General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother is bullshit. WHERES THE DAMN NERF.

Broodmother is bullshit. WHERES THE DAMN NERF. in General Discussion

    I had a game against a broodmother as sand king. I decided to level caustic finale and get a hit on every creep in order to keep bm and her spiders away from last hits, or they take a lot of damage. As it turned out, we were able to take down both towers in our lane before losing our first one. I also made sure to get sentries, then I'd hit one of her spiders and stun them, which would kill them all with caustic finale level 4. One time I ulted in on bm and her spiders, which ended up giving me over 1k gold (she wasn't even on a killing spree). It was quite a fun game, and pretty obvious that sk is a big counter to bm. If bm can't push her lane and rax it, shes pretty much useless.


      Last game i played against a broodmother who just stood at top or bot tower in the cliffs and when our creeps spawned she atacked our base althought we were pushing this lane at their tower. For me its going backdoor. But bm told me going backdoor is allowed? Are there some rules about going backdoor and if so where can i find these? For my team it was quiet hard to push becouse bm killed all our creeps at our base when she saw us pushing. and without creeps pushing is not that nice.


        COUNTERS FOR BROOOD - OFCOURSE WITH SENTRIES/GEM/TRACK - BEAST MASTER - NATURES_P - AND SPECTRE... hereoes can get tress out way, follow, trap and stun this shitty spider that you so call it.. but all in all if the spoider is dealt with early it isnt a problem and remember if it stays in lane... its 4vs5 if u push with you team, force him to come out or not... so yes, there are good vs bad situations but spider had to be given this benifit because he is so easy to shut down with sentries in a lane - so useless to pick him if he cant stay in webs... think about that like BOSS VOLVO!! bitches! go cry somewhere else, if you can find some other counters let me know, but so far ive raped every little spider thats come to my games. easy easy easy :) enjoy dota guys and keep smoking good shit and doing drugs :D Russians are good friends aswell!! fuck all u haters! :)


          AND ANOTHER COMMENT!!!!!! I NEED A CLAN - I PLAY SUPPORT - EU/RUSSIAN SERVERS - LFG - so let me know if u are in dire.. Im english speaking, got some russian and german words under my belt - mostly swear words but they help :P haha smell you later dopta lovers and keep me updated!! cheers


            just realised SK is also a fucking cool (sand) counter with its passive pussy spell.

            King of Low Prio

              the whole idea behind the "no backdoor" rule was because pubs where bad at reacting to attacks on base.


                Did no one mention Timbersaw?


                  "For me its going backdoor. But bm told me going backdoor is allowed? Are there some rules about going backdoor and if so where can i find these?"

                  If the game mechanics allow it then I guess by definition, it's allowed. There are no rules to be found, the game has no referee or umpire or list of "DO NOT DO....'s".

                  So yeah, sneaking behind someone and finishing off their ancient is a valid and cool tactic.

                  Watch this video carefully and see what I mean, I've even found the right bit for you as well, I know, too nice:
                  If it doesn't skip to 4 minutes and 59 seconds, skip to 4 minutes and 59 seconds.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Backdoor is hard to do because the towers and rax get a buff which gives them uber regen if you attack them with no creeps around. It's possible to get enough dmg to down them, like on a 6-slotted natures. The ancient though I don't believe has such buff and can be backdoored at any time.


                      1. Pick lina
                      2. Dragon slave & lsa
                      3. 700 gold from spider lings
                      4. Build bloodstone
                      5. Farm jungle hard
                      6. Ged daealus,AC,satanic
                      7. ????
                      8. Gg