General Discussion

General DiscussionOFFLANER/Support NEEDED

OFFLANER/Support NEEDED in General Discussion
Arabian Lion

    ok we hav 4 players and we all are playing dota since 4 years or more... we hav good comp exp...we need someone with comp exp either on the offlane role or the suport caller role... he should be experienced for calling... one thing we hate is flaming... no need for flamers here... EU servers...

    dookie daddy

      EU East or West?


        i am a player that specifies in playing off lane. I have a lot of off laning experience in competitive and in pubs. I also watch a lot of competative

        Emily Ratajkowski <3

          I am offlane player or jungler (Chen, Eanchantress). 2 years in Starcraft, 6 years in WC Dota, 1 year in Dota 2.

          Beetle juice

            I am support... can play offlane well... I have a bit comp exp and I have played dota 2 for 1 year and dota 1 for 3 years


              Hi guys. I (have to) play support on pubs very often (especially WD, Dazzle, Jakiro, Tide as Semi-support etc.).
              I have more than 1 year experience with DotA 2 and 4 years exp with DotA 1 =)


                I'm a good offlaner with exp back to the 5.84c patch. Played for 8 years or so. I have been in online tournements and played with players that are now in the best teams in the world. Let me know if you want to play.

                Arabian Lion

                  btw i dnt need flamers at all... strting with a team always has some issues and flamers hav no place in tht

                  Arabian Lion

                    i chek dota2 less often so whosoever is interested feel free to add me i will try u out