General Discussion

General Discussion[Iso] [LF] Normal MMR Players.

[Iso] [LF] Normal MMR Players. in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    Currently looking for / In search of Normal MMR bracket players that have great communication skills.

    Currently two friends and I ( and have been having a rough time due to lack of communication when stacking. We have particular problems with our mids and some of our support players due to their limited hero pool and questionable decision-making. They're still much better than the randoms we would get if we queued as 3 or 4, but those positions are typically our tripping points in games.

    As a result, we are looking for a few 1-3 role Carry / Mid / Off laners, and a single 3-4 role Support. Flexibility between roles is also desirable.

    I prefer to play the 3-5 role support. I excel with visage as my favorite support. My other favorites include but are not limited to Windrunner, Io, Chen, and Naga.

    Hardcore Heathen is a Support / Offlane / Mid playing the 2-4 role. He prefers the Offlane / Mid role but can lane support. His favorite hero is Weaver, who is his best. Other heroes he plays include but are not limited to are Beastmaster, Windrunner, Rubick, Leshrac, Shadowfiend, Kunkka, and Bounty Hunter.

    Misha is a 1-2 role Carry. His favorite hero is Anti-Mage. He also plays but is not limited to Luna, Batrider, Weaver, Crystal Maiden (not in the 1-2 role lol), and Naix.

    We speak English and play on USE preferably. We usually play All Pick, Random Draft, Captain's Mode, and Single Draft, but sometimes play other game modes. We would like to use either Skype or TS3 for communication instead of in-game chat.

    We're not really looking to form a team or anything serious, we just want to have fun while trying to win. We prefer a defensive trilane, but can aggressive trilane if needed or have a jungler.

    We're knowledgeable about hero meta, ward locations, stacking and pulling, controlling lane aggro, aggressiveness, hero knowledge, rotating supports, when to push and other general game mechanics.

    We would hope you are the same, so please if you're

    - 17 + age range
    - 300+ games
    - Can communicate
    - Have Skype or TS3
    - Open to giving and receiving constructive criticism (the constructive part is important too, not just the criticism :P)
    - Wanting to 5 man Jungle Jam (like real pros)
    - Capable of getting 6min lvl 8 when jungling with Sniper (7min is unacceptable)
    - Agree that DP STRONKEST HERO
    - Willing to Blink and Slam
    - Currently enjoying Snak's videos

    Not looking for -

    - People that can't speak English
    - People with negative attitudes (The game is not over because they got first blood)
    - People who cannot give/take constructive criticism (So important I listed it twice)
    - 27% win rates
    - Top hero Sniper/Drow/Riki. (Those three in combination, in order. Drow/Sniper/Riki is fine.)
    - Doesn't know how to jungle Ogre magi
    - Players that stack Mekansms/Urns/Medallions
    - People who complain about not dewarding a blocked camp when the blocking ward despawns before x:00. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)
    - 5 wraith band inventory (6 is okay; go hard or go home)

    Please contact me here or just add me ingame and inquire. Thanks!


    - Melody


      Well, I just wanted to leave here a comment to say I love your style, you must be fun in-game too. :)
      Not sure if I would be enough good for you, but I play on EU servers, so wouldnt be able to play with you...
      Anyway, good luck!

      Jay Ashborne

        Not really looking for some one "SUPER SKILL MMR BRACKET HIGHEST NEXT TO DENDI", Anyone that can just work as a team towards a common goal without being a complete asshole about it if something goes wrong. Sad you're on EU though, would for sure play with. =p

        Jay Ashborne

          Bring up my post.


            omg pls add me we can be buddies ok, me veri gud enrish so pls add we play i pick sf mid i win all

            Jay Ashborne

              Toplel. You should smurf and come stomp a game tho. Could use pointers x.X


                im no good enuff i think , how i smurf


                  I dun think he wants in our team; there's no pros in our bracket to humiliate.

                  Jay Ashborne

                    Don't smurf then. Should still play a game.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      Vrokshak is a trash player who can't even maintain good winrate while stacking, you don't want him.

                      -apm 400 player

                        can i join u guys on my smurf? =p


                          Stupid fan 53.43%
                          53.43% 53.43% 53.43% 53.43% 53.43%53.43%

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            I don't stack like a scrub and yet my winrate is only 3.35% lower than yours.

                            Don't get butthurt. You don't have any fans, you're nobody.
                            It's sad how you play premade limited pool/least played to avoid other stacks.

                            You're pathetic.

                            Jay Ashborne

                              I unno. Sides me being a fanboy, the thing that really caused it is how Vroksnak has generally good decision making in the majority of his games. You can be a great player, and still make bad decisions.


                                i'll join, add me

                                I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                  Add me. I play in normal brackets. Average skill. Decent winrate.I am the embodiment of mediocrity.

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    Oh god ur winrate is below 50% again, do i rly have to carry you again? D:


                                      I would love to but I'm in SEA :<

                                      EDIT: YES DP STRONKEST.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Jay Ashborne



                                        .... Slightly. Lol, I could make excuses on how people pick riki and stack wraithbands, or how supports don't know how to ward in games, but in all honesty, I mean. You win some, you lose some. I'm sure none of my decisions were perfect either. It's whatever. I'll have it back to where it started at 52% at the end of the month.


                                          I qualify on everything except age. I am only 12. :(

                                          Jay Ashborne

                                            @ Above:

                                            If troll 2/10

                                            Woof Woof

                                              are you same guy i told to act as chick and make thread on joindota to have his fl full very next day? :D

                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                Nope, sorry. Lol. Don't have an account on joindota.


                                                  How can you act as chick in a game where you supposed to talk? o_O

                                                  Woof Woof

                                                    he doesnt have to talk just mention hes a girl in his thread and refer to himself as she in game and on forum we used to that back in school days when we had homework from math to do just post on forum as 'girl' say u need help and virgins were throwing themselves at us

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      The fact there are zero periods in this statement above mine makes it hard as shit to read >.<

                                                      Anywho, still Iso!

                                                      COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                        I can understand english, but Im not sure you could understand my funny accent


                                                          Melody, I sent you a friend request.

                                                          Im generally like 1.5-3 In my hero roles I prefer taking the mid lane. i am capable of playing all roles but prefer to probably be the 2 in all honesty, idk why just do (mostly cause antimage can suck my balls i cant succeed with him, just cuz)

                                                          My Favorite heros to play are probably Viper and Clinkz, And favorite support to play as is probably disruptor.


                                                          I also have a friend who is More of a 3-5 role player but is also sufficently able to rotate roles as needed his favorite heros tend to be initiators such as centaur clockwerk and tide.. he also likes playing rubick and windrunner


                                                          Anyway, Talk to you eventually take care!


                                                            - Capable of getting 6min lvl 8 when jungling with Sniper (7min is unacceptable)

                                                            Is this a thing? Never heard about it.

                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                              He is probably referring to this:

                                                              d -

                                                                Im interested in playing with you. I prefer playing mid with Outworld Devourer, Shadow Fiend and Mirana as my main heroes. But I can support well with Lich, Venge, Ogre and Enigma. Carry is good for me too. My favorites are Phantom Lancer, Luna and Void.


                                                                  You prefer playing OD? What kind of monster are you?

                                                                  d -

                                                                    OD is a pretty strong hero and fun to play

                                                                    Jay Ashborne


                                                                      It was a joke lol. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT THAT.


                                                                        I assumed so. People come up with weird stuff all the time though so I wasn't sure.

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          I mean, lol. We have had some weird lanes before... I don't ever think I've taken that hero to jungle. Mind you we occasionally do this ( (So Effective...), and even me thinking about sniper to jungle seems wrong. Lord knows, with tango munching, you might be able to make something work.


                                                                            Add me


                                                                              Basically, Sniper jungling typically looks a lot like this video, only Sniper is slightly more worthless:



                                                                                I'm interested. Judging by the humor in your post I think you guys could be fun to play with.

                                                                                I can play all roles reasonably well, but have the most experience as 1-3. As for lanes, I can solo hard lane as timber, cw, or weaver. I can also play support (lich, lion, aa) or hard carry (pl, naix, sk, dk) in easy lane. Basically anything but mid lol.

                                                                                As for playing times, I mostly just play late night weekends starting around 8-10 pm, going til as late as 3am. I play some weeknights, but not reliably.

                                                                                Anyway, let me know if you're interested and we can connect on Steam to give it a try.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  melody stacks and can barely maintain a 50% win rate lol. The normal bracket is shocking sometimes

                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                    Sampson stacks including asking for dewards from the 3 role.

                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                      no blame just enjoy good music


                                                                                        Get a room you two

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          sadly I they never put me in the same room as normal player :*(

                                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                                            your family and friends must be very good at doto.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              most of my IRL friends dont play dota (LoL sadly) so all the people I play with I meet in game which happen to play in the same match making

                                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                                so you are never in the same room as your IRL friends?

                                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                  Lol'ed hard.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    my bad I misspoke. The difference between u and me melody is I can admit when I make a mistake (prob why u cant win playing stack in the normal bracket :P)

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      Get off your high horse and stop being such a jerk. Players of every skill level deserve to have fun, and honestly Dota 2 wouldn't be nearly as successful a venture w/o the players in the Normal bracket (ie the majority).

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                                        I am not on a high horse. I help anyone who asks and I play with anyone who asks. Melody is just a example of the type of person I loathe "my carry sucked so I lost" "the sun was in my eyes so I lost" I play supports so thats why I am in normal bracket" blah blah blah every game. If he didnt want me to comment he would not have made a comment specifically about me.