General Discussion

General DiscussionLFG: Support Player (mostly) 450+ games 53.95% win ratio EU

LFG: Support Player (mostly) 450+ games 53.95% win ratio EU in General Discussion

    I'm looking for a casual but daily group with good mature players (also 21+) that know their stuff. Getting tired of pubs. Good english communication is a must whether it be with skype/ts/mumble/vent or ingame-com. Know how to give and take constructive criticism without being immature. Played Dota Allstars '08-'10 and just started up dota 2 this past year. I mostly supp, its what I enjoy most and I know how to do it. (CM, SS)

    If you have any questions the best way to reach me is on steam, just add me.
    Thanks and see you in-game ;)