General Discussion

General DiscussionBara's win nears 60%.

Bara's win nears 60%. in General Discussion

    So currently spirit breakers win rate is only topped by warlock which in all honestly still doesn't compare to baras since bara has 3 times the amount of matches played so his influence is greater. Bara nerf coming soon ?

    Ples Mercy

      dont think so.

      [DFG] Whale King

        It's honestly kind of sad how much he wins.


          ^ what he said

          memories i have of bara in dota 1 are his charge always being reworked in hope of icefrog could find someway it wasnt useless.
          he apparently succeeded.

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            Charge allows uncoordinated teams to focus with little communication. That is why SB does so much better than other ganking heroes.
            NS is a far more powerful ganker, but with charge everyone knows exactly where and when the attack will happen...and often has plenty of time to think about what they will do. NS also takes a lot more skill to play so his win rate is below 50%

            Charge is still easy to defend against if you have good support players. Any stun will break it...preventing the dmg and often leaving SB in a bad position. It's one of the worst initiating spells in the game and that is why pro teams don't use SB...even though he can stun through BkB.

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              Bara is a pretty strong pubstomper and he snowballs really good. I think he is pretty strong in low-normal games (think rici) but I'm pretty sure he can still own in high. if the enemy is a stack and they always five man, he's not much of a bigger threat. remember to always have fun when there is a prophet in the enemy team :D


                Well if they got a SB don't pick a furion in the first place. If they counter pick a SB, then play on.
                Not too much hard things, simply don't go push lanes like that. It's suicide feeding. Keep farming jungle use trees to scout around. Set up wards.

                You always farm faster than SB, and SB cannot gank your teamate easily as you can always help. However most of the furion players I have seen are just dumb ass feeders. LOL

                Player 103543943

                  Its not his abilities that are OP, its his combination of high armor and hp that allows him to tower dive be way over aggressive get the kill then live. Once Icefrog nerfs his armor or his initial hp he will become far weaker in the early game.
                  And Huskar is a stupidly good counter pick to him.

                  Ples Mercy

                    nah the problem is the 'bash of approval' printed on his flail.


                      Its too easy, the ultis magic immunity should be removed and maybe base cooldown lowered.
                      Bash is too good if rng, should be bit less dmg/stun but higher proc chance maybe.

                      Generally hes win ratio comes from being the easiest hero in game to play and actually get kills.( On low rating)

                      Sir Slarkinson Of Slarkva...

                        He's just a low tier pub stomper, look @ his winrate in the higher tiers.


                          He has a high winrate because he can easily towerdive for a kill. But he can be easily countered with some team coordination, like a counter-tp or a fucking living armor

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            It's just a pub hero. Nothing else. AM has %41.44 winrate. Should he get a buff? Should one of the strongest heroes in the game get buffed just because he has a terrible WR in pub games? Don't think so. Buff LD Wisp QoP TA Chen Alchemist and Batrider. Because you know? They have below %50 winrates. SB will never ever get a nerf unless he makes a serious appearance in the future pro games. Especially TI is where the heroes get buffed and nerfed.


                              i have a 41% WR with bat buff him maybe give sticky napalm a 0.5s stun


                                Yea, buff the furion too with an invisible skill, so tards will not spend 3000 gold on a shadowblade to counter sb.


                                  SB win rate is highest in Diamond...but this is because, even Diamond does not have good support players. Good support players are really quite rare because anyone who has the talent to do it probably would rather play mid or a carry in pubs.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Actually it's highest in diamond because there are always stacks in diamond. I once was in a game where the enemy insta picked CK Wisp Tree and SB. It was like 1 second.


                                      Ck-wisp tree...all legit will see the same in pro games. Those are hard to stop because they are actually strong. SB you will not see because good support players can easily beat him.

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                                        the guy isnt that crazy he is just flavor of the month, its like the ppl who qq about pl and drow. grantrd he is easy to play but he isnt unstopable. although naix sb is an annoyong combo

                                        Player 103543943

                                          Sam, what about drow? She was in a similar situation as Bara is in now and she had barely been part of any pro games at all. Yet she got nerfed... hard. Bara will get the same treatment regardless of appearance in pro games or not.


                                            bara had 55% win rate and was in top5 as I remember before they added a buff to his charge. so, no , he won't get nerfed soon.

                                            What to wear?

                                              I have 100% winrate with this hero :D

                                              Woof Woof

                                                2strong on pubs especially with new mm when u random/pick something that isnt a support and you have to play without vision against him :(


                                                  Bara got buff recently or what? He always seems quite weak hero.


                                                    he got a dildo strapped on his head so when he charges, u cant see it because of the dildo

                                                    Josh  :D

                                                      Silent, Drow got nerfed BEFORE they put her in CM.

                                                      Drow is easy to counter with one thing most pubs don't bother to figure out, hard disable. Venge stuns her, everyone punches her, she dies. Lion stuns her, ults her, then frogs her and she dies. Sven stuns her and pops mask, she dies. PA hops on her, she dies. Clinkz pops out, she dies. BH combos her and then hits her again, she dies. We seeing the trend?

                                                      What can make drow horrifically difficult to deal with is her disgusting ability to jungle with lifesteal once she gets her ult. She can tear through the jungle like a beast and make up for any early harass with a vengeance. Again, she's super easy to kill which is where the balance is, but if you have team five carries and no stuns, good luck. If you have a shadow shoman and a crystal that will hold her down though, she's fucked.


                                                        I know bara gets countered by team play, but him being picked in competitive play now and his high win rate is just screaming for a nerf I could careless since he can be dealt with just wondering how long till it happens.


                                                          i think lion should frog her before ult.


                                                            I think he's not complaining about the hero in competitive matches, but in dota 2 at all. If the heroes stomps, he deserve a nerf. Actually there are more players playing the pubs you are mentioning then in competitive/high bracket matches. Don't you agree?


                                                              It's a simple case of his charge giving shit scrubs like me a target to go for as a team. Simple really. High win rate in scrub bracket because we need all the help we can get to co-ordinate. In higher skill levels that 'bonus' doesn't exist as co-ordination will already be there.

                                                              No nerf needed, just buff's to scrub-like-me's abilities and awareness.

                                                              LL Poroksi

                                                                Everyone is saying that SB is low tier pubstomper but in fact his winrate rises slightly for every bracket you move up Bronze->Diamond. 58.62%->59.23%->59.84%->60.12%->60.29%

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  It's not low tier pubstomper. He is strong in every bracket. You just need to move as a team or just be a stack. Or no matter what bracket it is he is gonna rape your face if you are alone.


                                                                    warlock is op, simple as that. prpbably the most op if that, yet no one qqs about him... he pretty much is the best lane babysittrr if played properly can can beat some mids in lane or go toe to toe with them as well. that hero wins games, yet no one plays him because "hes boring" or "i dont like playing support heros i just wanna get kills" honestly im explaining thisbecause bara will only.kill idiots while warlock can pptentially rape your team


                                                                      ficking smartphone shit

                                                                      Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                                                                        They should delete this hero or rework it, i hate auto attack nerds like him.


                                                                          I just hate this hero. Not saying that he is a very strong as a hero, but for pubs he is unstoppable. I have been playing with spiritbreakers in my team that don't know anything but autoattacking creeps, and when they reach level 6 they start charging around the map and just gaining freekils. He is also very easy to play, so even newbies can own with him. The problem is, if you get charged mid game, most likely you are dead. Even if you are playing an invisible/blink or any other hero with an escape, you loose control of your hero until you are dead, cuz permabashes.


                                                                            @KORD1G: He is very strong in uncoordinated matches. If you just ward up and have heroes with easy to use disables like Rubick you can stop his rampage early.


                                                                              naix bomb with sb hurts :(

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                'Wisp, gyro, naix'-bomb hurts alot more.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  LUCK DEPENDANT HEROES AND ITEMS IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE GAME IS LOGICAL.


                                                                                    Buff SB a bit so player pick him in real game. He don't need nerf, he need buff.


                                                                                      long time ago sb charge is magic immune, so you cannot target him when he charge, that's legit, bring it back icefrog !


                                                                                        ^ he is almost unhittable too now, his charge is too fast. You must be dendi to stop it. (and only with certain heroes)

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