General Discussion

General DiscussionPings Report

Pings Report in General Discussion

    Actually was just doing some reading and because the 150 plan is new in my area we are all heavily monitored with their "traffic management" system which sucks but is still better than 98% of the connections out there.

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    Ples Mercy

      @ Havoc:
      Thats where your wrong. They do not fluctuate depending on time of the day, exept if your provider is terrible. My ping is always the same and goes max +-2ms, unless i download or vulvas server are about to crash ofc.

      Even 120ms is playable, but when a ping is fluctuating like yours, it causes small delays and is bad for gaming (weird hitboxes and so on).


        Actually, I am not wrong. Google....

        Server Load Balancing
        Server Load Peak
        How the internet works (for dummies)
        How internet speed works (also for dummies)


          my home net with 8mb connection

          140~ europe both servs
          US both servs above 300
          rest don't care cuz i lag even on eu :D

          my new apatment where im located while studying (cheaspest net possible :D)
          EU 50-80
          USW 210+
          USE 150~
          singapore 260++++
          australia 350+



            guess i got so bad ping due to my pc then xd (play everything on max though don't know if it has anything to say)

            one and half gun

              if ur ping is below 50~ in dota and your win rate isn't above 55%, you're trash and should uninstall dota

              sorry but its the truth.
              i've noticed how some have really low ping and obnoxiously low winrate while i have 99%+ with over 150 ms ping in a server next to me


                What do you think your winrate would be if everyone under 55% winrate actually uninstalled? Nearly all of your wins are against people under 55%.

       you really think dota 2 would still exist if everyone under 55% actually uninstalled?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  He is just mad not having a server closer to him I guess. And kinda depressed because of the early abandonment changes as well. Better leave him alone.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Sōu ka

                    he still has that winning against singsing in a 5 stack thing going for him

                    aint nobody gonna take that away from him


                      huehuehue unlike you i lose on purpose when someone fucks with me
                      im usually the one winning the game for my team by either going mid or winning all 3 lanes with heroes like potm!

                      so if im gonna do all that fucking work and SOMEONE FUCKS WITH ME I just go full apeshit and literally throw away my keybord (not literally -> end up throwing)

                      i had consistenly 55% before that if u wonder... went waaaaaaaaaaaay down to 51 bcs i did it too much and was getting 53 these last days but FUCCCCCCCCCCK this shit and more crappy motherfuckers appeared which means ---> hello stable low 52%

                      and i also play in us east!


                        well, good for you chimney, im happy that you are such a great and wonderful player. Putting aside the fact, that you have hitler-like aproach and that you are obviously a very sad, unsatisfied person irl. Stop bragging, if you want to be respected, one has to play well and have a nice personality- look up to Relentless.


                          Hey chimney! Are you afraid of playing on this account because you can't dodge matches anymore?


                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          one and half gun

                            english plz

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              He ain't not gonna play anymore because when their little level 1 rosh strat get busted they won't be able to leave.

                              one and half gun

                                the ursa strat is garbage, i prefer normal dota with wisp.
                                i'll start playing once im done with rome 2, if i face you in mmr, i'll be happy to make sure the game last longer so you rage even more

                                unless i already beat u since ur trash

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  LOL MAD. What's it dude? Are you still sad?

                                  Sōu ka

                                    if you lose to his 5-stack when you solo queue and have less than 50 ping then you must be really bad


                                      "the ursa strat is garbage" and yet his last game was with ursa and wisp... I think he is just trolling, since he doesnt have anything decent to say, noone can be such an idiot.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        He is sad he can't win solo Q :(


                                          There is nothing wrong with playing with a 5 stack or playing all ursa+wisp games if that's what you like. Personally I would get bored playing exactly the same strat every game for half a year but whatever.

                                          I just think its going over the top to use 10 different smurf accounts and dodge 1/3 of the games to try to pretend you are some sort of godlike player.

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