General Discussion

General Discussionsolo que winrates

solo que winrates in General Discussion

    in dotabuff u can see ur winrate in the last games with friends. It would also be nice to see ur solo que win rate.
    Can someone pass this suggestion to a dotabuff employee ?


      I don't think dotabuff has any way of knowing who your 'friends' are. It assumes that if you've played 3+ games with a person that he/she is your friend, so if you've played only 2 games with multiple friends, your suggested 'solo queue win rate' would be very inaccurate.

      Also, what if you happen to play with the same random person multiple times over the course of a year? How would dotabuff know if thats a seldom played with friend, or just a random person?


        hes right ^ but in all honesty, does it really matter what your sq win rate is?


          it would be interesting to know, but its not possible to know it seems


            it is possible to know, if you are really interested,
            go through your matches manually and write down W/L

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Also your friends might be "Anonymous" as well.


                I imagine it would be possible for Dotabuff to do it automatically, for players who use the actual soloqueue matchmaking. Of course, that wouldn't apply to people who queue as solo in normal matchmaking, which would make the feature too wonky.

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                  I will start a random and solo que only account. This said, watch me through my path of hell.


                    I would appreciate this.

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