General Discussion

General DiscussionNatures Prophet - Orchid vs Shadow Blade as first item

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Natures Prophet - Orchid vs Shadow Blade as first item in General Discussion
Josh  :D

    I'm a huge fan of NP and usually go basilus > HoM > treads > orchid > desolator or ags depending on the situation, maybe nec book if we have invis giving us trouble.

    In the tournies I usually see shadow blade as the first big item vs orchid, then sheep stick. I ran it that way in a match today and the match went very well, but it felt like the damage/mana/silence was much stronger than the ability to run and hide. That said, I'm surprised the tp doesn't break the invis on the sb which is pretty bloody broken.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It all depends on the game. Even though SB get countered by detection, in the late game not all people will have dusts or gems.


        what gave you the idea orchid is something you must build on furion? SB is so good on furion because unless they have heroes like bara or Storm stopping you from being a piece of shit rat is almost impossible without setting up some baits. I'd only ever go sb -> orchid if I was like 10-0 in the first 20 mins and even then I'd rather get hex. You can easily get Midas + sb in 15 minutes even if you die once and its super strong at picking off low level supports along with your level 2 ult.

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          stop builiding agah on furion u faking nob


            .... did you guys realize most furion get phase boot first in the tournament ?

            Josh  :D

              My farming with NP is fine, it's not an issue of getting the money. Getting the SB over the orchid isn't about the money.

              It's not a must build, but if I have the orchid it gives me enough mana regen to never have to go back to fountain and be as cast happy as I'd like, silence after sprout is super powerful on someone like ds, clinkz, qop, etc, and the 25 intel makes it a decent amount of damage for the item. Not saying it's the pro move, but that's the thinking behind it.

              Ags is something I get to keep lanes back, it's a great way to keep getting TONS of gold, and if there team is squishy it tears through them pretty hard. I haven't done the math on how fast it pays for itself, but it's a farming tool that keeps the lanes back even more and can take a third of the enemy teams health, so that's why I like it. That stats don't suck either.

              I like the desolator because if I smack a tower all the little fists of the treants are now hitting on armor reduction so that along with the creep damage really hurts a tower.

              Ples Mercy

                He is questioning an orchid on BH, so ya he faking nob.

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                Josh  :D

                  Yeah, the phase boots thing was something I didn't think made any sense before that, but I'm sure they have their reasons.


                    phase is good but if u arent going hex or necro after hf getting blown up.

                    aghs is trash. you are fucking your own team by pushing every single lane at the same time (and often not even getting the last hits from the ult) and double fucking them because you just spent 4200g on a item that does nothing to end the game. Level 3 ult is MORE than enough to keep lanes pushed.

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                    Josh  :D

                      Blunt, you're butt hurt because you're wrong and now you're trying to defend it. You think I'm a noob, got it. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy to think I didn't realize you might have been a solo offlane. I called you out on that point too, if you were a solo offlane you should have grabbed your six and gone on a ganking spree.... but you didn't. You need flat damage and to get an orchid and vlads is a bit goofy. Have someone else pick up the vlads and get yourself some damage to make that orchid really pop.

                      Ples Mercy

                        odd that everyone says im right and your wrong, im not even defending bcause others do it, nice try.

                        I dont think your a noob, i know your a noob.

                        I did gank kiddo, you didnt even bother to look at the replay and make yourself look more like an iidot. Im so proud of you and i love your retarded noobtopics :3

                        Next topic:
                        Blink or mak of madness on magnus?

                        Josh  :D

                          Your stats don't look like you ganked, didn't care enough to watch the replay.

                          Just because some other people on the internet agree with you doesn't mean you're right, not by a long shot. Glad it makes your dick hard though.


                            aghanim on prophet is for the single purpose of trolling, only when I know the game is gonna get lost lol
                            orchid isn't bad item on furion, even in late game, see the orange vs liquid game :D

                            Ples Mercy

                              You mad bro?

                              @B2: Let him build aghs on every hero. That guy would never admit that hes wrong. Just troll him like i do, look how upset he gets :3

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                They get phase boots because they are laning. It helps a lot in lane.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  yea I was testing some builds with furion and phase only works in lane for last hits

                                  Josh  :D

                                    Good call about laning vs jungling. I'd think it'd work better for ganking too because he is a touch slower than the average hero, so phasing to get the sprout off could work well.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Blunt that is one low level game. You shouldn't really fell happy about the bracket you are in. Reaver on bear rofl. No dagger on Bat. 38 minutes in Zeus has a tango.