General Discussion

General DiscussionLone Druid - How to?

Lone Druid - How to? in General Discussion

    Okay, screw that. I'm sick of losing when playing LD. For quite some time now I've been trying again and again and again to improve my gameplay and be good with LD because he seems super fun but after all the struggle to get positive stats with him, I'm suddenly starting to hit the bottom again...

    Can anyone please share some thoughts on when LD should be picked, what items should be prioritized and how should bear be micro'd properly? :/

    Thanks in advance..


      do like me. make a smurf and train it. :D


        always get ult


          I dont want to make a smurf account :( Luxon, what do you mean by always get ult? I usually max bear and synergy first before getting ult.


            its not a hard hero. just make u bear attack and let your hero watch


              well, it kinda doesn't work :<


                Always get ult when lvl 6, 11 and 16. It makes u m uch more tanker. LD is a carrier, and need to survive.
                I use a hotkey to select the LD,and other for "all units". It helps on the micro.
                Prefer to farm/harass with the bear, stay on safer a place with the hero.
                Stout shield is core on the bear lvl 1.
                Midas is not a must, but if possible, u should get one.
                Radiance on bear is a really good item for splitpushs and teamfight impacts on mid game. Almost a core item too.
                Phase boots is the best one for both LD and the bear, and a travels on LD fits well in some cases.
                Assault (on bear) and vlads (on LD) are good itens to, because it makes you and bear stronger (tanker!) and easier to reach high ground.
                Consider making a bkb for the bear.
                Basher fits well on both, LD and bear too.

                Woof Woof

                  dont overfarm - ld bear is trash against real carries late game + always go for oov its super legit on spirit bear


                    Thanks guys. Is there any particular reason to keep the AC on the bear?


                      atack speed


                        and abuse the demolish passive ability to destroy structures


                          Right, thank you very much, Coutones!!


                            1-for ld
                            2-for bear
                            3-for both

                            you should start pressuring towers as soon as u get boots and hand of midas (always, always get it. if ur team is stomping u should honestly get 2.). getting 2 sometimes 3 towers will get you really close to a radiance. get it, its basically gg if u get it soon enough. try to end the game as early as possible, the bear is honestly trash in the late game and ull be pretty much useless without him.

                            dont go phase on ld, tranquil boots are better in almost all situations, later in the game buy BoT. after all, u should just stay back while the bear works;~gl


                              with vlads and radiance you can hard push any lane without even being there. That's the point of lone druid: you do stuff safely. because druid himself has better dps than bear, unless it's against towers, where you need to attack with both . consider bear as a hero with skeleton king's ult , cooldown of which is tied to respawn time, and which respawns at a safe place.
                              For lane best skillbuild would be
                              Q E E Q Q R Q/E Q/E W E R then rabid normally. If you summon bear right when pick stage ends the cooldown will be almost gone when laning stage starts and you can afford going for extra damage from synergy instead of more hp/less CD at level 3.
                              Though there's difference in knowing how to play a hero vs how to win with said hero. best thing to do is to constantly push as he doesn't contribute much in fights pre-radiance.
                              and new tranquils perfectly fit him, only downside it can't be disassembled.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                unless ure good at entangles


                                  the assault on bear, is for armor, which he lacks a lot (+15 or +5 is huge difference !), vlad is definitly on the hero, as it gives a free slot for the bear, and if we don't count the (3?) hp reg has exactly the same effect for you wether the bear or ld wear it. So if bear die, you still have vladimir.

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                                    Thank you very much, guys, I really appreciate it! Hopefully I will manage to get back up and start winning.


                                      Not that im pro at ld, but in games i played i realised you need team to win (this means 2+ random russians/peruvians in team - you will have hard time wining). You CANT fight without items ( tried that few games, its better farm 1-2 items and accomplish something later than die, lose bear, die again - lose towers), and you want to get midas first. Usually in lane i would go midas and phase on bear, because at that time you get ganked alot. If you are new to ld and cant micro in phase boots activate, regular treads works, kinda. Basher is good when you need lockdown, like vs husk.
                                      But really, what matters the most is early game. no bear - no farm for 1.5 min, that sets you back.
                                      And you need to make sure to warn team that you need good 22 mins to farm. Its good time to get radi at that time ( skipping phase on bears if no kills). Radi at min 22-27 + tower pushing is really where ld starts to shine.
                                      By the way - dont build radi every game. its good when there are squishy supports, you need to disable blinks and so on. basher + hypestone is beast as well

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        Thank you, Introp, I'm willing to agree with your point. Basher is always a must for me. Radiance is not much of an issue if my team manages to sustain properly during the first 20 minutes. That'd mean proper warding, not feeding the enemy etc. I got crushed in my last LD game due to poor play by all of us, but oh well, shit happens. If the given conditions are met, with some luck, I've managed to get Radiance by the 18th minute.


                                          sry, but radiance is much more important than the basher, and it is not only for teamfights impact, but for splitpushs and farm also.

                                          Check this game, it's probably one of the best performances i've seen on a LD recently.



                                            You must buy always radiance on bear,is core. Even at minute 25 is not bad at all. After radi get Ac and than basher and maelstorm,game need to be over than already. You don`t need more,maybe bkb on beer )


                                              Thank, Coutones. I hope the replay would still be available.

                                              Woof Woof

                                                dont listen to bullshit most items after bots/midas are situational based on enemy/team picks and way your team/enemies team is playing and doing on map

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  use ur bear on hero > root > rightclick > he dies > repeat > win

                                                  also works on towers but without roots


                                                    pretty much like that haha


                                                      Hey guys, just a quick update. Just had a game and tried to follow some of the advices on here. It looked like we would lose by the 15 minute because we already have lost 4 towers and the enemy was just crushing our carries. Things turned out well once I started joining the team fights after I got my Radiance around the 16-17 minute.



                                                        You managed to get midas and radiance by 16-17 minutes? If you had that much space to farm, the game couldn't have been that bleak


                                                          You can take a look at the replay if you'd like. I had the feeling that the game was going down big time for our team since we lost a couple of towers and their TA was roaming around killing stuff. I haven't gone through the replay or anything just initial impression of what was going on while I was farming.

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            buy magic wand and dont finish bots unles you need travels


                                                              Thanks, Lift!

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