General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist goin' on naga way

Alchemist goin' on naga way in General Discussion

    I have seen him supporting few times recently, are pros trying to make it happen?

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Well actually no. His ulti nerf is actually not a true nerf. I guess it's way better for a support to have HP regen over raw HP because they tend to sit far back anyway and while roaming that 50 HP/sec can be REALLY good. So it's more like playing him as support is better than playing him as carry.


        ^ I don't understand what did you disagree with .....

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Not really anything. It's just Alch became a support after a nerf to his ultimate while Naga became one because people realized she is stronger as one.

          King of Low Prio

            they where already trying to make alchem into a support role prior to the ulti change. Personally I feel it is a waste putting him in that role because other heroes can do it better but if it works go for it


              alchi was doing that before the changes. and raw hp is always better on supports than rege.


                Support Alch is really underrated actually. Apart from being one of the few supports who can farm up in the jungle between ganks (CM and Veno being a few other examples), his main disable is really strong, does a load of damage and is much easier to land as a support going in late. If he goes for the Medallion rush a fully charged concoction can easily do in excess of 4-500 damage with possible bonus targets.

                As an added bonus he's one of the harder-to-kill supports and can actually stick around and throw a second stun in most fights.

                Let's not forgetting mid-game where he can catch up faster than any support thanks to greed and get utility items that much faster (halberd, fs/blink, guinsoo etc)

                Also very versatile in the draft, look at Alliance's recent game against Liquid I think, where they picked up Alch early in the draft and the opponents responded with Medusa. They then chose to run Alch as support (something they don't usually do) and picked Weaver for Loda to great success.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Dire Wolf

                  Don't you play support alch and carry alch pretty much the same way anyway? Or are the item choices drastically different? My main issue with alch is all the retards who go midas first and stilll suck at farming.


                    how can you play them the same way? like your whole point behind farming alchi is to, well, farm.
                    support alchi is a roamer. you ain't particularly good babysitter, have trash armor, melee. all you can do as a support is roam/gank.

                    his stun is awesome, and with medal (something you prolly won't get on carry alchi) your initiations hurt like hell (for better or worse). guess you can do some funky yolo stuff like medal/dagger/bm and just jump into shit trying to wreck as much havoc as you can before 'real' carries step in.

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