General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Fancy Footwork

    Bad: NUB PUGNA

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      Good: Jugg and decent winrate =)
      Bad: Pudge and invoker


        Good: Invoker KDA
        Bad: Invoker Winrate

        Eric Kamezou

          Nice alch

          low KDA for the rest

          Have a cow

            good: U ARE DOOMED
            bad: carrypicker

            Bad Intentions

              ^power ranger
              negative wr

              Donald Duck

                Good: playing Skeleking a lot recently
                Bad: top 2...


                  Good: bounty winrate is nice
                  Bad: overall winrate under 50% not very good


                    Good: Winning strike.
                    Bad: Nature prophet ( hate him ) :(

                    Overall, good


                      good: most TD as bloodcyka
                      bad: dat bloodcyka wr


                        good: drow winrate
                        bad: low cs in most games


                          good: mid player and br doto
                          bad: low records and br doto


                            good tinker
                            bad am


                              good abuser
                              bad player

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                good: slark
                                bad: most of the people dodgin you cuz of russian name


                                  Good: Nice winrates on games and on heroes, the record page
                                  Bad: Gotta make that lifestealer and winrunner(windranger) winrate go 60% it's just doesn't fit in there with the others.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    bad: top 2 heroes are lame

                                    Dr. Knees

                                      @ Darkness

                                      Good : You have a nice winstreak going, you have a lot of heroes you perform consistently with.

                                      Bad : Maybe work on your Sven and Huskar, you seem to have some trouble with them and a few more.

                                      Blade .Gash

                                        Good : on a winning streak

                                        bad: What the... fountain farming?.. bad..

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        Samuel Sucks

                                          Good: nice win rate with crystal maiden

                                          Bad: highest denies only 20

                                          TikTok Uncle

                                            Good: Ember Spirit win rate

                                            Bad: Invokers Winrate D:

                                            Donald Duck

                                              Good: your nickname
                                              Bad: lost the 787 lh match, too bad. That must've been a sad moment for ya :(


                                                Good: been playing more support roles recently, despite top 3 heroes still being melee agi carries.
                                                Bad: Bad winrate with void :P


                                                  Good: Win rate.
                                                  Bad: Viper & Rat Prophet

                                                  Marl Karx

                                                    Good: Winrate
                                                    Bad: Z in name, I hate z's as s's

                                                    Feeder Chan

                                                      Nice win rate on Drow and Nature's Profit.
                                                      But those winrates on your other top heroes.


                                                        Good: Akasha and TA
                                                        Bad: win rate overall


                                                          Good: Good slark
                                                          Bad: only 31more wins than losses, not very good.


                                                            Good: 5 more winning streak than losing streak
                                                            Bad: wtf is up with your morphling? O:

                                                            Erkekliğin 10da 9u kaçmaktır

                                                              Good: Record page
                                                              Bad: Favorite heroes very common no hipster hero :)
                                                              *Edit: Ups ninja'd.
                                                              Ok. I'll do it one for you.
                                                              Good: Solid records, nice match with Earth Spirit, 41 kills with Omniknight.
                                                              Bad: You seem to stack a lot, then again supbar winrate considering this.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                Good: Tiny
                                                                Bad: Winrate


                                                                  to lazy to check other pub, judge me f...

                                                                  kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                                    Good : Play out of the meta heroes
                                                                    Bad : You throw games


                                                                      Good: Nice KDA on Lifestealer.

                                                                      Bad: 21 deaths of QoP?


                                                                        Good: Good winrate with supports, very nice.
                                                                        Bad: Can't say shit


                                                                          Good: Plays good chen, so many matches played

                                                                          Bad: Had history of being muted.

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            Good: Looks like a decent up and coming mid with some practice and game experience
                                                                            Bad: A lot of heroes need a lot of work, playstyle needs to be majorly adjusted.


                                                                              Good: Axe
                                                                              Bad: Winrate

                                                                              John Matrix

                                                                                Good: Slark
                                                                                Bad: very small hero pool (or smurf)


                                                                                  Good: 15438 record for hero healing, that's insane!
                                                                                  Bad: 18% winrate on witchdoctor, what's happening man?!


                                                                                    good: good winrate on top heros
                                                                                    bad: despite you have 50% overall


                                                                                      good: winrate, records
                                                                                      bad: KDA not really impressive and plays in 5 stacks too much.


                                                                                        good : pl
                                                                                        bad:furi kda


                                                                                          Good: Man, that's an awesome winrate you got there.

                                                                                          Bad: Hmm...a mere 2.5k healing record I guess?


                                                                                            good: support player with good winrates

                                                                                            bad: i dont know


                                                                                              good: nice winrate, treant
                                                                                              bad: plays only a few heroes, riki most played hero

                                                                                              cool kid

                                                                                                good - abaddon winrate
                                                                                                bad - longest losing streak nearly as long as mine


                                                                                                  good - solid mid player
                                                                                                  bad - always pick same heroes, same rol (carry) and poor winrate for 2k games

                                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                                    Good: A support player like myself
                                                                                                    Bad: Not much really though some heroes could use some work. Keep it up.


                                                                                                      Good: nice axe winrate
                                                                                                      Bad: only 1 support in most played