General Discussion

General DiscussionFrostivus given

Frostivus given in General Discussion

    Can anyone please give me a brief run down about what this Frostivus is all about? Amazingly difficult to find good info. online--apparently, item drops has something to do with it?



      Woof Woof

        i hope it wont be boring piece of shit event where one team will go afk while other kill greevils

        Woof Woof

          but its valve so i guess its going to be bland boring and retarded mode with some new way to forge items and valve claiming - new big update! great content
          while 90% of content will be related to morphing items or other shit again

          Quick maffs

            Yeah fuck valve and their piece of shit company and their shit free games that i keep playing besides i spent all my time on a forum talking shit about them !

            Why i just cant get 10 heroes and new modes every day ? those lazy piece of shit, we all know that they could do all of that in one minute.

            And hats ? those bastard want to get money ? its like they actually need money to maintain the game or some shit.


              abusers level 9000 incoming

              Woof Woof

                I dont care about heroes, new modes we
                99% of players outside of vh cant even play 10 heroes properly
                +i wonder how hard can it be to add icons to skills of ancient creeps

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                    ^ Sarcasm detection skills = 0

                    Ples Mercy

                      Wow Egeenz, you sir are an idiot.


                        wooooow this guy is dumb

                        Quick maffs

                          [TO.] Egeenz

                          Dude ......

                          I mean cmon :P

                          np i still like you <3

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                          Saudi Prince

                            The last line...

                            "Nothing can possibly go wrong"... hmmm Seems legit.


                              @me no dotas
                              Bro you have a serious case of low confidence. I can say i can fairly play all heroes but meepo and chen and im not in vh. Usually in pg 13-25


                                valve trolling


                                  Its part of the story build up.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    @nb darkness
                                    2be fair i meant to add+ top of high too but it wouldnt look elitist enough

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                                    Ples Mercy

                                      Cant wait to see wraith king :o

                                      Une Pomme


                                        Talking about Decrees of the king... and frostivus being cancled....

                                        Edit:.... nvm.... the website automatically put my language as russian... lol... reopened the link and it populated into english.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          wtf is this anyway..


                                              ALIVE GAEM, REBAND

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Huskar and slark on cm

                                                Midas nerfed

                                                Veno nerfed

                                                Cm nerfed

                                                Woof Woof

                                                  first good patch since i start playing dota 2

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!