General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: winrates, damn

    Bad: Ninja'd me. Doesn't realize Luna has already been claimed by Pyrion Flax, who has more Internets than you.

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      Good: longer winstreak than loss streak
      Bad: necro winrate:((((

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        known NOOB
        much feeder

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          fuzzy wuzzy
          wuzzy fuzzy


            Forces discard of hand
            Allows for 5 cards to be redrawn


              Good: nice bristleback winrate

              Bad: Prophet picker


                Good: dat bara
                Bad: too much cancer and bara

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Good: Interesting top heroes plus avatar that I like.
                  Bad: Has been losing a lot lately. I know that feel, mate. Bro hug.


                    Good: Nice Rubick and overall supporting
                    Bad: Losing streak > winning streak.. I guess...

                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                      G: nice KDA on most heroes, great itembuilds and 3 HoT on Sand king xD
                      Bad: only the winrate, but I guess that's bad luck


                        Good : he love dk, so am i
                        Bad : <50% winrate

                        Miku Fan

                          Good: You are too good.
                          Bad: Nothing really.

                          Oh Shit Waddup

                            Good: your latest gyrocopter game!
                            Bad: 37.5% wr as np :(


                              good: gyro win %
                              bad : low win % on some other most played


                                Good: Invoker

                                Bad: Only Invoker :(


                                  Good: good clockwerck + seems to be a good wr player but shit happens
                                  bad: fuck meepo

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Good: nice drow

                                    Bad: lol qop


                                      Good: 1.1k xpm
                                      Bad: SB picker

                                      WASD player

                                        Good:You dont build battlefury on your most played hero
                                        Bad: silly name

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Good : Winstreak>losestreak
                                          Bad : Winrate on most heroes


                                            Good: 6 lost games found in 4 dotabuff match pages. what the fuck
                                            Bad: LH record I suppose.. Had to find something


                                              Good : nice invoker

                                              Bad: shitty pudge


                                                Good : 4575 match, thats awesome !

                                                Bad : I hate spiritbreaker :(


                                                  Good: Winrate.
                                                  Bad: Lately has been relying on Ez victories by playing Lycan.

                                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                    Good: winrate and rubick most played
                                                    Bad: 396 most LH

                                                    Donald Duck

                                                      Good: Records
                                                      Bad: 1500+ matches , still no 50% winrate.


                                                        Good:Bh stats
                                                        Bad:Void (realy bad)

                                                        Donald Duck

                                                          G:purple heroes
                                                          B: bounty ;)


                                                            Good: BH D:
                                                            Bad: Your void and PA :c (Still better than my pudge tho q.q)

                                                            fuck valorant

                                                              Good: Highwinrate on your top heroes such as bs and ursa
                                                              Bad:Overall winrate is only 47% :(

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                                                Good: That Most played hero list
                                                                Bad: Slark winrate


                                                                  Good NP Despite the hate i like NP and i enjoy a good winrate on NP :D

                                                                  Bad.. Poor poor kotl... GIFF ME WINS KOTL

                                                                  Flow ~

                                                                    Good: Good with Viper and nice winrate with Jakiro and Disruptor.

                                                                    Bad: I don't think you like Dazzle. :(


                                                                      Bro.. fuck dazzle ive had good games.. where i do it right and just doesnt get it to work out lol.. :(

                                                                      Good, Support player with pretty much all around succesful top 7 minus 2

                                                                      Bad... Dazzle Liker >:(... But for real.. tide in least played COME AWN MAN.. BIG TIDE NASTY IN LEAST PLAYED YOU NEED MOAR TIDE IN YOUR LIFE SIR


                                                                        Good : I love your nickname, lubu. I admired that guy.

                                                                        Bad : When u pick morphling, Your enemy team will be happy.


                                                                        Huahahahaha, my game play at mid so damn bad :(

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Good: very strong Visage and Nyx player

                                                                          Bad: mid position with Puck, Storm Spirit, Pudge, OD, Invoker :-(


                                                                            good : winrate

                                                                            Bad: doesnt play ranked


                                                                              good : same most played hero as mine (SB)
                                                                              Bad : Treant


                                                                                Good: Kappa
                                                                                Bad: cow most played

                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                  Good: qop 60% thats rather rare
                                                                                  bad: overall shit


                                                                                    Good : Win Streak > Lose Streak
                                                                                    Bad : Winrate with friends


                                                                                      Good: Insane winning streak
                                                                                      Bad: Low hero diversity


                                                                                        Good: VİSAGE PLAYER
                                                                                        Bad: HIGHEST NUMBER OF KILLS record


                                                                                          Good: Hero healing 14k
                                                                                          Bad: Possible smurf?


                                                                                            good: good kda on most played heroes
                                                                                            bad: so many lose on records...

                                                                                            nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                              Good: Plays most heroes
                                                                                              Bad: No shadowblade on NP


                                                                                                good: top 3 heroes winrate
                                                                                                bad: im scared of your avatar


                                                                                                  Good : No support no happy
                                                                                                  bad : your survival ability as a support.


                                                                                                    Good: 84% winrate on timbersaw, say whaaaaaaa?
                                                                                                    Bad: Too many rat necrobook Lycan games