General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Very interesting and awesome mix of top heroes.

    Bad: Together We Make a Mighty Faggot ...wah?


      ihaveaname hm,I added you? When? Lol


        bogidoto best doto
        nothing bad

        jess the goat

          good: top heroes

          bad:SAND KING


            Good: You're over 50% in winrate and have some pretty ownage games.
            Bad: So...Much...Pudge.


              Bad: Dirty smurfer.
              Good: There are certainly meaner heroes to stomp noobs with :D

              @BogiDotO: Yeah, I was like, ooh, someone on Dotabuff added me :D My first message to you was that I'm noob, and the second was asking which server you play on. Remember now? :D


                Good: i like support players
                Bad: appearently i played with you before and we lost badly :|


                  Oh yeah haha, I remember that game, I said not to do a trilane cos I thought it was bad, then Nyx raged because Omniknight accidentally KSed the first kill and we spent the rest of the game yelling at each other. Hope you forgive me xD

                  Next person please do him (not me)


                    Good: Winrate over 53
                    Bad: Low winrate on most played heroes


                      Good: Winrate and solid win rates with your top heros
                      Bad: Too focused around shadow fiend


                        Good: Many KotL <3
                        Bad : Few Necrolyte

                        Edit: I know, too me waaay to long to realize invoker is not my thing lol

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          Good: holy Sh*t Necro
                          Bad: Invoker

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            good: venge %
                            bad: 42.77% overall win


                              Good: too much invoker
                              bad: too much invoker.

                              bum farto

                                Good: Nice fellow, decent player.
                                Bad: Could still use some experience and practice on better core heroes.


                                  G: high numbers of denies
                                  B: 20 deaths on Axe

                                  Hide the pain Herald

                                    Good: Winrate with friends
                                    Bat: Excessive Rat doto


                                      Good: Ursa
                                      Bad: 4more wins than losses not very good.

                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                        Good: mirana, sf and jug
                                        Bad: morpling


                                          Good: Mixed set of heroes @ mostly played.
                                          Bad: Only 1 game played as CM. :( CM So stronk


                                            Good: Most assists as Wisp

                                            Bad: So many deaths on Bara


                                              Good: I always miss supports, your team does not
                                              Bad: we have almost identical windranger stats, and it's not good


                                                good: damn ck and zeus, i like
                                                bad: dont try to farm alot


                                                  Good: Invoker WR
                                                  Bad: NP picker

                                                  froogoss wouh

                                                    Good : plays everyrole
                                                    Bad : negatif win rate (even with friends)


                                                      Good: seems to be a dangerous Rubick player
                                                      Bad: support/offlane picker


                                                        Good: Seem to be a good team player due to often having big assists... either that or you get ks'd alot.
                                                        Bad: Currently on a losing streak but by looking at the stats you didnt feed so possibly unlucky teams?

                                                        Haha thanks, not a smurfer though. Played hon for nearly 2 years before finally coming back to dota.


                                                          Good: Former hon player, GPM record with warlock.
                                                          Bad: Jugg and clock.


                                                            Good: good kda/winrate, and weaver/sf skills.
                                                            Bad: Invoker/clinkz skills (still haven't tried him yet). Also your friends don't seem to help much lol.

                                                            Also, looking for ppl to tmm with!


                                                              Good: Builds shadow blade on everything
                                                              Bad: Builds shadow blade on everything


                                                                Good: Interesting top heroes and also seem to be a nice guy.
                                                                Bad: Has been losing a lot lately :(

                                                                LUL REKt

                                                                  Good:Winrate on certain heros
                                                                  Bad: Max last hits less then 400 D:


                                                                    Good: wtf, that pudge
                                                                    Bad: winrate


                                                                      Good: Your KotL's winrate
                                                                      Bad: Some of your item choices

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Good: A couple good winrates on certain heroes.
                                                                        Bad: Winrates on others and extremely low KDA's (that luna, my burning eyes)

                                                                        UCI | Psyren

                                                                          Good: very nice luna
                                                                          Bad: invoker :(

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            I started on Invoker/Viper and never tried to improve my winrate after I figured the game hated me and started playing supports.

                                                                            Good: Top 4 heroes are impressively good
                                                                            Bad: The rest not so much

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                            jess the goat

                                                                              good: knowledge of all heroes

                                                                              bad: Axe=low kda considering how much games you played with him

                                                                              Armada Fantasma

                                                                                Good: Hobbit .. Pudge and TA
                                                                                BAD : Sniper am invo


                                                                                  Good: very good winrate, and chen play.
                                                                                  Bad: doesn't want to play timber..


                                                                                    I've been getting ninja'd often.

                                                                                    Good: Very good offlaner and SB winrate.

                                                                                    Bad: Huskar most played hero.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      Good: Again great support.

                                                                                      Bad: gets ninja'd too often, doesn't like to carry much.

                                                                                      Armada Fantasma

                                                                                        Good : Nice offlaner and good huskar ..
                                                                                        Bad : Nature bh bad kda

                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          LOL at axe KDA comment, not every hero is a carry my good man. Each serves his purpose e.g. why not higher winrate on chen or visage

                                                                                          Good: Flexible hero pool
                                                                                          Bad: Massive dividing swings between your hero winrates

                                                                                          Armada Fantasma

                                                                                            in my opinion a semi carry , offlaner has to have good kda -
                                                                                            good nice nature - luna good jungler --
                                                                                            BAD longest match duration lost :( well 50.30 w% but you are good player :D

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              good: Love your qop and Chen => 1on1 qop? <3
                                                                                              bad: trolling in matches, seems disrespectful (

                                                                                              Armada Fantasma

                                                                                                Carry tide man :D haha very fun
                                                                                                Good : QOP :D <3 Nice maiden dazz win longest match duration
                                                                                                Bad : Dark seer enigma :(


                                                                                                  Good : TA/Chen/QoP
                                                                                                  Bad : you windranger winrate and KDA. looks like you play semi carry ..


                                                                                                    Good: Very nice winrate on Disruptor.

                                                                                                    Bad: You lost your game where you dealt the most damage to towers...although, considering it's more than 8k, that's probably a sign that your teammates were hopeless.

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                    Armada Fantasma

                                                                                                      Good : OP golems ./ . nice support
                                                                                                      Bad : AA / does not like playing carry / lost longest match duration