DotA websites which provide the basic information and more for free? Are you able to answer that? Or are you going to tell me that the courier is worth $10 again?

                                    I don't see how I am asking to be rewarded for doing nothing. It's $10, why would I spend that for something which is inferior, that goes to a company already swimming in money who have put not only a half assed effort into the compendium, but also the game? Do tell. Or you can keep ignoring the actual topic, something which you excel at probably because you have ADHD or are flat out retarded.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Chen Centaur Challenge

                                      Casual now "art/graphics is one of the few positives from DotA 2"

                                      Casual 5 hours ago "most mythicals aren't worth shit"

                                      I know you really do like the graphics, and your earlier statements deriding them were lies that you said merely in a feeble attempt to prop up your angry and selfish opinions...but you see this is what happens when you try to think with a mind clouded and confused by your feelings. You forget what you even believe yourself. You do not know yourself. You certainly cannot understand others. How can you hope to communicate?
                                      I just checked. I have 488 items, nearly all from drops. None of them cost less than 99 cents and many are worth a lot more so my $500 is a very conservative estimate.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Bot Tyrone

                                        Wow, because those 2 things are so strongly linked. Good work, no seriously. 10/10 for effort, you get a gold star.

                                        Initially I thought you were dumb, but now I know whatever you are suffering from is much more severe.

                                        Decided to check out that amazing inventory of yours. Not including the stuff you bought (genuines/pennants, etc)

                                        Value in keys:
                                        Rares: 5
                                        Mythicals: 1.5
                                        Uncommons: 3
                                        Commons: 3


                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Well this discussion is turning into a contest about whom is the bigger kiddo.

                                          Now, about the compendium, personally I really do like it, and I would definately recommend others to buy it.
                                          However, it's up to you, do you like the item gaining boost, the courier, the other rewards from milestones and the possibility to vote on the allstar teams enough to spend the money on.

                                          ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                                            thanks for explaining guys! i think i gonna get it for my birthday!

                                            Bot Tyrone

                                              Relentless, I'd like to know how you valued your inventory. Feel free to do a price check on another forum, but discluding the items I assume you paid for (genuines/pennants), your inventory isn't worth much more than $25. How did you get to the $500 mark? Is there a stack of 10 time breakers missing or do you actually have no idea how much items are worth?

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              ρ૨เɳ૮ε σƒ ƭαเωαɳ

                                                idk what you talking about casual? i careless about item worth.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Bot Tyrone

                                                  Ratio for items - keys
                                                  Mythicals: 2-1
                                                  Rares: 6-1
                                                  Uncommon: ~30-1
                                                  Commons: ~60-1
                                                  1 key = $1.8-1.90

                                                  The value can vary for new or some different items (like Commander's set, although of course the value has dropped immensely since they now drop), but that's the general value of each item.

                                                  Buy something more worthwhile or save that money to help you get something more worthwhile, just follow the qualifiers using Team Liquid, Gosu Gamers, Join DotA and watching it through the GD Studio (if you aren't on DotA TV).

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                    Happy birthday! 玩家

                                                    Casual I hope you know you can't buy 2 mythical items for one key...your other fake ratios are even more laughable. Hopefully you don't believe any of that crap you just posted and have not thrown away all your items for a handful of keys. If someone tricked you I'm sorry. Maybe you really do have reason to be angry.

                                                    All but two of my items (couriers) were free. If you just play some real games you can get them too.

                                                    Bot Tyrone

                                                      Good to see you are now pretending to be an expert in yet another field you don't even understand the basics about, hardly surprising.

                                                      Go ask for a PC on a trade forum, even reddit, see what they say your inventory is worth.

                                                      Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                        What about free don't you understand? I'm not trying to sell my items on some forum. I'm keeping them. Their value is what it would have cost me to buy them from the store.

                                                        Expert in you know what a "field" is? I just go to the dota 2 store and check the retail price. This is what it would cost me to buy my Flail of the Great Elder for Brewmaster = $8, but I got it free.
                                                        This is what it would cost me to buy my Blood Chaser for Axe = $10, but I got it free.
                                                        This is what it would cost me to buy my Fireborn Odachai for Juggernaut = $5, but I got it free.
                                                        This is what it would cost me to buy my Corpsemaker for Axe = $8, but I got it free.

                                                        4 items worth $31 to me, already over $25 value. I have 484 more items. I'm sure you understand. I'm also sure you will go on pretending not to understand. You will say that you would not give me $31 for these items but no one cares about that. I would not sell them to you for $500. I am keeping them; that also has nothing to do with their value. The value is what it would cost me to buy them. The one-of-a-kind items I got from tournament drops are priceless. I am the only one that will ever have them. But though you will just go on pretending to not get it...this will help the hundreds of other people who read everything I write to know they can get very nice items from drops in the game. Valve is very generous with their item drops. And battle bonuses can increase your rate of drops dramatically.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Even though I hate to agree with Casual, he is right. Store prices do not represent the value of items.

                                                          OT: Boost alone is worth the money, plus you get bunch of other goodies like courier, HUD, maybe even Immortal item in future. Value is extremely good considering how cheap it is.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Bot Tyrone

                                                            @Raqyee, immortal will most likely be worth very little, same as the HUD and courier given that there will be over 200,000 of them. It's unfortunate that Valve can abuse their consumers so easily, especially idiots like Relentless who thinks he is getting x20 more than he actually is.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            Sugar Show

                                                              NOT BUY IT!!! REASONS:
                                                              1- YOU "WILL NOT GET POINTS" THROUGH BETS (THIS AFFECT SMEEVIL COLOR AT END)
                                                              2- COST LIKE 1 HOUR FOR GET ONLY 6 VIEWS ON SMEEVIL(FUCKING BUGGS).
                                                              3- SMEEVIL EFFECT STARTS FROM #65 #130 AND #200 = 20H OF REPLAYS.
                                                              4- EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY HAVE THE SHITS ITEMS FROM THE BOOK, ARE HARD TO SELL.

                                                              Autism is great


                                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                  the great walls of dotabuff


                                                                    It means a lot, exp buff, free courier, free HUD skin, and much more as more players buy that shit

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      Actually it worths same as 4 keys on store. But when you sell everything it has inside , you get about 6 keys. In that thought it's worth it. But on the other hand it gives about nothing except BB. Other things are all cosmetics after all.

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Btw gotta love Relentless and Casual for keeping this forum alive. Love you guys <3


                                                                          2- COST LIKE 1 HOUR FOR GET ONLY 6 VIEWS ON SMEEVIL(FUCKING BUGGS).
                                                                          3- SMEEVIL EFFECT STARTS FROM #65 #130 AND #200 = 20H OF REPLAYS.

                                                                          LOL, you know you just only have to watch like a couple seconds of a replay for it to count. You don't need to watch the entire game. And this would only be minor inconvience for someone who hasn't been watching from the start. I missed a lot of the east games and it took me a total of 20 mins to download them and get them counted as watched.. and that was for 90% of the east games that have been played so far that I missed. Hardly 20hours.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            It's $10 man...Just buy it.

                                                                            Papa Het

                                                                              wow casual... I smell fat fedora neckbeard


                                                                                ^tell your mum to shave then?

                                                                                @Inspector, downloading the TI3 replays through the client is super slow, and quite frankly such a silly system. I don't know about you guys, but I watched most of the matches via GD Studio, to have to go back and spend ages DLing replays to play them for two seconds, is that meant to be a benefit or a slap in the face?

                                                                                I'm glad I didn't buy the thing, may as well spend it on another tourney or something

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  Buy only if you want the items (courier, battle bonus, hud). The compendium itself is done poorly.


                                                                                    I bought the compendium mainly because I enjoy Dota & like the work Valve are doing. People whining & complaining about how shit valve are need to calm down. This game would still be on WC3 if valve didn't step up.

                                                                                    No, they are not lazy. Valve are a busy company. Dota is not their only game. If anything, development has slowed down because as a development company, money is essential, & dota has already proved it can be a sustainable income for the company. So there is no pressure on getting the product complete, & they can return some of their attention to their other projects.


                                                                                      I bought it to support the game. I mean I give 50$+ for games I play for like 10-20 hours, why wouldn't I give 10$ for a game I played for 1k+ hours?

                                                                                      I don't use the courier because I have snowl, the hud is not that great, but the xp bonus for 90+ days is quite nice. Also if you watch the games live you are eligible for items drops (like you'd have pennants equipped).

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven