General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    G: nice winrates on top heros
    B: Gondar stats absolutly appaling

    The Nugget Collector

      G: Very high skill, and top played heroes are a varied bunch :D
      B: Man you need more CM in your life!


        G: Nice winrate, cutest account name, cute avatar, most played hero is CM!!!!
        B: That PA winrate :(

        Cancer Malaria

          G: Gondar overall winrate is above 50%
          B: Ranked winrate below 50%

          monk, tibetan

            G: Jakiro and Necro wr, ranked wr
            B: horrid zeus wr

            Shadows Die Twice

              G: wr

              B: A lot of deaths. Gl with 3.5k max calibration m8 xD


                B: LUL

                Shadows Die Twice

                  Didn't play that game at all xD





                      G: obviously good midlaner
                      B: qop issues bruh? :D


                        G: that brew meepo and zeus LUL
                        B: that magnus tho 48% winrate after 200+ games?


                          G ass lover
                          B 5month ago past match


                            G : high winrate
                            B : with high winrate, what are you doing at normal brackett?

                            Cruel SummeR

                              G: woah. nice treant gaming! even in your past games you're good D:
                              B: i kinda hate treant


                                G: some of my favourite heroes among your most played, along with a great wr for them!
                                B: wifi dude as avatar

                                beastie girl

                                  G: high wr on most of your heroes

                                  B: LC jungle


                                    G: sup with 50% wr is kinda good and most of ur most picked sups hve good wr

                                    B: didnt dig in too much but seems like you aint a great carry and also with 50% wr u'r just getting back to where u were. Also an important one is most of them picks isnt meta and doesnt seem like u got a limited-meta hero pool

                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                      + Lost only one game

                                      - Smurf with 10 games lul


                                        G: dat winrate with 300 more wins last games kreygasm
                                        B: smurf with 10 games lul

                                        CCP THUGS FREE YOUNG THUG

                                          Good: Has higher skill than me (very likely)
                                          Bad: Win rate and has filthy ember as his most played

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            + BH, AA, Ruptor

                                            - low amount of ranks, lots of abandons


                                              +5000 mmr above but where is your blue star and your page is beautiful af
                                              - 52 winrate ranked

                                              i commend

                                                + Winrate, Good Carry
                                                - MMR (might be a smurf)

                                                Shadows Die Twice

                                                  G: XPM

                                                  B: 3.5k mmr xD


                                                    G: Average amount of kills is twice an average amount of deaths.

                                                    B: Can't think of this one out.

                                                    Impulsive 3k addict.


                                                      G: good winrate on multiple heroes, maybe even soloq.

                                                      B: //

                                                      You only stomp kids. You mightve made an alt to farm ubranked stats?

                                                      I que with 2k friends and lost 20+ team mmr matches straight. I also have bad ld/furion/abandon stats from many years ago.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        G: wins with support
                                                        B: plays np, loses with np, sub 50% winrate in general (by a hair) and on ur top 2 heroes



                                                          I haven't unlock ranked matchmaking yet hence all unranked that you noticed and the opponent's tendency to use invisibility as a mean to strike me first make them easy for me to predict their move then catch them overextending using detection item that's why I have a good winrate on multiple heroes although I doubt it will last long if I somehow get matched with a better opponent in the future.

                                                          Skip me please.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                            G: Dank theorycrafter
                                                            B: Hasn't actually played dota in like 6 months and is thirsty for white ass LUL


                                                              G: Support player, 60% winrate, VHS
                                                              B: 50+ unplayed heros


                                                                G: Very nice winrates on top10 heroes
                                                                B: That Drow KDA :(

                                                                Cruel SummeR

                                                                  G very nice kda and winrates on your top heroes :)
                                                                  B Slark picker :(

                                                                  KTT Pongu

                                                                    G : great winrates in you're top 10 heroes list
                                                                    B : Still in normal skill

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      + Ranked win rate

                                                                      - can't find anything other than being 4k LUL



                                                                        G: Dem Slark
                                                                        B: Sad x17 Losing Streak. I feel u


                                                                          G invoker
                                                                          B winrate on everything else


                                                                            The good
                                                                            I really like how you have positive winrate on the heroes you like/good at. Not to mention overall winrate and I believe you are a really above average player.

                                                                            The bad
                                                                            I can't seem to identify anything bad. Your stats are something I would like to reach one day.


                                                                              The good:
                                                                              High mmr and you play your heroes pretty decent (winrate wise) i would love to get to your mmr someday

                                                                              bad: small hero pool, to get a higher winrate overall i think you need to understand every hero. So maybe do the all hero challenge in unranked? Maybe you get some heroes you like to, to get a wider veriaty on your hero pool

                                                                              Part Of Me

                                                                                Pretty nice global winrate.
                                                                                Well i guess you try very hard to be a good es player. Train harder!

                                                                                Negative Mental Attitude

                                                                                  top three heroes have 60%+ winrates with over 100 matches each ,53% lifetime winrate in ranked
                                                                                  2k mmr with 3k games because the majority of your games-2k- are in unranked
                                                                                  only considering it bad because i like tryharding :D

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    Good: 63% radiant wr
                                                                                    Bad: 48.5% dire wr

                                                                                    Mike Ehrmantraut Gaming

                                                                                      Good: Excellent overall winrate
                                                                                      Bad: poor winrate on PA especially since she is your most played hero.

                                                                                      Gits McTee

                                                                                        good no mk
                                                                                        bad picks slarks

                                                                                        queen's speech

                                                                                          G: ta
                                                                                          B: ember

                                                                                          Forget me not
                                                                                            Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                                                            Forget me not

                                                                                              Good : nice winrate and kda. Fucking 7.41 at WK.
                                                                                              Bad : from your game in this last monthbi can say you are not very good at supporting.


                                                                                                + Impressive winrate on top 3 heroes, good diversity between support and core
                                                                                                - 16 games in one day? bruh..


                                                                                                  good teroblade and versatile role
                                                                                                  bad morph winrate with awesome kda

                                                                                                  Se ta verde n foi o´Brina
                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                                      Slark picker lul :p nah good winrate overall and very strong spectre, i guess you spammed him in badman time?

                                                                                                      Bad- i cant see anything really