General Discussion

General DiscussionOk, i am really sad

Ok, i am really sad in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    I hate losing with PL. I mean how bad can someone be to lose with fucking pl ?

    I will accept anyone tips to help me figure out what i could have done in my last pl game to win the game.

    My lane went pretty bad so my farm at 10 minutes was very low ( 40 cs or less i think ) so i just had to jungle.

    I went for tranquils ( i know it sucks on carries now ) because if i am not mistaken the illusions get the + 80 movement speed, and even broken those boots are still the ones who give more ms.

    After that i got drums, diffusal and heart, usually i go manta and then heart but the game was hard.

    My entire team just got stomped but i think i could have carried them.

    I think i should had just yolo pushed some lane, but i was too afraid of dying.

    P.S: Yes warlock is my friend, i dont know how to teach him to stop feeding :(


      If you can't fight, push.... I'm no PL player, but that is what the best PL's tend to do, eat towers, split push, change lanes, be everwhere on the map.


        step 1 - dont play with your warlock friend.
        step 2 - win game.


 I lost too :)
          and thanks for my friends for lowering my MMR so that there's a 2/17 drow in my team

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            If you're talking about your last PL game, it doesn't seem like your fault, your team should've crushed the opponents early as they had a full carry lineup.

            Quick maffs

              @Shandoodle but i like playing with him even if we lose :(

              What a life.

              the thing is if i tell him something like : " Dont buy dust against weaver and riki, get sentries" he will buy sentries, but if the next game there is a riki and a weaver he will do the same mistake again and he will buy dust again.

              I think he is pretty good with ganker heroes because he hates to support and he hates to farm, i guess his nyx and zeus stats are pretty good.

              Tento komentář byl upraven


                -apm 400 player

                  WUT? u stacking with your friend and he didn't went for kotl ? 'FACEPLAM '


                    push more. push ftw. pl is a great pusher.
                    and farm more.

                    for the item build. i will skip the drum. same price you can buy a ult orb and then later ==> manta.
                    you don't need the that bracer early on. you don't need any tankyness early on. you have the 2nd skill to escape. avoid any teamfight completely early game.

                    I will buy manta b4 heart. once you got manta, your farm efficiency is greatly boosted. easily got heart. you can buy the 1100 red ball b4 manta for the tankyness.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      40cs for a bad lane is actually amazing.

                      Ples Mercy

                        just learn to play bro, then you wont lose.

                        Quick maffs

                          wow ok blunt-sama.

                          nc lost with juggernaut btw.

                          @whoji the thing is that i couldnt get out of the jungle because i was sure that riki would hunt me with dust. You know what is funny ? the enemy never bought dust so i was just dumb.

                          And i always get manta first but this time i thought heart would be better ..... maybe i was wrong.

                          Quick maffs

                            Ok guys i am not sad anymore, just stomped with PL :)

                            ( like always should be )


                              6 months ago..
                              lost 2 in a row before finally admitting to yourself you can't play pl and gave up for good.


                                I feel dirty when I play with riki or pl

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