General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion

    4107, that's what you get for insta-picking Pudge.....

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    jess the goat

      was at 4.4k, im at 3.6k right now, I am starting to think that I am just wasting my time playing this game, even at 4.4k the community is complete trash, its not enjoyable at ALL anymore.

      King of Low Prio

        yup clearly it is your teammates fault........

        jess the goat

          Lol, thanks for showing a game with a troll build

          King of Low Prio

            troll build /= feeding

            Ralph the one true Quibolord

              4030 4050 won 4 of 10 it's actually a sum up of all your previous games

              Flow ~

                2243, won 4 out of the 10.

                In my most recent game with Silencer, there was a two player stack (Wisp and Tusk) flaming at me and Weaver. Tusk was screaming through the mic in a language I didn't understand. And somehow Wisp was expecting me to kill 4 enemy heroes by teleporting me in the middle of them, without any other teammate nearby.

                And later in the game Tusk was blaming me for not helping him because he was killed, but how am I supposed to help Tusk if he is standing close to their base completely alone knowing that there are 5 enemy heroes nearby, one of them being a Pudge. He was angry at me because I was not using my ultimate, but I guess he doesn't know there is a cooldown on my ultimate.

                And Wisp was trying to report me and was trying to tell everyone in the chat to do the same because he was killed and was expecting me to get a triple kill in the enemy's base on my own.

                I'm maybe a terrible player, but I just wish I wasn't placed with people with that kind of attitude in the same team. It isn't really fun anymore playing with people who are like those two.

                I'm glad we won the game though...



                  dagon gondar is legit



                    game was safe to leave cus after 1st blood our qop rq...ofc -25...finally im under 4k
                    #roadto2k :D


                      is 2298 good?


                        4400. cant really go above that. i keep fluctuating between 4200 and 4400


                          5619solo, is that good guys?

                          Ples Mercy

                            no its shit


                              Got a 13-6 record and i enjoy myself


                                3296 solo


                                  Solo 2.6k. Started at 3.3k, but added all pick and removed captains mode/ captains draft and tanked my rating.


                                    Solo 4500 MMR (Only Invoker)


                                      Not enough, shit is rigged!


                                        @ caionagandaia

                                        like how the hell did u get a solo mmr of 4500.....

                                        i have a higher winrate with more games played but the shitty system put me in low hell mmr bracket of 3200...

                                        King of Low Prio


                                          if you win against shitty players you will not have a high MM

                                          ✪SOSNSKA ✪

                                            7 wins 3 loss and 2800 wtf?


                                              I Dont know what exactly measures Amount of MMR that someone wins..
                                              Check my games... i play vs good players thats why i am 4500 S/4300 TMM (Only Invoker)
                                              i also dont feed generaly :)

                                              Ben Dover

                                                MMR is based on winrate along with the amount of games played from what I have noticed.

                                                People with less than 50% winrate clearly seem to be having less than 3500 MMR, and those who are above 50% have 3500+


                                                  After some games in Ranked MM, I got 4565 rating. I started at 4500 ..... so I guess I'm where I belong.


                                                    solo, 7 lose win 3
                                                    party, 8 win lose 2

                                                    I got solo 4100
                                                    I got party 4200
                                                    so weird, but now both of them at 4,7k atm

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    Dark Squall

                                                      2404 solo 0 party


                                                        I got 1765(solo) and 2448(party) rating, 1607 games played, 37 wins 48 losses and about 5 ragequits ( that's in ranked )


                                                          1600 games 1765 solo rating? Oh boy


                                                            3.2k solo right now (idk party because I never stack), but I'm 28-11 in my ranked matches so far so I think my rating hasn't settled yet.


                                                              3.2k after only 2 losses in my calibration i think, honestly pretty accurate considering how few games i have in comparison to a lot

                                                              Anthem Blue Cross

                                                                Solo Rating : from 2.8k to 4k now
                                                                pic :

                                                                Party Rating : still calibrating

                                                                MMR is correct no matter how you rage and get angry with this system. You will rise if you played with all your heart and mind.

                                                                1 Game = eternity, so value it or else -25 hehe

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  Wow, good work if you actually managed to get from 2.8k to 4k.


                                                                    @ lishie

                                                                    I would honestly suggest starting a new account. I would have to assume that once you drop down to sub 2000... the amount of leavers, trolls and ridiculousness makes things very hard.


                                                                      "I can't understand how you can win a team-game based game by your own at 3k rating. I actually feel nicks pain.

                                                                      I played before captain mode with friends around 3.5k - 4k (current) and I'm always doing moderate, I'm not the star or the feeder...

                                                                      Solo play mmr is just impossible, 2 games ago I was against a global play setup ( zeus, np, bs, spectral and AP ), we were losing before my team even realised (this was captain mode solo mmr )

                                                                      And when i play good, I lose the game, when I play bad I lose the game faster... I really don't think this system counts the personal progress at all... This is not solo mmr, this is just random team party mmr...

                                                                      I always get arround 20 denies until the 16th minute or even faster, I always buy wards and sentrys for deward, i always get middas in the first 7th minute (at most ) and I still lose the game and I still don't get rating... This really feels like a hoax...

                                                                      And when you want to play better to learn to play better it's impossible since you cannot exit this low mmr bracket, at this stage people just smash buttons have no coordination have no sense, you cannot solo even if you are good, I am not a skilled player but I really think better of myself then 3k mmr ( and dropping )."

                                                                      @Zauxst Exacty. I have the same problem here, it doesn't matter if I give my life for that game or play careless, I always face 4 stack opponents and my teamates do not have any sort of coordination, even if I try to help organize it talking to them.

                                                                      I play with 4800 rank friends on team matchmaking, and I really can keep up with the game, I listen to them, I help a lot and they don't complain about me, but if I play solo I feel like I can never win. This solo rank does not mean anything if I keep facing stacks on the other team and I'm always with the solos.

                                                                      I have 3500 party, 2900 solo (It started at 3300 and its dropping never coming back)

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        10 games, 6 win, 4 lose.

                                                                        Result was an astonishing 1356!!!


                                                                          Venom, buying wards and sentries does not make you a 5k MM player. You have what most people on these forums call 'Relentless syndrome' in which they play with more skilled players playing support and get babysat to victories. You talk about how horrible and clueless your teammates are at that rating BUT you neglect the fact that you are vs the exact same horrible players

                                                                          Bone Chilling

                                                                            Climbing got toughter even though my overal winrate has risen a bit currently sitting at 4.7 solo and 4.8 team. Met a new kind of ppl in some of my last games. People that believe they're good, that their team is shit because of picking, laning or whatever other reason they may come up with, thus they just start feeding, feeding couriers, stealing items etc. These are the most painful games, unfortunately =\


                                                                              3080 solo, 34-something ranked. Just waiting to see what my tryhard alt account gets when it can finally get to ranked ... Valve lied, 150 games isn't enough to get to level 13 :p

                                                                              GENERAL CHO

                                                                                I don't believe i should be this rank but it's gonna take a long time to climb my way up so that i don't play with fucking idiots.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  4488 SOLO
                                                                                  4706 TEAM


                                                                                    4.2k solo

                                                                                    spamming phoenix is my #roadto5kmmr


                                                                                      6200, slark is needed to balance out the teams D:

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                                                        Pinche Cabron

                                                                                          Well i got 4,4k team and solo. With Mates i play carry/support. Solo queue almost only support. BUllshit support happens more often than bullshit carry in solo queue. Good Support with vision and dewarding seems to be a half won game.


                                                                                            3150, 9w and 1l... how exactly does the rating system work?


                                                                                              my solo rating is 2722
                                                                                              party rating is 2913
                                                                                              is this good ?


                                                                                                where is steam console??


                                                                                                  5287 Solo, not playing ranked for awhile. tired of tryharding on SEA server

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                                                                                                  Peter Griffin

                                                                                                    7 wins 3 losts 1200 solo rating !!
                                                                                                    How this system works ?????