General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam Orbit Recruiting

Team Orbit Recruiting in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    We are a community named Team Orbit and we recently added DotA 2 to our sections. We are a new gaming assosiation trying to find members to join us and help us achieve our goals. To do so we need people not only to be skilled but we want them to be dedicated to our assosiation and willing to contribute to any possible way. We organize recruited people to squads and every squad has a captain who is responsible for the team, by arranging scrim matches, training strategies etc. and we host monthly in house tournaments for our teams and the winner team gets rewarded. We divide our members by section, Europe and North America, and each section has a leader to organize the activites within the assosiation. We have a plan, we have goals, we have nice people who working hard every day to help this clan make progress, so we need more members with same mentality as ours to help us achieve our goals ( which probably are the same with yours). Since we are new gaming assosiation, we are at the very first steps of this try to make it big but we have made a good progress so far and if you want to join us,have to keep this in mind, If you want to be part of our family and give us a try, then please visit:

    and make an application to the recruitement section.
    If you want to ask anything about us, feel free to pm me.



      Well since i cant talked here i need some time to talked to you would u mind adding me on steam???

        Tento komentář byl smazán

          I would like to enter the team if its possible. I always wanted to play competitive gaming. I am willing to improve myself and become better. I can take up any role. If you want to try me out just add me in steam. Server US west and east


            @sushii did u already added Dexterr if so go sign to this website and make an application there --->


              I'm down for this.
              Steam :
              skype:justin katalik