General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is AA not used competitively?

Why is AA not used competitively? in General Discussion

    The only reason I can think of is unreliable disable but then theres nothing strange with setup heroes right? Like Disrupt+Split Earth.

    In a tri I feel like his 3rd skill is insanely good. +50 dmg for 3 attacks. Three heroes with bonus 50 dmg at level 1/2?! It does slow ASPD by abit but I don't think its critical since disables are common in trilanes.


      overly squishy, relies on exp too much, nerfed jungle.

      would much rather use as mid than in a tri.

      Woof Woof

        who normal would pick hero that looks lika a frozen turd

        Woof Woof

          its hard on eyes and drops team morale

          Retard Security Detail

            Hes the only true snowballing hero. (puns are cute :O)

            Dread Pirate Cat

              the only true snowballing hero is tuskar, obviously.

              waku waku

                all of his skills are unreliable


                  He has what? I'd rather pick bloodseeker.

                  Ragnar Volarus

                    His three skills are bad, unreliable and totally counterable by bkb. This disable is worse than split earth/whatever, it's hard to even call it a disable if it has 4s setup time and can be countered by almost anything. It's more like "use it on somebody and he has to run" kind of spell.

                    His only trump card is that attack buff, which is actually strong only in some 2v2/3v3 lane scenarios, and that's when he was picked, with little to no success.


                      he has his uses, hardly a bad hero. can be monster good, and cold feed aint that hard to set up.
                      if new alchi enters the meta, aa is sure to follow as a counter.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Well because they don't want to pick him.

                        Ragnar Volarus


                          Cold feet is extremely hard to set up. If you can hold somebody in place for 4s, and he doesn't use any kind of magic immunity/escape mechanism, isn't force staffed and his team doesn't come to help him, it means that he'd be probably dead anyway, you don't need another 3s+ stun for it.


                            @the people above me
                            Cold feet is so easy to set up, especially in a trilane where you for sure have AT LEAST one more stun and/or slow. If you can proc cold feet on a target in a trilane, it's almost guaranteed to be a kill. Later into the game, he can pick up a Eul's and then he can solo proc cold feet, and his ulti just MELTS, no wait, FREEZES enemies in teamfights. He should be a very viable pick in competitive, the only reason why he isn't picked is because heroes like Visage, Jakiro, CM, and Bane are better because of:
                            A) Strong nuking power
                            B) Disables
                            C) Both


                              AA was picked today by VP against Alliance along with DP. They lost the game since Bulldogs bear was out of control


                                It was not just the bulldogs bear, it was the way VP drafted. I couldn't think of any worse pick than mirana. AA felt useless too after the first kills on the viper on top (his ulti did not do even a damage to those tanky heroes). For me, the DP pick was good, thats all that kept them for 40 minutes in the game.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  He's just not as good as other supports. His snare is nice but no reliable disable say like shadow shaman, lion or jakiro. He also has ZERO nuke dmg, unlike most other supports. His ult requires a fair bit of skill to land good ones. Ultimately though he's just not fun to play at all, have no nukes whatsoever. I can't think of any other pure support built that way, earthshaker, witch dr and jakiro have ults, cm and lich have spammable nukes and ults, etc.


                                    he is super fun hero to play with, dno what are you on about. hero with 4 spells and a skill shot, what do you find fun if not that..


                                      His ult is buggy as hell and none of his skills are very reliable in general. Lots of fun to play in less serious games though.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I don't find him fun to play at all. Almost as bad as playing chen or dazzle.


                                          His spells are unreliable/easy to avoid.


                                            riiight, but naix is fun? I guess skeleton is epitome of fun hero as well, sigh..


                                              xan, i don't know what the fck is your problem going to every fucking thread and butthurting your feelings over here


                                                fuck off, if you cant tell the difference between whining and discussing. and if anyone is butthurt here its you because you didnt like my comment on your mind bogglingly stupid suggestion.