General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for CM mates

Looking for CM mates in General Discussion
Josh  :D

    It's to the point where I'm sick of getting a handful of randoms that completely screw a match, even if I'm in a three man. Not necessarily looking to make a team, just get a group of folks that can all queue together when schedules permit.

    If you check my stats you'll see a ton of drow, most of that is because when I first started I played her a ton. At this point I'm a much more well rounded player. I can solo offlane, carry, jungle, and gank.

    If you think Riki or Drow need to get banned in CM, we're not on the same page.

    US East/West, use skype, usually play evenings/late night. Already have a handful of folks I queue with, just looking to add to the list.

    If you're interested, add me on steam.

    Note: If you're not a great player and want to learn to play more effectively, that's totally fine. We all start off as noobs :)

    50% winrate

      520 games with drow, lawd what did you do poor soul

      Josh  :D

        Those were probably my first 600 matches, I'm over 2,000 now :)

        Pandamonium(You Died)

          add me
          Im kindof busy right now, will start playing sometimes this/next week
          Also riki dual mid
          gg no re

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            add me wishypoop
            used to play inhouse leagues n shit in dota 1 now just pub dota 2 im about to kill myself


              add me gucci9ers


                add me i play only cm
                also got skype


                  You've got <2kda carries ?
                  Learn to play then blame others.
                  100% that is your fault.


                    cm pubs waste of time


                      add me if u want.... i win like 90% of cm games when 5 stack