General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero to "main"?

Which hero to "main"? in General Discussion

    I'm looking to just find a hero to play and learn that I'd be able to play in every situation. What's a good hero for that?

    tveni tveni


        I don't get it - you don't play a single hero in every situation in League of Legends?

        tveni tveni

          Maining a hero is a league concept because they can pick the same hero in both teams and you have to unlock every hero so people just learn only a handful of ''champions''

          Not a case with dota though, you shouldn't be maining anything here

          Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

            Jakiro suites almost every situation in my opinion, but you should just random and play what you get.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              You can't pick the same hero in both games if you're playing ranked games. You can only play the same hero on both teams if it's "blind pick" which you play while leveling 1-30.

              Thanks, I'll try him out.


                Maining a support hero is the best choose you can have
                (By maining you don't mean play him in every game right :| ? )


                  By maining I mean trying to learn him the most and play that hero at every appropriate opportunity, so I can have a go-to hero.


                    Practice with bots for a while, and when you find a hero you like, play it for a while. I have a friend that started playing few months ago, and tried most heroes until he found Lanaya and Luna to play with as "main heroes". "Noob friendly" heroes in my opinion are tide, lich, viper or jungling enchantress.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Maining is just boring, get into Dota please.


                        If you're going to "main", you should main Chen, Lone druid, Meepo, Storm spirit, QOP, or SF. That being said, "maining" is an RPG concept & doesn't work too well in dota. General knowledge i typically much more important than hero-specific experience.


                          Rubick, Leshrac or some other hero that can fulfill multiple roles.

                          Josh  :D

                            I wouldn't put meepo, enchantress, chen, loan druid, or meepo on any early player.

                            Most of dota is situational. The same heros that would be great in some matches can be terrible in others. With that being said, there are some heros that are pretty easy and helpful in most situations. You probably want to find someone to go through the basics with you. Some pretty easy heros to start with are going to be supports:

                            -Crystal Maiden: Way fun in lane, will let you pin people down so the carry can kill them, gives everyone on your team mana, so that's always nice.
                            -Lich: Let's you pull the wave back and kill the other teams ability to get XP. EXCELLENT harass which you'll always have mana for because you're eating creeps.
                            -Keeper of the light: with the right hero to lane with you can just press e and click on them and they'll love you forever.

                            Buy a courier and wards with any of the above and your team will (or at least should) love you. If you take the time to learn to stack and pull you could be a great asset to a team. Spend some time practicing with bots on your last hitting and learn to farm effectively and you should be able to carry as well.


                              start by playing a support and buy chicken/wards

                              Sōu ka

                                theres no point in playing support in low level games,
                                wards are useless because nobody's watching the minimap anyway or checks runes on a regular basis and learning how to lasthit is actually a good practice for everything in dota including positioning, timing and control over the hero in general


                                  Listen to this guy^
                                  He is better than me with DS

                                  Sōu ka

                                    ? lmfao
                                    im better than you with every hero while playing with a steering wheel


                                      There are several heroes, whose skills can influence total game. Imho it is first of all Magnus,and other heroes with AOE spells. It doesn't mean, that some heroes will change the game (even if ur whole team is totally retarded), but they can give u a chance to change. I would suggest u to play solo mid role. It is the most important role in game. But playing Mid requires really good skill and game understanding.


                                        There are a handful of heroes that you can play in almost every match because of their flexibility/strength, but its not really recommended because its only when you begin to play different heroes and different roles that you start to understand the differences among heroes and how you should approach each decision you make in a game with regards to that.

                                        If you were to "main" a hero, and by that I hope you don't mean every match, but a go-to hero or something, don't listen to the shitheads telling you to pick heroes like CM.

                                        Heroes you could pick and would be decent in most games:

                                        -Shadow Demon. Without a doubt the best support in the game, every single one of his skills is ridiculous, counters half the hero pool and is the true god of tri-lanes, ganks, stacking (and clearing) and save yo carry ass in team fights.

                                        -Dark Seer. Incredibly strong and difficult to shut down hero in the lane, able to go to any lane or hit the jungle and still do incredibly well. Able to build up big items very quickly, and is amazing in team fights with Vacuum + Ultimate, I don't think I even need to mention how good Surge is at various points throughout games

                                        -Warlock. Hard to go wrong here, can play as a semi-carry of sorts, and is still a brilliant babysitting hero who still has massive impact in fights with Ultimate + Fatal Bonds. Upheaval, depending on your allies/enemies can also be an incredible ability early on.

                                        Lone Druid, Bat Rider, Clock, Wind Runner and Furion are all pretty decent choices too, do note that Furion can get easily shut down by a few enemies. I want to add Na'ix to this list but I haven't played him enough after the nerf, but pre-patch he was fucking godlike autowin no worries.


                                          main heroes that ur role requires

                                          like look @ admiral buildog pubstar who plays only offlane mainly lone druid and furion became one of the top world teams player by just playing good with couple heroes


                                            I like to play Sion and then go 20-0 before 20 mins then have them surrender and move on to the next game but sometimes you will get these "pro fan boys" who wont let you mid with sion and they dont understand the rampage he can do if you get 3 kills in 5 mins

                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                              skeletn king
                                              farm then right click to victory

                                              dookie daddy

                                                My suggestion is to start with a durable support, someone who won't die easy but is useful enough to secure kills and maybe set them up.

                                                Suggestions like jakiro are good.


                                                  siren can be used as support and carry ;) or leshrac fits in nearly every team


                                                    "siren can be used as support and carry", that sounds like a report

                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      I think support is the wrong term, "utility build" is the one that will earn you less reports.


                                                        Mirana, Templar Assassin and Death Prophet is my go to heroes if I'm at a lost on what to pick. Both mirana and templar assassin needs a bit of skill to play them but I remembered that there is a champion in LoL that has an arrow ulti which is the same as Mirana's arrow. So, if u r good with that champion, u might be able to play mirana as well.

                                                        Woof Woof

                                                          start from hardest shit like chen, enchantress, invoker and after you learn them to a decent level playing/mastering any other hero will be like walk in the park ( i would recommend having pool of 2/3 heroes you rly like to play and use them when you dont feel like playing to improve that day )

                                                          here you can practice invoking skills and shit


                                                            whatever you think is fun


                                                              Pancake too op
                                                              he is better than me with every hero while playing with a steering wheel!

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Rubick or Tide are kind of good heroes in the sense that they can lane everywhere easily. Or a Chen can wreck every game if you play well.


                                                                  Rooftrellen. Hero that can play all lanes and all roles and useful in every game. Also that 100 basic dmg is too good for lasthit even for a noob.


                                                                    my 1st heros i "main'd" were huskar sniper and ursa very noob friendly and taught me the fight or flight rule u either man up or fully run no in between type of gameplay learning the limits of some heros. huskar is just stupid fun after patch. sniper can sit in the back of fights and constantly mini stun some1. ursa can just run up on a poor support and destroy their face all 3 helped me stick to dota


                                                                      Don't main heroes, if someone else picks it, you're screwed. Also there isn't a one-size fits all hero that can do everything. The closest to that would be Invoker, who's very versatile, but he's difficult to play for a new player, and he isn't a late game carry either.

                                                                      I would suggest you pick like 12 heroes to get good at, 4 from each attribute pool, Strength, Agility and Intelligence, and balance between carries and supports. For agility however, there's more carries than supports, and for Intelligence, there are more supports than carries.

                                                                      I'm not going to tell you what to play, but if you're good with Bounty Hunter, it's a good pick imo against Drow Rangers, Snipers or Rikis, which are very common picks in public matches, because of his Track ability, which shows the location of a hero even if invisible (most pubstar Drows and Snipers go Shadow Blade). And these heroes are weak as hell if you know where they are.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        if you suck you should pick a jungler
                                                                        that way you wont feed and get items
                                                                        i recommend lycan


                                                                          Maining is great if you are starting out. Don't listen to the all the nay-sayers. I started with lina and tiny to learn the mechanics. Lina is great because it has the spam to fight/farm you are used to in league. Tiny requires teamwork and coordination to be successful so he is a good learning tool, albeit a difficult one. I took my game to the next level through playing sven, He has simple mechanics, is versatile (can carry, support, gank, tank, etc.) and you can try out many different builds with him. You can play him in every game and be useful regardless, because you can fulfill any role and having an aoe stun on the team is always a plus

                                                                          Once you get the mechanics of the game down (50-100 games) drop your main and start randoming in your non-competitive games


                                                                            I find mirana can be a very flexible hero and can fit most line-ups as a semi-carry imo. It has 2 escape abilities, one awesome stun and a aoe dmg for pushing and dmging enemies. Her ulti is also very powerful for running away, setting up ganks and playing mind games during team battles.


                                                                              Skeleton King only has 2 active abilities (he used to have 1, which was a stun before patch 6.78, but he got nerfed hugely so now you've got 100% more buttons to press)

                                                                              Basically, his first ability is a single target stun, second is passive lifesteal, third is a critical strike passive, and an added extra active that temporarily drains 20% of someone's max HP, and his ultimate is a free Aegis if you have 140 mana for it.

                                                                              If you don't die pre-level 6, you shouldn't die until mid-game and only if you get chain stunned or something and your ultimate is on cooldown. The hero is ridiculously easy to play, and he's a decent damage dealer too. You can get the Armlet on him if you want, but it's just another button to press.

                                                                              If your team already has carries, pick a good support, such as Lich. All you have to do is deny creeps with Sacrifice, and use the mana you get from Sacrifice to spam your Frost Blast spell. If two enemy heroes are together, use your ultimate which does the most damage when there's only two people because it bounces between enemies. Also noobs don't realise the best counter is to run away from each other to stop it bouncing.

                                                                              There's also Lion. Once you get level 6, that's pretty much a guaranteed kill for you. You can keep someone disabled for up to 6.5 seconds once your skills are maxed out, you have a skill that gives you mana so you can spam your skills too, and your ult does 600 magic damage, so once someone's down to 450 HP, press R and click on them. 450 HP is like 70% of most heroes HP pools early on, so they won't expect to die. Take Sniper for example,a common pub pick. At level 6 he's going to have around 600 HP. You could kill him from full HP with just your stun (which deals damage too) and your ultimate. That's how insanely powerful you are early game.

                                                                              Don't play just these three heroes either,
                                                                              This guide should give you a rough idea of easy heroes for new players. Most of them have stuns that don't miss, and stuns are what get easy kills during the early game.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                                                Well said.


                                                                                  acutally siren can be used as a support very well but ofc u dont know that if u only play wisp


                                                                                    Meepo, main meepo
                                                                                    He is gd in every situation, to get ez loses
                                                                                    He is countered by not much heroes, only like 80 ones, nothing more


                                                                                      Invoker! No other hero gives me the adrenaline rush! Burn 2400 mana in spells within 30 seconds is quite intense!


                                                                                        3 heroes.
                                                                                        Axe - If your team needs a tank
                                                                                        Huskar - right click to win
                                                                                        Windrunner - Utility support

                                                                                        By maining these 3 heroes, you can play in every role while learning to play other heroes as well


                                                                                          hvnt seen huskar win a single game ever since new patch


                                                                                            ^lol you retard then


                                                                                              Huskar is great now! Just don't play against tinker or timber.


                                                                                                blink + agha + ghost scepter huskar is the thing now

                                                                                                tveni tveni

                                                                                                  huskar is retardedly broken and pretty much the best hero to 1v5 a game right now


                                                                                                    how come noone ever picks him then ?

                                                                                                    as far as i remember when lycan was broken as fuck he was top pub pick

                                                                                                    same with drow

                                                                                                    nowadays u don't see lycan nor drow too much neither u see huskar either atleast the games i play in (solo que mostly)