I have no clue why you are so concerned with stats being a little off. Stop bumping topics because your concerned your stats don't look more glorious. Your stats may be slightly off but they are roughly accurate adding a game takes you to about 676GPM using those two games you actually have about 630GPM.
Live with it and stop bumping.
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I think dotabuff might have the cutoff date between 6.78c and 6.79 wrong.
Look here: http://dotabuff.com/players/57581333/heroes?date=patch_6.79&game_mode=&match_type=&metric=economy
It says my average spectre game for 6.79 had 800 GPM. However I had 2 games in 6.79 as spectre (http://dotabuff.com/matches/354166602 and http://dotabuff.com/matches/355593012) so my average GPM should be 750. This leads me to believe that the cutoff between 6.78c and 6.79 is wrong.