General Discussion

General DiscussionSpiritbreaker NERFED. CALLED IT.

Spiritbreaker NERFED. CALLED IT. in General Discussion

    Spirit Breaker
    - Base attack time nerfed from 1.7 to 1.9
    - Greater Bash no longer works while doomed
    - Nether Strike now uses 1.2 Cast Time instead of a 1 sec magic immune delay (can be interrupted as a result)

    Thats a huge nerf to Nether strike.


      oh my 0.2 sec nerf, they had to think a lot to put such thing, monkeys..


        The change means he can no longer dodge spells. So you don't get missed stuns or damage avoidance anymore. It'll affect his ability to ignore everybody else.

        Guess they wanted to keep his ganging skillset with charge though.

          Tento komentář byl smazán

            I guess you're among those that didn't want him to be nerfed?

            My thread was titled 'How do you think SB will be nerfed?'


              where did you find this?


       Here is the patch notes..

                Major nerfs was implemented on 2 heroes its BR and SB lmao..

                Woof Woof

                  overall its great patch no wonder why icefrog chose valve to create dota 2
                  incompetent company gained incompetent employee


                    " Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp" - supports nerfed.
                    "Can no longer orb-attack while attack restricted (such as Ethereal or Frostbite)" - OD and huskar are now counterable with ghost scepter
                    "Chemical Rage no longer provides 250/500/750 bonus HP" - WHAT THE FUCK, seriously, ya, he gets now 50 regen on level 1, but he basicly had a mini tarasque. huge nerf.

                    " Divided We Stand leveling rebalanced from 6/11/16 to 4/11/18" - yeaaaahh.
                    "Removed 30% stat sharing on non-aghanim Divided We Stand" - nooooo.

                    "When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero" - what does this mean, haste for infinite move speed?

                    "- Added Aghanim's upgrade: Adds Midnight Pulse damage to your Black Hole. This damage stacks with Midnight Pulse." - delicious

                    "- Tether now does a -100% MS/AS slow instead of a stun" oh no.
                    "Can now use Blink Dagger" pudge with blink, will break a lot of myths.

                    "Added Aghanim's upgrade: reduces cooldown from 20/18/16 to 5, increases cast range from 1000 to 1400 and makes all stolen spells be considered to have their Aghanim's upgrade." - rubick will not fit support role working well without any items. this is too good to deny.

                    " Added Aghanim's upgrade: reduces Mystic Flare's cooldown from 60/40/20 to 20/10/0" - team this guy with outworld devourer, see wonders.

                    "- Shadow Dance duration reduced from 5.5 to 4
                    - Shadow Dance cooldown increased from 25 to 65
                    - Shadow Dance can no longer be revealed by Truesight" - nerf for pubs, buff for pros. towerdives easily.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Quick maffs

                      "When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero" - what does this mean, haste for infinite move speed?

                      This is insane.

                      " Added Aghanim's upgrade: reduces Mystic Flare's cooldown from 60/40/20 to 20/10/0" - team this guy with outworld devourer, see wonders.


                      - Shadow Dance can no longer be revealed by Truesight" - nerf for pubs, buff for pros. towerdives easily.

                      Insane too.


                        I think the 30% removal of stats doesn't matter. Level 4 double meepo? Welcome to the Meepo mid meta, where you can gang while remaining in the lane! It'll speed up your agahims rush unless you fail terribly and keep dying across the map.

                        I made a thread regarding the effects of impacts.

                        "When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero", meaning if your ms is high enough, it'll go over 522 ms. E.g you have yasha euls or whatever.

                        Shadow dance will bring Slark into the meta for sure.

                        And yeah, Skywrath + Od will be the new wisp+ck


                          " Base magic resistance reduced from 25% to 10%, visage" they should do this to huskar instead.

                          Shadow Blade
                          - Shadow Walk cooldown increased from 18 to 28 - Even worse win rates for prophet and alchemist.

                          "New Tranquil Boots
                          Active Boots:
                          + 85 Movement speed
                          + 4 Armor
                          + 10 HP Regeneration

                          Broken Boots:
                          + 60 Movement speed
                          + 4 Armor
                          Restores when you haven't attacked or been attacked in the last 13 seconds.

                          Cannot be disassembled" - buffed, but you cant make vlads from it's parts anymore.

                          - Spin Web AoE increased from 650 to 900
                          - Spin Web cast range increased from 600 to 1000
                          - Spin Web cast point nerfed from 0.2 to 0.4
                          - Spin Web no longer destroys trees
                          - Broodmother now has completely unobstructed movement when under the web (can walk over cliffs, trees, etc)" - SO cool, this guy finally received some love.

                          * Broodmother and Slark are temporarily disabled from CM, they will be added back shortly.

                          They also buffed wards and nerfed move speed of all boots.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Broodmother will possibly go mid now as it'll be reaaally hard to gang som1 moving up and down cliffs. She can web and run into trees like spec too now lolol.


                              ""When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero", meaning if your ms is high enough, it'll go over 522 ms. E.g you have yasha euls or whatever." yeah I got it, but what will surge or haste rune do. looking forward for this.


                                - Base damage reduced from 48-52 to 38-42
                                - Vision reduced from 1400 to 1200
                                - Flaming Lasso cast range reduced from 175 to 100" - doesn't hurt his jungling for blink rush, but lasso harder to land, and base damage will be fucking lowest in the game next to clinkz and sf. napalm will help him with last-hits anyways.
                                This guy will probably still remain in top tier but will have to forget about the spotlight(100%pick/ban).

                                "Non-Ancient Neutrals now split XP with all heroes in the AoE instead of just the team that killed them" - nerfed pulling
                                "* Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp" - nerfed pulling.
                                Also reduced HP and XP on few camps. easier to kill but less rewarding=bullshit. even worse win rate on prophet.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Those nerfs are okay actually. Damage doesn't matter because thats 1 napalm stack. Lasso doesn't matter much also since you're blinkin. 75 range nerf on a blink isn't much.

                                  The biggest thing however, is the vision. Rofl 1200 vision is night vision for other heroes. You're blind if u solo gank.


                                    You are also the one who wanted him to be nerfed like this:

                                    "1. Lower base damage to by 12 to 57.
                                    2. Lower starting strength by 2 to 27.
                                    3. Charge now has a cancellation penalty of 100 second cd. If charge connects, CD is as usual."

                                    Now he was nerfed in a sensible way instead. Thank god for that.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      ^Thats only a example, in that post everyone agreed that he just needed a slight nerf.

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        If you see an OD after this patch, you'd see wonders I guess :P


                                          NS to counter batrider and all other blink initiators?...they can't see far enough to blink in.


                                            @åäö, you make it sound as if those 3 nerfs were insane. I agree my nerf suggestion was definitely more than this patch but the onlymajor difference between my suggestion was the damage nerf. They nerfed Nether Strike instead of Charge but it was to a similar. I'm pretty sure you understand how powerful the nerf to Nether Strike is.

                                            That comment of yours makes it sound as if you were amongst those that wanted SB to be nerfed. Thanks for suggesting how you thought SB should have been nerfed in a "How do you think SB will be nerfed?" thread.

                                            OD will exist as more of a situational pick now. Welcome to the ganking meta.

                                            Eh, NS is way too strong now. So many indirect buffs to NS and then he gets such an imba direct buff?!

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Well he was only picked 1 game at TI3...and of course NS dominated that game. But post TI balance changes tend to focus on what was used at TI to ensure the meta changes. If NS is too strong...I mean when it becomes obvious that NS is too strong then he will be nerfed back. Icefrog doesn't seem to be afraid to admit he messed up. He has reversed himself hundreds of times already in various patches. Really his willingness to try things, make real changes, ...and then take them back after real --- months long full community testing...that is why Dota 2 such an extremely well balanced game able to keep over a hundred unique heroes which are all fairly relevant. This is more of the same balance theory that Icefrog has used for years to perfect dota 2.

                                              I really like the balance changes making it easier to challenge tri-lanes and harder to deny xp everywhere. This will make a far larger group of heroes relevant. So many of them were not picked because they could not survive a difficult early game. This will make pro games more fun to watch and make it easier on nubs at the same time broadening the community participation at all levels.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Big nerfs to pulling (smaller camps + shared exp), big nerfs to zoning. Overall, Tri is no longer the set in stone meta. 2-1-2 is no longer limited to small hero combinations like Abba+Weaver now. This is great because previously shit tier heroes can become situational. Although a good drafter will not obviously not go into 2-1-2 easily if the opposite side drafted crazy stuff like Veno+Jugger and Centaur+Tuskar.


                                                  they just remove every possible move from dota step by step, rip. next will be void invulnerability while leaping.
                                                  because lol players finds it too much op and unfair to dodge spells. lol.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    Oh, SB's ulti now can finally be interrupted...I could have done without his other nerfs, for me that's more than enough, but considering how annoying he is, it's a welcome nerf :)


                                                      nailed it.


                                                        As a bara player myself, i can say this nerf isnt that big, i am still able to get kills at lvl 6, 5 man doto however wiill be harderto deal with.

                                                        Also, last picking bara so no one pick doom.

                                                        d -

                                                          Manta > Bara Ult

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            whats the difference between average gold income pre/post patch after clearing whole jungle?


                                                              not much...and less variable

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                relentless nailed it, the best thing with this patch is it makes the laning phase much more interesting instead of trilanes stomping their lane every game

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  If you interrupt the bara ult will it still go on cooldown? Like elder's sleep cast time?


                                                                    ^ no it's not channeled , more like meepo's poof or prophet's teleportation.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Oh so it's not a gigantic nerf, just stops him from 2 shotting you. Now he'll hit you, you'll stun him during ult, get an attack off, then he'll ult you and you die. But he won't be able to dive multiple heroes at once like before.


                                                                        Barathrum nerf is insane. Its going to be a nightmare getting his ult off against heroes like clockwerk or sniper, or anyone with an mkb.