General Discussion

General DiscussionFeedback on my AM gameplay

Feedback on my AM gameplay in General Discussion

    Hey guys I would love if some of you could watch a replay of a close AM game of mine and tell me where I could improve since I feel that I make some stupid mistakes which could have made our team lose. I had good farm at the start of the game, but our team started falling behind in the mid game since I was too busy farming and they were 4v5. It then turns in to a 4p1 for us and we are 1 rax down. We take some of their raxes and it turns into a slow siege/splitpush game where I felt like I did not know what to do and ended up slowly sending manta illusions to attack buildings and sitting outside their base sieging all 3 lanes. We did eventually win through a few fights but I think it could have ended a little faster.

    Any feedback regarding decision making, teamfight execution etc will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      TOO AGRESSIVE, 6 plays for am is no good, even for a 1 hour game, u did good in almost every other part, good last hitting. U should sell battlefury for another item when possible, ur not against a PL or any illusion heavy hero, Bf is used for farming really, an MKB might've done better? Or even a necro 3 (since u mentioned it was a slow seige game). Any other item besides BF

      Losing rax to 4v5 is pretty standard, enemy team knew that AM is weak in early 5 man doto. You did the right choice not to fight or game would've been over lol

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