General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is bullshit;

MMR is bullshit; in General Discussion

    Support is the most easy role to win with mmr, I can't count more than five the good supports I have met at 3k lvl, you'll get huge advantage playing a good support here.


      Actually, the easiest way to get out of low bracket matches is to get a good early/mid support and play him really well. Early ganks, warding, make sure the carry can farm ez. Take control of the game from 00:00 and you're set.

      Mortimer Smith
        Yeah, u are a pro player you shold be in 5k mmr.
        The mmr is very good, all u have to do is accept u are noob.

        Mortimer Smith

          Dont post me a noob game with this acc, is used by my brother.

          Mortimer Smith

            Alchem is a good suport, if u want to say noob to fnatic, na'vi... They pick alchem support too, now is not the best support, and its not picked, but if u know how to play it works.


              ^ your english shows how much of a good player you are hobo

              Just dont feed

                My english sucks like my gameplay i know it... dont need a guy telling me that


                  i go up and down 300 points per day sometimes :D fuck mmr man it means nothing just enyoy!


                    ye well i have 4,1k mmr but im a raq so the system is working


                      thread is 3 months old, stop rezing dead threads


                        You should try supporting with a semi-carry. This way, you may have a chance to "carry your team."


                          damn man this system sucks, there are people only losing mmr, and no one winning! vovle pls fix system, i always have bad teammates, but I dont noticed them when theyre on the other team!


                            i always go like 4-0/4-1/5-0 in the early game while my teammates manage to feed the game to shit

                            GUESS I DESERVE THIS MMR AFTER 5.1K TO 4.5K

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            King of Low Prio

                              maybe you should pick off high priority targets rather than sneaking around a tower to pick off a CM and leaving the rest of your team to die.


                                lol what i'm 1-0 with rambosalad



                                  People still lose rating cause its a flawed system. You can calculate win rate but you can never calculate consistency and attitude. Its a spontaneous, judgemental, automatic matchmaking system. If you think it works you are just as delusional as the people who say they think it never works.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    yea I wish the system could catch account buyers


                                      The MMR system is fine. It rewards winning. If someone drops 200-300 MMR and can't win their way out of it by pure skill level, they obviously didn't belong there in the first place. I'm 4.1k MMR, usually support, but I can easily beat the 3.9ks in a mid matchup.

                                      I really would like it if they showed MMR before the game started, so you could make sure your mid player is at least one of the top 3 players on the team. It's really disheartening to see your SF go mid and get decimated and find out he was 100MMR below your 4th best player after the game is finished.


                                        RMM is fucking pointless now because of those stupid account buyers

                                        fuck you wave


                                          When I lose, it's never my fault. Does that say something about matchmaking? Like how can I be the best player in the team every single game I play? Why am I never carried by my team?


                                            ^ The only thing that says is that you are too bad at the game to realize your mistakes


                                              ^he was joking because that is pretty much what op is saying