General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Glorious Living armor everywhere!
    Bad: God damn living armor everywhere...


      Good: Very nice Jakiro!
      Bad: other supports seem lacking....


        good: Most played heroes seem random
        Bad: Loves Pussycats

        Sexy Vicious

          Good: Nice KDA on many heroes

          Bad: Not nice to noobs

          Horsing around

            Good: good Kdr with supports
            Bad: Bad solomid

            jess the goat

              Good: good invoker

              Bad: need improvement on pudge


                Good: Funny profile picture! Good winning rate with difficult heroes.

                Bad: losing streak is larger than winning streak. And only have two friends. =(

                jess the goat

                  Good: insane lycan bro

                  Bad: Seems to only have decent experience on about 1-3 heroes or so.

                  Oh and I have more than 2 friends, they just are not on dotabuff:P


                    Good: Above decent mid lane player. Always, ALWAYS welcome.

                    Bad: Beep Boop orb of light died too much.


                      Good: good crystal maiden!

                      Bad: Bfury on juggernaut


                        Good : Nice nyx and clockwerk.
                        Bad : Invoker WR


                          Good: Disruptor got buffed.. your win rate should go up !

                          Bad: You need to play more heroes.

                          Saudi Prince

                            Ignore Low game count made new account...

                            ^good A support player cool! And a good winrate with cm

                            Bad Losing win % with one of your friends :(

                            ARJAY =)

                              Good: overall winrate
                              Bad: NP most last hit game, drained all the carry's farm just to kill 1 (one) hero


                                Very Good Winrate!!
                                Bad jungler

                                Airi ♥

                                  Good: solid aiming heroes (WR, Mirana), versatile on picks
                                  Bad: winrate could be better (-16 margin)

                                  best of luck man!

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Good: Nice winrate with your most played heroes, which are all cool in my book.

                                    Bad: 22 deaths Axe.


                                      Good: Wins a lot with the imba support/semi-carry pub heroes.

                                      Bad: Carries?


                                        good: WR
                                        Bad: plays alot of doom (hero i dont like vsing much)

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Good: Invoker !
                                          Bad: KDA on Bounty Hunter.


                                            good:impressive kda on top heroes!
                                            bad:lost a game with 45.6k net worth


                                              Good: decent winrate on lone druid.
                                              Bad: low amount of games.

                                              Ben Dover

                                                Good : successfully carries his team to victory, i wouldn't mind having you on my team to carry given the amount of bad carries i meet in MMR that i have to babysit.
                                                Bad : Questionable item builds , you built midas for a tidehunter in a game you lost. and another game with tide with 3 ghost scepters.


                                                  Good: Jakiro and Undying among most played :D

                                                  Bad: Longer loss streak than winstreak.

                                                  ARJAY =)

                                                    Good: solid supporting winrate!

                                                    Bad: low GPM and XPM record considering your long dota 2 game mileage

                                                    jess the goat

                                                      Good: good win rate

                                                      bad: 0% win rate and very low kda on one of your top heroes


                                                        Good: That huskar though
                                                        Bad: Need more games.


                                                          Good: Plays a lot.
                                                          Bad: Lose a lot.

                                                          Dr. Knees

                                                            Good: You play a lot of support and seem like you have a generally good time with it.

                                                            Bad : You seem to shy away from every other role, try something new :D


                                                              Good: Win rate with Invoker.
                                                              Bad: 7 matches in a row lost.


                                                                Good: Varied roles and play styles in most played
                                                                Bad: I can't really see anything bad at all! Good job.


                                                                  Good: Mid lane heroes are good.

                                                                  Bad: Mortred's winrate.


                                                                    gud, ur alright dota
                                                                    bad, not good dota


                                                                      Good nice winrate
                                                                      Bad Only plays carrys

                                                                      PMA player

                                                                        good: nice winrate and games
                                                                        bad: need more games!


                                                                          gut: hex on tinker basically
                                                                          bad: low kda with puck. that hero it's a master of dodging death

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            good: hmm his friends
                                                                            bad: nextlvl tryhard

                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                              Good: Winrate
                                                                              Bad: Needs a good team to succeed


                                                                                Good: nice KDAs
                                                                                Bad: I hate most of your top heroes

                                                                                positive influence

                                                                                  good:dat tinker
                                                                                  bad:how does one have 38 on am :( ?

                                                                                  jess the goat

                                                                                    good:steady mid player

                                                                                    Bad: those kdas...... and how does one have 38 on pudge:( ?

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                                                      positive influence

                                                                                        pudge is my absolute hated hero,i hate that fucking shit,kdas...well i die a lot,workin' on that
                                                                                        bad:i hate small people(hobbit xd )


                                                                                          Good: Decent mid heroes.

                                                                                          Bad: 22 deaths YOLO spirit.

                                                                                          Sexy Vicious

                                                                                            Good: Support use and KDA

                                                                                            Bad: Not enough cowbell

                                                                                            Airi ♥

                                                                                              Good: solid WD, Sand King and CM, i like it!

                                                                                              Bad: best lasthitting and denies count on the lower side, not ideal for mid lane

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                Good: Nice KDA/WR on your featured heroes

                                                                                                Bad: Work on your non featured heroes. You probably play good support but some of the support heroes that are not featured seem to be in pretty bad shape.


                                                                                                  good: i like snoopy ^-^
                                                                                                  bad: learn 2 solo q


                                                                                                    good: good with women (6/7 heroes top played heroes are girls o-O), especially on mirana and drow
                                                                                                    bad: can improve a little on win rate

                                                                                                    Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                                                                      good: 82 kda with od (very skill, wow) / overall win rate
                                                                                                      bad: pleb account