General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the most kills in a Public game ever ?

What is the most kills in a Public game ever ? in General Discussion
aint tryna box right now

    Please tell me an answer i have been lookin 15 min without results. I'm so curious and sorry bad english :D

      Dire Wolf

        They obviously dc'd and slark afk fed them.


          Even if so, it's still hilarious :D



            First game in a smurf account. I could have killed over 200 but it gets very boring after a while.


              etherealblade - 1 shot dagon - rearm
              repeat till u get enough kills
              funny thing about these games is that the feeders dont rage quit or anything, they just stay there like theyre bots or sth


                actually 1 guy said "REPORTED FOR USING NO COOLDOWN HACK" I rofl'd

                Dire Wolf

                  That's funny. What's stupid is they didn't just stay in the fountain.



                    Dude, when you can 1 shot someone with dagon & eblade, you can sort of kill them in the fountain.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Good point.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Well actually I guess they could smoke-TP or some shit but you can't expect such things from those players.