General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the most annoying type of pub players to you?

What is the most annoying type of pub players to you? in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    Flamers, assholes, etc ...... I dont really care if my team mates are bad, if they are polite that its enough


      ^ @Dorkly you're one of those people making the dota 2 community a better place :)


        everyone in this thread


          This guy called coach on this forums is the epitome of bad. It's okay to suck at this game. It's okay to play badly. But refusing to admit it, blaming everybody else, cursing at others? Dude, fuck off.


            The most anoying players are those that initiatie or altpress map on enemy hero telling us to get on him, most of thetime its 5/4our guys againts 4/3 of them in other words we have advantage, so i initiate, boom they run back for no reason at all... i get killed ofc, the theflame comes noob etc, dont know what are you doing etc. but funy enough is thathe runed back to camp with full hp...
            Those guys are most anoying for me.