General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch maker UPDATE !

Match maker UPDATE ! in General Discussion
Woof Woof

    - People who decline Matchmaking are temporarily restricted from searching for 45 seconds.
    - Parties are more likely to be matched against other similarly sized parties.
    - When matching parties, the matchmaker now also considers the minimum experience level on both teams rather than just the average.
    - Reduced the average skill variance in games where there are 10 individual players.
    - Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count.
    - Fixed a bug that would cause excessive queue times, especially for large parties or high skill players.

    share your thoughts brothers

    keep in mind it took them only 1.5year to do it


      when my buddy and i stack, we get que-ed with 3 other players that have less than 50 wins. and against players with 900. this happens consistently. i've even played with a person with 0 wins...


        fucking finaly it was taking 20+ minutes for me to find a game

        hopefully it will get reduced now

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Safe Base

          Finally, it took them a long time to update MM. It was so broken, probably still not good enough though.

          Points 1 and 2 are obviously good.
          Point 3 could lead to more smurf^n winrate hoarders.
          Point 4 is good, no reason why the variance is so big with individual queuing.
          the other points are all good.

          It definitely needs more work but good start. Except maybe point 3.


            - Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count.

            so thats means no more people with 20 wins?

            h u l t o n

              Decent fix to match making. Nice job!

              Woof Woof

                hopefully winstreaks wont bring worse players over and over :{


                  Hopefully we'll get a visible mmr or some sort of a system next...


                    - Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count.

                    so low win players will play with low wins or what?

                    edit: fixed my ass, i played a game with a shitty smurf and ended up in a game with 500+ wins.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      I've having more terribly matched games then ever before. I use to be High skill but then I went on a slump of bad teams demoted to normal, and now it just gets worse and worse. I had a really nice win steak going followed by a shit team streak. I know games can sometimes swing heavily if one team takes advantage of the early game snowball but I've been matched with people with 60 wins and I have 700+ That to me is just silly.


                        Can't wait for this update to be deployed in SEA!

                        Queuing solo is fine for now, but incomplete parties (2-4) always result in bad matchups. Let's hope this update fixes things!

                        DMT: Dumbfuck Moron Teamm...

                          If your account gets dropped outta high, make a new one. Its miserable in the 95% population. This patch doesnt really address much, maybe some minor glitches. The ranking needs more divisions and seperation.


                            maybe they could implement a system where one can choose to have a casual game or a competitive one.

                            or maybe one can categorize himself as noob, average, decent, and so on. but to be noob you need to have more losses than wins and you are a feeder or something. like when i have a game of 0 kills and 20 deaths i can be a noob. cause personally it is hard to play against players way better than me and have my team blame me for everything.


                              lol, except for first and last point I was sure these are already in game.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                I've noticed it seems to automatically move me into solo queue sometimes when I'm on my own, according to in game dota match history

                                Woof Woof

                                  patch with updated mm isnt in game yet


                                    but it is patched, when you don't accept or forget to, you have to wait 45 seconds to find a match again


                                      It just patched when you posted.

                                      I hope these changes make a real difference. Maybe I will be able to get some decent solo que games.

                                      Finding people in solo que seems to be the most effective way to add more friends. But my MMR was giving me teams of 3 or 4 feeders so many times. That minimum experience change could make a big difference.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Woof Woof

                                        there is new dev on forum that seems to be responsible for mm (or its eric with new account Lol) hopefully he wont be as retarded as Eric

                                        his nick is fletcher
                                        "If you guys post some Match ID's I might be able to either explain why the match was formed, or else get some data to help adjust numbers in the matchmaker. "

                                        so if someone has rly retarded one sided games go post on forum and send him a message

                                        here is his breakdown of one mid posted by random user


                                        The game looks pretty balanced to me. The Elos are all relatively close. Here are the Elo's on the two teams:

                                        R D
                                        3172 3047
                                        2918 2958
                                        2810 2804
                                        2788 2720
                                        2409 2508

                                        Now it's a pretty big spread between 2409 and 3172, and it is a legitimate question to ask why in the world would we put people together with that big of a skill differential. The answer is that we didn't. The Radiant had a 4-stack which covered that range (the highest and lowest Elos on the Radiant were in the same party). We matched them with two 2-stacks on the Dire. One of the two-stacks had the highest and lowest Elos for the Dire, and the other two stack was in 2 of the middle slots. You were a single who was also in the middle, and there was also a single on the Radiant, also in the middle of the Elo range.

                                        So, the average Elos of all the parties were pretty close. And, player-by-player, each team had somebody on the opposing team of roughly equal skill. Given that 4 stack with the big skill spread, I think it's hard to come up with a better way to get them into a game.

                                        Would you mind being a bit more specific about what you think could have been better?

                                        Note: all of the players had sufficient experience such that we rely almost entirely on Elo. (We do not consider a player with 75 wins to be a "noob".) In this match, there was no correlation between the Win count and the Elo. Perhaps 75 is too low of a number? We have some pretty good data that suggests that it's not. But averages and numbers often don't tell the whole story. "

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        waku waku

                                          i ended up playing with a 900+ wins invoker on my team after this update, unfortunately my team also had venomancer that engaged 3 heroes by himself so we lost


                                            nope still broken still queing solo for 10++++ mins

                                            Woof Woof

                                              "If you want to avoid this situation and not matched with parties, try the solo queue. We've solved several problems that were causing long wait times and low quality matches. (We should have mentioned that in the patch notes.) "

                                              Woof Woof

                                                "Yes, we use a Elo-type system. We have data that shows that it correlates well with a number of quality metrics.

                                                Showing players their Elo has proven to cause a lot of unwanted behaviour. (The same problems exist in Chess.)

                                                We know that there really is value in knowing how the match was formed, and even in knowing which players were the best, and also who was partied up with whom. It helps to analyze your own skill and try to understand how to get better. We are actively working to try to figure out what data we CAN provide to players (perhaps after the match) to help them do this analysis, without causing too many of the undesirable effects I mentioned. Right now, if there's a steamroll, people look at the only data available to them, which is totally understandable. Also, I believe that there have been problems in the past where it was not doing a good enough job segregating truly inexperienced players from experienced players. We've improved on that. However, our definition of "new player" probably doesn't match exactly with many players. (Their definition is often: "the other guy has fewer wins that I do.") And we have to deal with smurfs and players coming in from other games in the genre, where win count is definitely totally unrelated to the skill level of the player."

                                                Woof Woof

                                                  ^^^ 5minutes here with AP + english + solo for first invitation while there is 255k on
                                                  and my elo is way lower than yours


                                                    so thats the problem

                                                    high "MMR" = harder to find equal enemies = much bigger waiting times it used to take aprox 20 mins on average to find a match

                                                    this update was supposed to fix this issue but i still wait shit tons of time to find match when soloing :/

                                                    guess i should just make new account and solo play on it

                                                    Woof Woof

                                                      After 3 solo games only thing i can say is new match maker is piece of shit
                                                      same garbage as before threw 10random players with huge mmr spread in same game and its same story now

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      Woof Woof

                                                        best part here is i am playing on garbage level like page 50+ and yet this shit cant create proper game

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Hakuna Matata

                                                          I still get people with 1000+ games on my team and against me when I play random draft or single draft. Maybe those are the only ones who play this mode o.O (I have played 120 games).

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            cba to post link but over 90%of online playerbase play ap ( source is somehwere on dotametric )

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              i am getting tired of game dodging, every game someone has 100 wins or 150 what the fuck i ask


                                                                If you stop staring at the win numbers of other players, you might start to actually enjoy the game.


                                                                  lmao one of my smurfs with 4 wins ended up vs 1k win players

                                                                  :D:D:D:D::D #valve #usa

                                                                  Spinach Rag

                                                                    45 seconds is hardly a deterrent. I think 20 minutes is a better time frame.

                                                                    유재석 Yoomes Bond!


                                                                      20+ wins v 1.1k wins #volvo

                                                                      Woof Woof

                                                                        hontrashplayereu solo mm or normal?


                                                                          So what? That guy with 2k games probably is not better then you with 40 games on this account and few thousands on dota 1 + dota 2.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          Rainbow Swag

                                                                            Garbage. Still doesn't work right at all.

                                                                            유재석 Yoomes Bond!

                                                                              yes thats true, but even my friends who just started dota with ~100 wins are being matched with ~500-800 wins peeps who have much more experience than them and usually its a 1 sided game, so win count can be a factor too.

                                                                              They should match players according to similar skill levels + win count, would be much better imo, rather wait a bit longer for a better game.

                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                Valve patches took like 7 fixes to report system and its still broken
                                                                                match maker first fix still broken

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  "I've gotten several private messages, I cannot answer them all. I'm not going to give out anybody's MMR."

                                                                                  competitive to the bone


                                                                                    normal mm


                                                                                      Keep in mind, that i'm getting 50 wins russians in my team.... I have like 1600 games (of course thsi doesn't mean anything, but i should not get 50 wins teammates)

                                                                                      p.s. almost all my games were in very high bracket... but with 50 wins teammates.... oh vulva

                                                                                      LUV U VULVA

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                      Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                                                        im sorry tell you but mm is dead guys. there is no way to win when you queue solo now

                                                                                        Woof Woof


                                                                                          its time for change brothers!

                                                                                          go and vote for visible mmr