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General DiscussionI don't understand this MMR

I don't understand this MMR in General Discussion

    So I had a winning spree, went into high bracket for a match, ended my winning spree but yet my next match was in the very high bracket? I don't get it.

    Penis Monkey

      it's not based on your win rate at all, it's based on your performances within the game compared to your team mates and your opposition... but it's not on your scores, for example you score 8-9; but the rest of your team all scores 0-30, the opposition score roughly 30-2 each, but as you managed to score kills against those guys, with such massive feeders, you may have actually been a better player, thus your mmr will increase.


        Ah I see. So I lost that very high match, and I won the next match which was in high again. Very strange going from normal up to very high in the space of two games despite me not performing well in the match before very high.

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          No, your kda in the game is completely irrelevant. It's entirely strength of schedule and has absolutely zero consideration of in game stats.

          You will be placed in Normal, High, or Very High in a particular game depending on who you que with and who is in the pool to match you at the time. The higher your MMR the more likely you will be in High and Very High but it does not guarantee anything.

          If you and 4 other players whose MMR are in the top 5% que together then you will certainly be in a Very High game. But if you are top 10% and que with 1 guy who is top 2% and one guy who is 75% then you could be in any bracket depending on who sets up in the que against you.

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            As Relentless said, it depends on whom u que with/against, if u are playing in a party which got a rly gd player, then the chance that the game u play with him to be in very high bracket is higher

            I queued many games with my friends who are all <50% winrate and are considered to be terrible at this game, and they are in high bracket now (FINALLY)..


              I am a solo player :P not sure if that means anything, and according to what you say (the scores relative to teammates etc), I done alright in the MM's eyes in this match ?

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