General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease Give Comment or Some Judge :)

Please Give Comment or Some Judge :) in General Discussion

    seriusly this funny match.
    ya maybe me noob, but i want learn more.
    so please give me comment so i can learn more

    < Zeus
    and my little brother Andistya = Riki


      Enable data collection.


        You need to enable history sharing in the Dota2 client for there to be anything for people to give you advice on as a no stats game is difficult to gauge.


          Zeus and riki are auto-win in bottom normal bracket,


            who to make enable history sharing ?
            when i download replay at game, i cant see at folder C:


              That funny game, from 4 vs 2 and then 1 vs 2


                You can choose to let Dotabuff collect stats from your games and how you play. This will help people analyse how you play, which items you buy, which skills you level when etc. It's very useful. have a look at these pages here: and you can see lots of stuff, like my terrible GPM and XPM, not to mention exactly how many times I feed...I mean die in a match, my KDA ratios, (all terrible), and all sorts of good and useful things.

                If you're as bad as me and feel embarrassed about your, possibly awful, stats then I say this to you.

                WHO CARES ITS A VIDEO GAME!

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  that my other account,
                  different user, >,<
                  so i must regist for that account ?


                    Rubbick Hate Me


                      English motherfu*ker do you speak it?