General Discussion

General DiscussionManta Bloodseeker

Manta Bloodseeker in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    What do you guys think about manta on bloodseeker ? I mean his agi gains is actually pretty good and usually when you rupture someone his not going to move so you actually get some illusions autoatacks. It gives him some stats, movement speed and survivability ( against soft disables ). I usually get manta on him because i really dont like sangue and yasha but i do like to get yasha early.

    Usually my build with him is manta, basher, bkb. But it actually depends how my ganks are going. If the game is not going so well i get yasha and bkb.

    So what do you guys usually get on him ?


      manta is good on almost any agi dps'er so why not (dodge stun, remove debuffs, split push, etc)

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I play him as a mid-game burst damage dealer, going into a late-game tank. Phase, FS & Dagon, moving up to BKB & HoT late game. I make it a point to gank whenever Rupture's not on cooldown.

          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            His last game is on Very High wtf. Also I generally just get Yasha and a Halberd.

            Quick maffs

              Still meow .... what would you get playing on very high ?

              Yasha and Halberd seems pretty good too.


                Never go full bloodseeker.

                OT: Wouldn't be bad. Manta's good on pretty much every agi hero.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                    i play him with early aquila for mana regen, and after that sange and yasha, vlads and daedalus.

                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                        Lmaooooo mana regen.... Great!


                          rofl mana regen on bloodseeker why not
                          let's get attack speed on tinker too

                            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                            Dire Wolf

                              Manta's some nice stats but if your abilities/other items don't buff illusions isn't assault curiass pretty close to the same damage increase while giving you a ton of armor? Or butterfly, costs more but a lot more dmg and evasion. I just think getting yasha but itself then better options are available.

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                Woof Woof

                                  go tanky + crit = q yourself for profit


                                    Get treads,sange and yasha,crit,butterfly,abyssal,satanic
                                    Watch noobs cry with your PA like crits

                                    Or have a friend pick sven and he ults you Q on him gg

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Woof Woof

                                      go for phase so u can avoid being blocked by creeps while chasing


                                        useless item on bs