Eventually you'll get more then 1 bad team mate.
On my last winning streak I had bad team on game 5 and games 6, 7, 8 were quite ok (I had good team). Then I lost the 9th game.
Maybe you'll be put on a higher bracket or something. I went on a winning streak once, then I was put on a higher bracket. When that happened, I got a nasty losing streak. rofl *hangs head in shame*
won 4 in a row got 10wins player on my team ofc norm after 3/4 game streaks = no wards / even thou we had gandalf wr and shadow shaman + mid puck
dota 2 has no brackets
only difference is that u start looking for games from different rating but if u wait long enough which in dota 2 mm case is 15seconds+ you are going to get retarded games
12/13 games win, today 3/11:D Lost every game where i didnt go mid.
Got barathrums charging solo into whole team, jakiros missing 9/10 ice pathes.. all matchmaking can throw at me:O
@australian I never get broodmother on my games.
Abaddon on my team have helped my wins, nubs keep attacking him on borrowed time. One time he's on enemy team, that player went derp mode and bought radiance.
i will summon all the negative energy in the universe so that you wont get that 10th win :]
volvo guy saw this and gave you just one more win to mess with your mind before opening the gate to hell.
cheek the winrate of this guy, is negative!. He isn't winning , he is just not losing again.
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will i lose next?