General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    + : i think u try improving some new heroes since u not playing your most played heroes this week at all and its good enough , keep it up
    - : sometimes you pick heroes weirdly that i even don't know the potential with such teammate and enemy in certain condition (blind guess cause im not seeing the pick phase) 1 example look the ta from latest match.


      double post

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      Bad Intentions

        Good: Your last lion game was very effective
        Bad: Your last weaver game was a complete disaster

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          g: always commenting me, nice kdas
          b: silencer spamer

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              + : amazing performance from your 10 latest games , doing well in ranked so far.
              - : doing bad when play 5-6 games in a row (50% winrate from game from 6 ,9, 10 and 12 days ago) wonder why?

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                4.8k current. Friend gave me this account @ 3k. Got to 4.8k with cm only. will start to play ap after 5k.
                First 415 games on this acc weren't played by me.
                Never calibrated on my original acc. It's lvl 10 :-P

                NextStep ®

                  @Wassup' nigga!?

                  G: VHS, > 2k games,

                  B: lame username, 15 losing streak.


                    + : SEA beast , 2nd rank undying on top player, lich 76th
                    - : play same hero over and over again , time to mastering another one or two lol

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                        +: Nice overall winrate, good support player but your last games says that you are quite flexible.
                        - : Most played hero with 50% wr, support, but still your most played one


                          + : bright support and doing well on mid too
                          - : pick weirdly sometimes , like aa or kotl. didnt think that 2 got good impact these day. i dont know if it good with necropos or wat but 2 of your last game with AA got it as team. or maybe it used good on IO coz it got it as enemy both games too

                          P.S.: this one for meka guy , ignore me and just comment han solo guy

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            G. Playing supp recently climbing mmr? B. Play ur most played heroes agen


                              good: kotl most played and nice wr with him
                              bad: invoker wr

                              Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                good: ta god
                                bad : ruski pudga


                                  good: omg io <3 i can be ur ursa :')

                                  bad: tinkerino :((((


                                    g: nice winrate, probable over 4.6k smurf, nice tinker :p

                                    b: smurf? idk


                                      ^ 5.1

                                      smurf ye


                                        @efextoide the sloth

                                        G: EArth Spirit i guess and a decent tinker
                                        B: Pudge hooks and invo


                                          g:invoker w/ nice KDA
                                          b:NORMAL skill

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            g: i noticed ur last enigma game was effective
                                            b: ur last tb game was an utter failure


                                              G - Overall w/r
                                              B - 35 heroes unplayed


                                                Good:plays earth spirit to great success.
                                                Bad:Fucking Little shit playes ES pls nerf OP.


                                                  good: pretty solid winrates on top heros
                                                  bad: you either go like 20-2 or 2-20


                                                    good: axe fun hero
                                                    bad: smurf who stacks with other smurfs


                                                      + : good sense on pick and flexible role i think. have much potential
                                                      - : 1 game a day or less


                                                        G: pretty good suuports (last few matches) and a decent kda on top heroes
                                                        B: ahhhhhhh Zeus picker.. Go kill urself

                                                        NextStep ®

                                                          G: Invoker

                                                          B: normal skill, Australia server, only carry

                                                          Rektdalf the White

                                                            G: top 2 undying - good stats are obvious here, good winrates and decent KDA's on other heroes too
                                                            B: cmon play more heroes , love me some 0,13 KDA on timber :)


                                                              G: Too high KDA on most of heroes, tryharding in ranked
                                                              B: Normal skill, dont like your razor build


                                                                G: Shitvoker, SanKing, Jakiro, Sniper

                                                                B: Mirana, Rubick(pls stop playing rubick!),Wind


                                                                  G: good shadowfiend player

                                                                  B: bad winrate, picks only cancer heroes ( tb, void, slark, pudge )


                                                                    G: Very good Ranked winrate.

                                                                    B: Holy shit, dude? All heroes below 50%, epic low winrate.. :'(


                                                                    Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                                                      added :)

                                                                      good: Dat sf
                                                                      bad: bad wr on unranked matches

                                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                          G; Support player and a decent abba
                                                                          B: few carries and plays support


                                                                            + : know to play "safe" and not feed
                                                                            - : normal skill bracket will hurt your pride if u have one


                                                                              G: Winrate, Very High Skill

                                                                              B: So close to my deny record, but not quite


                                                                                G~Tinker~kda. Es~kda. Winrate on both
                                                                                B~carry stats~Void, Spec and bad rubik!

                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  G: Play to your strenghts.
                                                                                  B: Sub 50%


                                                                                    Nice support givin teammates hope
                                                                                    Hahah support life worst life

                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                      B:Account buyer.
                                                                                      G:Likely an early suicide due to psychological problems in your future.


                                                                                        Wtf account buyer hahahahaha.. Too much sniffing drugs it's ruining your life m8

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                                          I misread as Hael. My bad, lol. I thought he was back for an odd sec.


                                                                                            + : know to play support
                                                                                            - : same heroes everytime


                                                                                              + good player overall. Looks like can play support and carry.
                                                                                              - bad @ denies


                                                                                                G, zeus and space cow!! My fav xxaxa
                                                                                                B, below 50% wr in normal skill,wtf


                                                                                                  Good: dat Meepu
                                                                                                  Bad: Shadow fiend. I cri every tiem

                                                                                                  Nice Guy

                                                                                                    G : A for Morph/Weaver
                                                                                                    B : your AM dies too much :D

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