General Discussion

General Discussionlearned playing against OD the hard way (comment on my draft strategy...

learned playing against OD the hard way (comment on my draft strategy pls) in General Discussion

    Ever since TI3 has finished, I've rekindled the fire in playing "strategic" Dota 2.
    I did it seriously about 2 years back but had to stop it.

    Last night, Outworld Destroyer gave me a hard lesson
    I might have underestimated that beast.

    In 2 straight games, I picked Storm Spirit for mid lane.
    In 1st game, I thought they were going to run a DK mid but it was actually OD. I played Storm Spirit and I think I did quite ok relatively.
    In 2nd game, we lost badly. The moment Bounty Hunter was taken from me I know I was out-drafted already. My first mistake was to assume that since it was against a fellow Pinoy team, they wouldn't run a BH off-lane. But they did pick him. Mistakes then snowballed from there, drafting Storm Spirit, Lone Druid and putting them mid and off-lane respectively.

    Looking back at it, I think I was really caught off-guard with their BH pick and that messed up my drafting time, game strategy, etc. It led to me being careless and still drafted Storm Spirit because before that, my Storm laned quite ok. Then it led to a 1v1 match against my teammate for us to find out that Storm Spirit or any other Int hero cannot lane against OD. I lost over and over again, maybe I re-matched 5x each time trying to do it differently - but that fcking OD astral imprisonment and high base damage really embarrassed me. Then I watched the replay of our last game and like shit on my face, I realized how helpless our Storm Spirit was.

    Then memories of 2 years ago came back, using OD to counter Tinker, etc. Read posts how to stop him, etc.
    Any good VODs of people playing against a mid OD? Maybe I should download how people laned against Mushi's OD in TI3.

    But anyways, prior to those 2 games last night against OD. Below are the matches where I drafted. Would appreciate if you can give me comments and suggestions on how I can improve in this area.


      laning vs OD means that you don't have mana, or run out of mana after 1 cast.
      As well as him gaining tons of damage from you losing mana and draining damage if you're int, that means that you can forget about last-hits or early kills unless your allies are doing OK and can come to help you. only way is to chain-stun him, if he finds a single second he will imprison one of you and get away with it.
      that's why he is 1st ban in pro matches.
      the best solution IMO is running Razor mid and maxing out link first, because it costs little mana.

      Woof Woof

        you had no chance against lebron james man


          I've had success with Kunkka against an OD mid, you have a pretty much guaranteed last-hit every tidebringer proc and just wait in lane to lvl it up, you also harrass pretty well and you might want to ask for someone to finish him off if you got him down to 50% hp.

          The initial block is pretty important too, it determines how much vision he will have of you and if he'll be able to banish you/deny the creeps.

          P.S.: I've heard lone druid lanes quite well against him.

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            playing as kka vs OD mid,never lost,infact i hard raped OD everysingle time


            also, razor can lane mid against OD damn well

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Huskar rapes OD pretty hard IN LANE ONLY. Since he doesn't really use any mana and is pretty good at harassing people, he does pretty well against OD.

              Dread Pirate Cat

                Razor, skill link and his passive. At level 4 OD will take 100 damage every time he imprisons you, it isn't a shit ton but it will make him think twice about it.

                I've seen silencer go well against OD surprisingly. He waited until he was imprisoned then cast both last word and curse on OD. Since OD only has 1 spell and it was on CD it is a lot of damage.


                  Razor, Lone Druid, Viper beat OD mid


                    last time i played OD mid I was silencer, scared me shitless. I would use curse of silence on him and then hide on high ground so if he cast imprison (his only skill), it couldnt be against me. As long as he doesnt proc mana regen, he will go oom very quickly and be useless in lane

                    Like the guy above me said, it can actually work really well


                      Tranq boots >> Razor's passive


                        ^ it's not about the passive (well, it is, but not only it), it's about the fact that razor can be very aggressive inlane without mana since static link's manacost is very low


                          If its a pro game, and you have 2nd ban/pick then you have to ban batrider and wisp or you will pay for it. Sometimes people ban just one and pick the other if its not banned...These two heroes are extremely good against anything but disruptor, and no pro teams seem to have really figured out how to use disruptor to beat them so...

                          Anyway, none of that matters here because wisp and batrider are too hard for pub teams to use correctly. If you don't see them picking those up in their match history (wow back up...look at their match history and see what they like to pick!).

                          Lets try to make this more simple. Pub CM picks/bans work best when they are relevant to the players in the game. You are playing Normal bracket CMs. So you and they both cannot just pick any hero and go with it. Nearly all the heroes no one on your team (or their team) can play well, has practiced up, knows how to make them work in lots of situations etc...

                          What you need to know going into a pub CM game is:

                          [1] who is playing carry (3 carries they like)
                          [2] who is playing solo mid (3 solo mids they like)
                          [3] who is playing offlane (3 offlane heroes they like)
                          [4] who is supporting (2 or 3 support heroes for each of them)

                          Ok, you know who can play what. Now plan a strategy using those heroes. You can sub in some if one gets banned. If there is a hero essential to your draft just pick it first. If it gets banned in the first phase, be ready to do a different plan.
                          At this point you are ready to que....

                          Match is found!

                          Now you look at the enemy teams match history asap and ban something they like to play. Ban the supports, or the solo mids, or the offlane, or the carry...whatever. Ban the scariest heroes that they have actually picked and won games using.

                          At the Normal Bracket level, just playing heroes your team knows and baning heroes the other team knows is the most important thing. If you have a balanced team the exact strategy is really not that important. The game will be decided based on who feeds first and wins lanes.

                          But what if this is not a team vs team, but truly just a pub CM game? First, don't do this, make a team and use team matching.

                          But if you did then just ban all of one catagory. Ban 5 mid heroes for instance. Or at least ban mid heroes until the pick one. Or ban carries until they pick one. You get the idea. Ban's don't do much if you don't know what they can play.

                 This game you lost to Lich and DK. OD was just along for the ride, not really a problem.

                 This game you lost to Luna and Rubic. OD was just along for the ride, not really a problem.

                          There are a number of heroes that can outlane OD mid 1 v 1 if you are good at using them. Razor, LD, Huskar have all been mentioned...but you can beat him mid with the normal INT heroes as well provided you don't stay mid and try to cs against him. He is going to win the don't do it. Instead stay back so he can't astral you much. You know you are going against get your supports to ward runes right away, start with bottle right away...screw stats, OD will take them anyway. Get to the runes, Nuke down the creep waves. Take advantage of your low INT to get max mp from 1 bottle charge. Focus on ganking the side lanes. Only be mid for xp. You can get farm later and Normal level OD won't be doing anything special csing anyway.

                          Next level? Have your support rotate to gank OD. When they are in fog ready to attack, walk up and try to cs. OH NO! he astrals you. As soon as he casts it your support moves in and attacks. Easy kill. Of course if your support players don't know how to move and where to stand you may need to have them smoke just to make it easier.

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                            ^dude admiralbulldog ONLY plays druid or prophet in pro level


                              when i see enemy OD I instapick LD ... GG EZ LIFE EZ WIN

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                @ Darkness No he plays BH Batrider Clockwerk and DS in need but they don't need it :S

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Also any high base damage hero with QB can stand against him kinda well. Treant is actually pretty good because you will always have 25 mana. Lifestealer is pretty good as well because he can negate the harassment with Feast. Dark Seer was sent mid against him once. If I remember correctly it was at iG vs at Alienware Cup. Even though he is an INT hero his base INT is VERY HIGH and level 1 Ion Shell is just 70 mana. You just cast it on the creep and try to get CS that way. It actually worked fine if I'm not mistaken.