General Discussion

General DiscussionEver had those games..

Ever had those games.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    That you barely won the game because its so competitive? and the next game its so one sided that you basically lose the game in the first 15 mins..

    ah.. such luck..


      no theres no such a thing as barely wining either ur losing and making big comeback with nice plays or enemy throws with stupid mistakes

      or u just win ez


        nope 6 char

        Bad Intentions

          well u guys probably stack with teams, lol.

          i play mostly alone and its really common for me :))

          actually 3 things,

          losing bad 50%
          winning easy 10%
          competitive game 40%

          sums it up basically :))

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            i play alone most of the time too

            Bad Intentions

              ^riiiiiiiiiiight lol


                i got another acount that i use for solo playing tbh

                this one i use for scrims/playing with noob friends


                  i'm hobo and dunno how to play


                    In almost 1000 games, I have to say that I've had less than 50 that were very close. Maybe 10 of those ended up lasting over 60 minutes & hinged on how many times every player could execute a teamfight without screwing up 1 or 2 spells. The first team to make a mistake in 2-3 teamfights in a row typically loses. That's when deceptive strategy comes into play. For example, If i'm playing Storm, & I notice that the enemy freaks out & throws all their spells at me, then I'll jump into them during a push, maybe even sacrificing my life so that my supports & carry can finish the fight unhindered by the smaller disables & combos.


                      It's either ur team is stomping, or their team is stomping, sometimes the game goes ultra late game and things become more competitive, most of the time if ur team comebacks or the enemy team starts throwing.


                        yea i get this alot where either my team is winning comfortably or their team is and we get cocky and start solo diving way too much feeding the enemy or not pushing after winning a team fight and the enemy ends up coming back to where the game shouldve ended at 30mins its now 60mins+ and then it is competitive