General Discussion

General DiscussionGot into High Bracket

Got into High Bracket in General Discussion

    So pro-teams come at me, international 2014 here I come!

    dookie daddy

      Great, just keep up the play and keep improving and you'll be very high in no time.


        I hope I can get to very high right now. I don't get why my friends that I am par with (I'm even better 1v1) are playing in very high :(


          i dont know why people hallucinate. Anyway if u see yourself in games with observers and not just once in lifetime then yeah mb u play on high skilled. But plz dont watch replay's filter 90% of ppl are on very high when only 1% of ppl are high skilled.


            ^ Nah. It is not hallucination. 1 % of 6.4 million players and that makes 64, 000 players in very high. Very high is not that exclusive actually, and there is still a wide discrepancy in terms of skill. well, idk if this site really works but here is one of my friends stats
            he is in between high to very high I guess.

            Edit. Well seeing that 90% of your games are in very high, then probably you're right.
            #someday #hardwork #dedication #learnedfromYajairobefromDC #master #sweg

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              v.high bracker or hight bracket doesnt matter , u still gona get morons in team no matter what

     here is my profile , and as you can see i have 1% v.high but it not count all games ( at begin of "above normal" chart [2012-11-21] you see im actually 100% above , and game before that most were v.high skill bracket.) Now im playing much better since than and now im in high only but it doesnt matter cuz every second game i find idiot in my team that ruin all game.


              Tento komentář byl upraven

                haha lol
                very hight right of the bat :P I wonder how they even consider that when havent really played :D


                  Well, having people who don't want to co-operate in a team game might be a problem inherent in people, not matchmaking. But very high does seem like a very broad bracket in terms of the level of games.


                    Actually quite true. Since beta release, i find that the very high bracket is so mindboggling. I find people do ridiculous crap that bothers me. WHen I first started, I got into high level games. On the occassion that i got into very high, I find it much tougher in terms of skill levels. Nowadays, in very high games doesnt seem the same. Its more idk, easy? :O


                      Well, there are tons of new players which probably inflated the total amount of players in each bracket, as well as added mostly people who have little experience in the game thus bringing the overall average level of a player down.

                      If at one point the actually very good players were, let's say, 2% of the playerbase, their absolute amount has probably stayed almost the same but now they might only make up for .5% of all players. So instead of having to be in "very high" to play with them, you'll have to be in the highest percentile of very high.


                        mm yeah. Just makes me wonder what percentile of very high I play in. Prob the low percentile of very high if I do get weird plays in my games.

                        Woof Woof

                          Very High was ok like 1 year + few months ago i remember trilanes with wards and sentries and it was just ap pub then something happend to mm again and suddenly 9 russians everywehre


                            @flyingpigs you could be playing both as the "high rated of lower very high" and "lower rated of higher very high" in different games


                              I just played a CM game on EUeast with Russians. We had wards and sentries and teamwork and such.

                              Every group of people has a lot of bad players and a few good ones. Also Very High games nearly always have wards and sentries and team play.

                              Tactatus is correct that a lot of new players have been added to Normal...but the same people are still in Very High that were before. Any new ones added are in it now because they are better at dota than they were 6 months ago. New people who selected "expert" and immediately lose because they are bad...those people can't stay in Very High for more than a few games.

                              But recently there are so many new people its possible to end up with new fake "experts" all the time. The number of players doubled in about a month...over 3 million new players.

                              Also ping was only 120 ms...not to bad. I checked my ping to SEA earlier today and it was 220. That seemed to slow to play at all.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                I really need a team already. Sick of pub retards. SOMEONE TAKE ME. TÜRKLER DE OLUR.

                                Woof Woof

                                  Also Very High games nearly always have wards and sentries and team play.

                                  maybe on us servers

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    No worries brah, brackets dont matter, u just got lucky.
                                    Normal=high=very high (info 100%)

                                    Woof Woof

                                      ^ this
                                      100% legit


                                        Guys the only one who play at very high that posted here is sam fuckin peckinpah. No1 Else. Page 1-2-3-4-5 thats very high.

                                        Woof Woof

                                          very high is very high

                                          + thats his opinion about top pages

                                          I really need a team already. Sick of pub retards. SOMEONE TAKE ME. TÜRKLER DE OLUR.


                                            Thats mine as well. Even very high has its own brackets! more specific and specific! Thats why an elo rating system needed!

                                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                                              ^nah brah, everyone knows normal=high=very high
                                              some dotabuff scrub=dendi=someones mother
                                              just ask coach he will tell you all about it


                                                there isnt any diff between normal/high/vh mm known fact

                                                Kanye Best

                                                  VH is glorified garbage


                                                    Guys even playing on page 1-5 doesnt mean everyone is good and tries hard, esp when fighting against pro stacks.

                                                    I was there for a while few months back, but I dont think I'm there anymore cuz form has been falling. Game is hard.

                                                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                      Got lucky few times, got on page 1, which just proves that page 1= page 89

                                                      Woof Woof

                                                        live pages are random

                                                        Woof Woof

                                                          page 3 with filter through sniper - no wards, no cour last pick am while enemy has night stalker, slark, necro, sniper, and tuskar :D

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            game before that i couldnt even find myself on live pages we had wards and cour from start and picks were better

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              and teammates were way less retarded


                                                                The live pages are not random. At different times page 1 will be at different levels depending on who happens to be playing then. There will be occasions, if my stack is very strong that I will be on page one with a few dozen spectators...but when the best players in the world play they are always on page 1. When I watch any TI3 pro players play they are on page 1. It's not random.

                                                                That does not mean that odd things never happen --- some mediocre players will be there, or some people trolling, or someone getting carried by their pro player friends (like me :-) but really page 1 is the highest rated games.

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                  ^naw brah, u just havent seen REALLY good players who can be good and stay from page 1 #argument


                                                                    I suppose that is a joke...but in case it's not. Try to find some pro players who played at TI3 that don't make it to page 1.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      I play on normal and there is always, always couriers, wards and sentries. Smokes are rare though

                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                        There are 60 players from TI3
                                                                        and only 10 or so positions for page 1.
                                                                        so if more than 10 pros play, some of them have to go to page2,3,4.
                                                                        Thats of course assuming thats those pages not random, but as everyone knows normal=high=very high=TI4=Gabe

                                                                        Woof Woof

                                                                          random/10 its time to expose it

                                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                            The very fact that a trashy player like me would get to page 1 supports my hypothesis by 100% and is totally not just anecdotal.

                                                                            Kanye Best

                                                                              there's actually 50 spots on page 1, cause it shows 5 games with 10 players in each if im not mistaken

                                                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                ^ Considering how many 1st page players are on dotabuff, and how many of them not in TI3, we can conclude that my hypothesis still stands correct.