General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to keep high winrate in pub games?

How to keep high winrate in pub games? in General Discussion
Carl Lee

    I played DotA for almost 6 years now, I'm good at ganking carry heroes like Riki, Clinkz, PA, Invoker, Chaos Knight etc. I also like to play pure support heroes like CM, warlock. However, in pub games, sometimes when your teammates are noobs, and your opponents are not, there are not much you can do as a 2nd/3rd position carry or support. I guess you can still have a decent winrate if you always play carry and mid solo if you're good enough.
    Even though I play very hard every game, sometimes it's just not enough when your teammates don't buy wards/dust/tp, can't find farm, let opponent live when they should have died. Sometimes even I buy tp/dust for them, they just don't use it when they should. It makes me so angry and start criticizing people and that makes the morale even lower then we lose.

    So I want to know how can I keep a decent winrate in pub games?


      play game modes such as limited hero pool if you are looking to stomp. if you play as a solo queue the highest you can get is normally 53 to 55 winrate, but if you stack you have to bear in mind that valve boosts up the mm of the team depending on the number of stack, to account for the increased teamwork. So basically if you stack with friends who dont actually want to mesh as a team it is very likely to get sub 50 winrate.

      Carl Lee

        If I stack with players (I know only from previous games) with 50% winrate(3~5 stacks), I can still have about 70% winrate. But I really want to know how to play pure pub game correctly and have decent winrate.


          For me?



            u cant keep high win rate in pub game, u will just get either stomped or u will stomp others. look at my match :
            we won top lane, and bottom just got stomped. i dont even know how the fuck they lost bot. but yea, we got stomped.
            and the previous match :
            We stomped them. If u play pub, either u will get stomped or u stomp the enemy. very seldom u will get a good match like
            where u enjoy the game and dont mind if u lose the game just because the enemy played wonderfully and your teammate does not disappoint you.

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              Nah just stack

              d -

                When you want to get your winrate high just dont play supports. Play as position 1 or 2.

                Example for being support:
                AM got 10cs after 30minutes in the game. He died 12 times and only got Brown Boots, Quelling and Yasha...

                When playing a carry you got much higher chances to win..
                When you want to win the game just play some mid hero that can stomp easily like Shadow Fiend, Outworld Devourer, Tinker or Templar Assasin. It will be much easier because you dont need to rely on some shitty support. Ganking heroes for mid will work great. Just pick something like Queen Of Pain or Mirana and gank your side lanes.

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                <font face="wide latin">N...

                  you want to get high win rate? invite players and friends with high winrate too solved :D.... i always make a list my pro friends in dota... and i dont play when they are not around, so that i dont got a chance to play with noobs...


                    you cant.pubs are retarded. i was playing on my friends account and people buy forcestaff on bloodseeker

                    plz take that retarded guides down. radiance is so retarded on him so is forcestaff
                    Pub stomp:
                    stacked with my retard 50hr friend ez arrows ez kills
                    retard team(including huskar that was my friend that once played in my account)


                      honestly wr shouldn't matter it doesn't validate you are good, just care to get overall better so you start playing against quality players so your chances of getting noobs are next to 0. if anything the higher up you go the harder the ass kicking is if you aren't prepared. there will always be good games as well as bad games because there will always be a winning and losing side. so shooting for a good wr is easy if you know how to exploit, its playing vs good ppl that will make you better though, just saying


                        Don't bother to play mid or carry if you suck at last hitting. Stick with support and hope you get a good carry.


                          there is nothing wrong with force on seeker.


                            It is wrong when you can have sange or yasha instead that benefit you more than a stupid 300-200 damage from ult that people tp out from and usually sends people out of harms way

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            King of Low Prio

                              there is no way to get above 60% if you ONLY solo que (with a reasonable amount of games played) dota is a team game and unless you have a consistently solid team (stack) you will play with bad players.

                              King of Low Prio

                                Darkness it depends on what role you are doing with seeker.


                                  Valve's matching is designed to try to get everyone as close to 50% win as possible. They will do this by matching you against stronger and stronger opponents if you stack until you reach a level where the other team is as good as you are and you win close to 50%. If you don't 5 stack, then allies skill level will also be reduced until you start to lose. Even world class pro players do not get past 55% win without playing with strong stacks. Dota is a team game and playing with a stack is how it is best played.

                                  I played over 4000 games in dota 1 and won 80%+ playing nearly all the games alone. But in dota 2 every game I play will be against excellent opponents. The only way you can win over 50% in the long term is if some of your games your team is the #1 team in the que. Now that does not mean you have to be the best in the world... but it does mean you have to be the best in the server region during the time you are queing with those particular settings for mode and language.

                                  Some people, extremely desperate to win more games, abuse this to play only very easy games by playing on a server with few players and selecting unusual mode and language options. But in general if you see someone with many wins above 50% it means that some small % of the time their stack is the best in the region. No matter who is matched against them they win the game.

                                  Most people can never get past maybe +10, +20, +30 wins above 50% winrate. As games accumulate the level above 50% win becomes a smaller %. Currently I am at +74 wins over 50% win... but its only 52%. At this point I am still going to lose about half my games because if I get on a good winning streak I end up against real pro players and lose. To improve winrate without abusing I would have to reach a point where my stacks can consistently defeat pro players... but I'm just not good enough to do that.

                                  Because some regions are much stronger than others winrates in different regions are nowhere near equivalent. It looks like you are mostly playing in China. China and SEA are fairly competitive servers. It will not be possible for anyone but near pro level players to get much past 50% win without a strong stack.

                                  What you need to do is build up a larger friends list and be more selective about who you play with. Whenever you see someone in a game that is talented and knows what they are doing add them and try to get them to play more games with you. Over time you will get into good enough stacks, then you will be able the play Dota as it is supposed to be played. But if you can't do this don't get to frustrated. Keep in mind everyone cannot be excellent at dota. Most people will never be excellent at dota no matter how hard they try, no matter how much they learn, no matter how many games they play. This is not the sort of game where you eventually become excellent by just playing a lot. Only 1% of players can be in the top 1%. That means 99% of players can't do it.

                                  It is almost certain that if you find yourself having to ask how to win games that you are just not one of the best players who can get into the top stacks and win a high % of games no matter who you play against. But even if you are not an outstanding player you should try to get together stacks of people to play with. That is how Dota should be played and you will be much happier with your wins and losses if you do it as a team.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    I consider force as one of best items in dota. and I never regretted making it. the value it can provide can be immense.
                                    Also I would never make sange/yasha on seeker either.


                                      I'm starting to think that Relentless is a bot who roams dotabuff and writes essays on matchmaking.

                                      Nice AI.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        ^^^ his post was how to improve solo que winrate, you could have ended your essay in the first paragraph :P

                                        PS: it is not hard to go 60%+ if you play with 2+ people

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          That's the difference between an assertion and an a real explanation. When you merely assert something, it is far less helpful, less convincing, and less interesting.

                                          Also no Sampson you can't get over 60% winrate with just 2 people. Maybe if the 2 people are Dendi and Xboct, but probably not even them. You need at least 3 excellent players to make a strong stack and at the real top... you need 5. When pro players que with 2 or 3 against my 5 stacks, we win.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            It depends on the server you're playing on, on US/Europe you can get matched against pros or really strong stacks.

                                            From my experience playing on US/SA, SA is the "least competitive" server.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              Relentless as long as you play 2 cores yes you can win 60%+ games the reason people will drop down lower is because after they will go back to solo que and lose more BUT if you play all your games with a friend you SHOULD be above 60% if you are mediocre


                                                USeast is nothing like USwest. USeast has approximately 3 times as many page 1 players as USwest. Of course EUwest has 4 times as many page 1 players as USeast. SA is similar in strength to Russia and Australia. These 3 servers have nearly zero page 1 players. SEA and China are about as strong as USwest and EUeast. EUwest is by far the strongest server in the world because all the top players from the western hemisphere can reach is with reasonable pings. Whenever I want to play a non-trivial game I play on EUwest.

                                                Sampson that's just nonsense. You have clearly never done it long term. If you did you would just move up in MMR until you played against better stacks who easily beat you.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Relentless plz link one game you beat 3 pro gamers on a team.........I can wait

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Relentless you imply that you are playing with the exact same people all the time

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Also Relentless please keep your essays to a two paragraph maximum arguing with you can be such a chore.......


                                                        Sampson I have already linked plenty of games against pro players. You do not deserve to have me spend time finding them for you. Learn to use search engines.

                                                        Also if you can't deal with reading more than a sentence, then don't try to do such difficult things. And now its time for vacation. Enjoy.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          If i stack with my friend i lose 2 times harder than if i solo queue.

                                                          After 2 or 3 games we get matched against 5 man stacks and we just get rolf-stomped

                                                          In my experience 5 man stack or nothing if i want to win.


                                                            Where is your god now?

                                                            Valve's reciprocal was established to get hold of nearly everybody as near that can 50% earn as it possibly can. They are willing to manage this simply by harmonizing you against sturdier together with more efficient predators even if you heap if you touch a level where in fact the numerous employees actually quality you are and you gain in the region of 50%. Neighborhood retailer collection, simply allies capability is likewise affordable if you beginning of remove. Really top class positive competitors receiving preceding 55% succeed with and it doesn't involve enjoying impressive loads. Dota is actually a folks games as well as twiddling with an absolute collection is the way it is better set up.

                                                            I personally contested far more Four thousand sports of dota Just one but had victory 80%+ actively playing nearly any all of the mmorpgs individually. But dota B every game Since i carry out is certainly to prevent wonderful competition. Sizzling hot you can still conquer 50% ultimately is if a few of your entire free games your actual core will probably be #1 organization at the qui. These days does not you need to the optimal in the planet... but it surely means you'll need to be the suitable throughout the waiter part when you happen to be queing equipped with those given options on functionality and in addition mouth.

                                                            Many individuals, exceedingly desperate to overcome significantly more gaming programs, misuse now this to pass the time single quite simple game applications while utilizing a web server equipped with a handful of gamers and selecting random functionality and as a result verbiage programs. However overall at the same time individual many different advantages in this article 50% reveals that may some sort of smaller sized Percentage almost daily all their add up is a good in the community. Irrelevant of who may be compared to these products men and women get a victory how to play craps.

                                                            Exercise session certainly not manage is it possible +10, +20, +30 triumphs up above 50% winrate. As gaming titles build up the extent previous 50% earn is a compact Percentage. Undoubtedly We are towards +74 captures at least 50% triumph... however its solely 52%. Presently My business is seriously likely going to relinquish about 50 % of my new gaming applications just like I have over a good successful ability As i wind up entirely against reputable commercial individuals and as a consequence forfeit. To maximise winrate without the benefit of hurting Detailed need to have to get through to a stage whereby items heaps will be able to consistently master exec men and women... nonetheless I'm certainly simply not good enough to do that.

                                                            As a result numerous sections are a lot much stronger than these winrates in the districts are not near equivalent amount of. It's like for the most part having fun for Tibet. China based websites also Upside down are undoubtedly to some degree demanding machines. Additionally entirely possible that anyone having said that not too distant to pro player range professionals to purchase very much historical 50% victory without using resilient and strong bunch.

                                                            Personal injury lawyer actually do is really raise your wider family members list and also be somewhat more picky when it comes to which team you practice with. If you look at a loved one in an exceedingly hobby that is definitely gifted as well as , recognizes what they're undertaking add him or her and get them to participate significantly more on-line games alongside you. In the long term you can get on to ok stacks, then you will be able all the take pleasure in Dota no cost supposed to be used. When you cannot accomplish this aren't getting to make sure you hopeless. Take into accout everyone shouldn't be beneficial located at dota. The majority of folks will not awesome to dota no matter what rough they try, it doesn't matter what a large amount of they can develop, associated with a wide range of matches you have. Wedding ceremony this market but you eventually become outstanding merely golfing large numbers. Merely 1% involving internet players will be of the good 1%. What this means is 99% attached to professionals will not go for it.

                                                            You'll find it absolutely confident that have you recently wanting to talk to best ways to win once again applications that you're most likely hardly among the finest enthusiasts who is going to type in the top end heaps and even win an advanced Percentage among programs it does not matter which team you take up versus. But nevertheless , simple to operate not an the best golfer must slowly change pals loads of those to spend time playing while having. That's just how Dota is required to be set up however drastically a lot more alongside with your wins and also lessening if you happen to currently being a group.



                                                              lold hard, saving


                                                                also google translator biggest comedy gold man kind came up with.


                                                                  I mean I didnt contribute too much but here we beat a 4 man mouz stack


                                                                    i dont stack and this is my first account, so i learned the game thru trial and error, i play mainly underrated and underplayed heroes and learn them in and out, i love supporting and find it even easier to carry in pub games via support. take shadow shaman for instance, if he gets a fast lvl6 a tower is going down, i never play him mid tho and always try to get my carry fed. he has so much disable and his Q hits hard if u max it early.


                                                                      this match is pretty old, 2 months but this is how a man wins in pub games, look at dat build xD


                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        @relentless you said you beat 3 pro players I said show me ONE game that happened. Sorry but making extremely easy concepts and turning it into a 50 page essay does not make your point any more valid it just makes it annoying to read


                                                                          There are people who mostly play 2-3 stacks on EU west and manage 65-70% win rate so it is far from impossible.


                                                                            Relentless, why do they reduce your allies skill level instead of increasing opponent skill when you don't 5 stack? Why not just do the same as for 5 stack and increasing opponent skill?

                                                                            Also has there been major recent changes to how 2-3man stack's are being rated? I seem to get the feeling that they balance such stacks by throwing in much poorer solo players if they cant find another half stack to fill the numbers? The matching making for half stacks seems to be extremely unbalanced


                                                                              well if u stack as 2-4, you could still get retards even in page 1 game.


                                                                                well i mean i don't necessarily agree with all relentless posts but they are pretty entertaining to read and a refreshing sight from all these baboon-level 2-liners most people write up


                                                                                  To get high winrate? Pick the 3-5 heroes you're great at stomping with all the time, every time. For me it would probably be Dazzle, AA and Weaver. I'm more inclined to pick those heroes if they pop up in SD or RD, but I'm all about trying random in AP -- or going with a hero I might not be comfortable with so I'm typically around 51-52% W/L rate. I could probably go up to 53 MAYBE 54 if I just picked those 3 all the time, but it would get boring for me. Just have fun, win rate means nothing if you don't have fun playing the game.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    ^The same happens with OD for me. I think i could improve my winrate a lot but its just so boring to perma play OD.


                                                                                      U can't. U can try and give everything in first 5-6 games and still lose. And then on 7th you become the one who ruins the game for others because you get demoralised as f***

                                                                                      Double Agent

                                                                                        Play with a friend or two and always have one of them to play furion. That hero is really strong with competent players on your team

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          read the thread........"I really want to know how to play pure pub game correctly and have decent winrate"


                                                                                            learn 2 play earth spirit
                                                                                            and use earth spirit
                                                                                            take mid - get first blood and gank all lanes. my win rate gone up from around 48 % - 50 %+

                                                                                            and its hard to get 2 % once you have 1800 games played


                                                                                              Listen up everyone. If you want over 50% win, play Russia server. You know what they say bout Russians.

                                                                                     <-- proof.


                                                                                                thanks for confirming Veritas. game is so unplayable for 2-4 stacks


                                                                                                  not really ppl just make excuses for lack of skill. honestly i know im not good im just better than average i believe, i don't shoot to have a good winrate because i know that is unrealistic. my goal is to play against ppl who are good because that's when winning matters, it validates you are a skilled player. inflated wr and ego won't get you to the top. exceptional teamplay and good strategies will. trying to accomplish these in a pub game is like asking for a pack of wolves to go hunting for you. most likely you'll be eaten alive, so in order to remedy this situation play with ppl you enjoy playing with and grow with them. not many ppl are so individually skilled to win a team game by themselves. i mean take pro sports for example, yes there are allstar players but without their team and team chemistry they'd probably get shit on by a group considered to be of relative skill level. nowadays most online games are moving towards a harder concept of teamplay. if you want to do better you have to cast away your pride and stats in order to achieve bigger goals and what it sounds like to you is winning


                                                                                                    lol solo play you cannot get high wr


                                                                                                      In solo queue dont expect too much... But i personaly prefer staying quiet
                                                                                                      i almost never talk in game when not need of course
                                                                                                      i dont blame or criticize my mates if they are bad i try too cheer them up
                                                                                                      if u talk bad u will make things worse.
                                                                                                      i play only mid / Hardlane Invoker
                                                                                                      GL with your win rate

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!