General Discussion

General DiscussionIs high and very high have big gasp?

Is high and very high have big gasp? in General Discussion

    Your KDA is below average. Seriously...stop being delusional

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      ITT: Players in V.High delude themselves into thinking their bracket isn't also filled with angry autistic man-children.

      ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

        I was watching the #1 (should be including the best players) live game in the watch tab (in dota 2 client), and I saw some NP raging about his LD mate, and that everyone must report him, so, retards are everywhere (NP in this case)


          The general standard of V.High players are better, you can grumble all you want but they're there because in lower brackets they win/do too well.

          King of Low Prio

            "ITT: Players in V.High delude themselves into thinking their bracket isn't also filled with angry autistic man-children."

            no one has said that, no system is perfect but VH MM has less people who dont understand the basics( I wont say noob because that is relative to the person). Players in Normal / High do not know the basics(or dont know how to implement them) while most people in VH do. In very high I can always ping the pull camp and say pull and always they will know what I mean. When I play with friends with low MM and we go down to high/normal it is like 50 50 if they will understand that

            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

              I am happy with normal mm, I rape every single game, and I play only with friends who are new to dota and can be called noobs, so that I don't get into Very High bracket, I abuse system


                Nearly no difference between high and very high tier:



                Russian faggot kotl autoattacks on lane, does not buy wards, farms midgame with illuminate (we told him to let ck farm), feeds like mad and ragequits after all. I really feel no difference. Could be even normal or low prio.

                Want another example?



                This fucker claims safelane farm, even though we allready had a safelane farmer. I said offlane before and he LASTPICKS Meepo after the enemy team has allready picked an earth shaker. His retarded lowmate fed mid and they both just fed all fucking game. No way we could lane this proper and terrible plays by him all game long. This dickshit had only like 5 games and is in "very high" tier.Btw both were from Belarus.

                Teamplay better? Bullshit. As long as the russian monkeys are able to play on euro west, there will be still fuckups like this kotl/meepo.

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                King of Low Prio

                  looking at one game in a saying he should or should not be in 'X' MM is dumb. I could go down ANY player who plays solo and say "this kids a noob feeder"

                  Sōu ka

                    mmr works on a continuous scale so people below average very high mmr can be in those games, too
                    there's a huge difference between the top very high games and the low ones or even high games i guess
                    while solo queuing you can still get people who are really fucking awful in a large number of games no matter what your rating is but on average it's a lot better
                    i've played 3 games in the last 3 weeks and in every game i had people on the other team that i actually knew were okay players/ winners of the international
                    that's certainly not the case if you play in high

                    It's alright

                      about " i had people on the other team that i actually knew were okay players/ winners of the international" is that relate to your winrate? xDDDDD


                        Îts not single game... The mepoo had 5 games played. And the other russian fag had 49% winratio. Its one thing to make mechanical mistakes, like missclicking etc. The other thing is missinterpreting his role and play wrng.

                        Sōu ka

                          it's about winning more than 50% of your games with decent kda as long as you are underrated
                          when you play in a lower bracket play rather selfishly and don't expect your team to do anything and you can actually ignore people crying as they have no idea of what has to be done (doing that in a polite fashion and possibly enlightening them so they don't give up while you do your thing might be a good idea)
                          you just have to win more games

                          Sōu ka

                            usually there are bad players on both sides but people don't see that
                            they see their teammate feeding and see it as giving away free kills where the enemy players don't have to do anything

                            but if they actually get easy kills on weak heroes/players they think they are outplaying the shit out of them and carrying their team so hard
                            you will get incompetent players no matter what all you can do is pray that they don't have a bad game on a high impact hero against relative to their skill significantly higher skilled player



                              This guy: 48% Winratio. Very High game...

                              Picks THD and puts one pair of wards the whole game. Btw he placed them incredibly bad.

                              Sōu ka

                                he plays in a 3 man stack and you actually won the game
                                you have to look at the package you're getting with the entire stack which seemed okay
                                your team did well enough without wards and he actually got okay items if you compare him to the rhasta
                                btw 150 gold isn't really such a big deal especially with natures prophet you should be able to put wards at really good spots without being in too much danger

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                                  +1 for furions buying wards


                                    I bought the wards, still not my job. Thats just an argument for what I said:

                                    "In very high games bobs are common."

                                    The stack was "ok". Kunkka kinda failed mid, jugger did well.

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                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Again you are looking at one game, If you watch sing sing there are games where he feeds, rushes shitty items and pretty much plays like a noob(I understand he does it for entertainment value) but other games he goes like 20-0. If you want to understand MM you need to stop focusing on the one game and look at the big picture. Maybe prior his stack destroyed a pub and the anti smurf kicked in or countless other reasons why the system pushed him up.


                                        Dude the System is flawed as fuck. Unless you stack with 5, you can't be sure what happens.

                                        I just need to check your stats to see, that this MM-System is a joke. Your last game was normal bracket, the game before that was very high bracket... So you went down 2 brackets between 2 games, simply by doing nothing.

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                                        tveni tveni

                                          games with a leaver are marked as normal bracket games...


                                            K. So another example of morons in very high games:


                                            This is a 4 stack. The viper went mid and managed to get 80 lasthits in 39 min. The Trilane hugged their lovely lane for 20 min, even i told them several times, that there was a spectre AND a Naix freefarming jungle/top. No movement. Viper came twice top and failed horribly. End of the story:

                                            Lost against a 2 Hardcarry Team. Was fun. Common, matchmaking CAN'T be accuarte. Its impossible to balance this game. Lets take a look at everyones stats. Everyone has heros he is good with, and heros he sucks balls with. Someone with 80% Winratio wisp only maype is a shitty leshrac.

                                            If i want to win more, i would just stack with my buddies and we would play ap:

                                            Offlane: Tree/Weaver

                                            Safelane: DK/Bara/Qop (whatever)

                                            Mid: CK/Wisp


                                            Safelane: Kotl/Lancer

                                            Offlane: Weaver/Tree

                                            Mid: Whatever

                                            This ensures wins. Picking strong combos. But in publics everyone does what he wants. Mepoo lastpick after ES and no Farmlane available for him! Thats what you deal with in very high games.

                                            What really grinds my gear is the 3 games guys and the 48% winratio dudes in the very high tier. The dudes that pick support and refuse to buy wards.

                                            There should be a visible ranking, so no bobo can make excuses for beeing low.

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                                            Woof Woof

                                              visible rating at this point in time would only increase amount of rage and tears in game and forums just imagine how much drama would it cause games with 1k rating difference between players on same team -game after game- I think even reddit retards would be pissed


                                                Want some 100% exampels for retards, without any chance of excuse:


                                                Mepoo lastpick against ES, while we needed offlaner. Hard feed. (Belarus)


                                                Kotl pushing lanes out, buying no wards, feeding hard, leaving (Russian ofc)


                                                Naga Siren is like: Its the First game of my life. Fails everything in every aspect (49% winratio)


                                                Alche goes on lane with gloves of haste and tangos. Feeds fristblood. Feeds all game, refuses to def towers.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  9v1 you are a idiot, my last game I que'd with a friend who left a game and was put in Low Prio that is why it is a normal game (plus there was a leaver)

                                                  ALSO stop looking at one game you just look like a idiot who cant read. All those games your whole team is feeding(including you)


                                                    I did not see, that there was a leaver. No need to offend me personally. That is the most common sign for a lack of arguments. And ofc I can judge by 1 game if a person can play or not. I do not judge by feeding or overextending. That are common mistakes, that can happen. There are also mistakes that should not happen:

                                                    Aka the mistake I mentioned above like picking mepoo against ES while we needed an offlaner. I fed one of the games (aka high negative stats) I mentioned above. As you can see in my stats, Furion is now in my "list" . I take the hero I have the most games played with and have a Winratio below 50% and play him as long as it takes to get to 50%. So i consider myself an average Furion by now, since I started him with 11% winratio and reached 41% now. I also do not want to play him afk jungle and take the offlane and participate in ganks alot, so I rly try to learn furion. Not like the 20 min afk farm furions.

                                                    Most players complain about matchmaking AND there are several reasons why it can't be perfect. I mentioned some above:

                                                    1. Not everybody is good with every hero. You can go straigth Very High up to 60% winratio by constantly stacking and picking imba combos or just playing tree/bara/ursa/wisp. That will not make you a good invoker mid solo. So if you decide to switch hero or roles you may be not able to maintain the level you set with your strong heros. I have a mate, that is very high tier by playing constantly wisp. He has like 500 games played and 230 or so are Wisp games. If he has to play another hero, his performance drops hard. How could matchmaking handle it? It can't.

                                                    2. The anti smurf detection. Someone winning 3 games in a row against lowshits is placed on page 1. He will mostly end up losing the next 5 games in a row and ruin this 5 games.

                                                    3. The different servers. I guess someone playing very high on russia or SEA is like low prio in europe. When we are a 5 Stack we often go to Russia server just to fuck the russians in the ass. We never dropped a single game. Lets face it: Russians play on europe because the average skill is higher. So if you are a very high russian player you are basically a normal europe player. Thats why most of the western european community wants a serversplitt. We do not want to deal with the russians!

                                                    Valve has seen this and made several solutions:

                                                    a) Russia and Euro server

                                                    b) Russia, euro east and west

                                                    c) Languageselection

                                                    And you still have those guys on your team, lacking basic english and knowledge of the game. If you find some nice russian player with skill, thats what he will till you:

                                                    " I play on euro server cause most russians are retards."

                                                    Since every russian thinks like that, we get a whole bunch of russian retards on the euro server. I guess I do not even recognize many of the russians on euro west. They have "normal" names (non kyrillic), they play their role and they do not spam chat with kyrillic letters.

                                                    But if someone makes major mistakes and feeds hard, he is for 90% sure a Russian/Ukr/Belarus Player.

                                                    Same applies for Turks or Greeks, who are also often not willingly to speak english.

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                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      you went to my profile and attacked my stats personally dont try and play the "personal attacks is a sign of a lack of arguments". Your whole arguement is "Russians are fgts and they should not be in my games" then you proceed to validate your own claim saying "this one Russian said Russians are fgts so they all are fgts". What you need to understand is that unless the anti smurf sends ALL potential smurfs to the higher brackets the lower brackets get ruined (5 bad games at VH vs 100s of bad games in normal) I am a VH solo que player but I understand that VH is the minority so some compromises have to be made.

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