General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd matchmaking keeps sucking even worse

And matchmaking keeps sucking even worse in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    8 0 2 1 2.5k 26 4 258 187 1k 0 0

    guess what these numbers are :)


      this guy tallk so much shit about other players but min 13 no boots, less gold than supports being mid, 1k hero dmg xD
      and furion did better than you i think the retarded in that mathc was you buddy

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Invoker lie to me a... lie to me agen fagt 8 0 2 1 2.5k 26 4 258 187 1k 0 0 am i rite?

        King of Low Prio

          omgeee you guess right


            ^ Dunno why you still trying so hard to disaprove the truth, you clearly missing all information I put in. Failed lineup and shitty plays is the key to loss, not how much damage I should give in as Invoker vs TA mid.

            Please, start using your brains, though I actually start wondering if you have them.

            zyy丶 直播 !, there were no sups in that game, idiot.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              King of Low Prio

                gosh invoker such a bad hero atm plz buff valve


                  you a funny guy lie to me keep up with the good work


                    Sampson, why cant you just gtfo from the thread, I already got that you have nothing to say and have 0 arguments but asking retarded questions and posting retarded comments.

                    zyy丶 直播 !, tss newb, I already told you who you are, so you're free to go.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Another fair game after 3 win streak to balance the winrate with idiots like afk farming sven that cant do shit in the end, retard losing mid and potm getting 0 for support and not ganking almost at all.


                      Ty Volvo, idiots are right, there are no forced losses.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        Smurfs farming MMR. Sooner or later it's easier to just make new accounts and start off at 4k than trying to get to 5k from a 3k mmr account.

                          Woof Woof

                            ^ i remember games like that when my % were high playing alone while teammates only feed good ol times



                              Just new level of forced losses from Valve, I've seen lots of shit but this is like wow. This game was doomed since 1st min when 2 idiots constantly fed bot till they started getting our rax at 20 min with like 2-20 score.

                              Bravo Vulva, such fucking impossible to win games I've never seen.

                              The best thing is how fat Gaben actually makes newbs think they're good, you should've seen these 1-3 kda idiots supports from other team - living in their dreams thinking they actually win the games by their skill, not Vulva's system.

                              I lol'ed.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                Punished with carry abbadon and 0-11 dk safelane after 3 wins in a row.

                                Forcing goes good.


                                  no one cares


                                    ^ Keep playing with your stack newb and dont talk to me.


                                      Why you never post about your stomps as bad MM?

                                      Oh wow guise, their potm was so bad we raped her and then mid was won by our QoP against their, I mean they were so bad....

                                      Nope, just butthurt little kiddie who when he loses, can't control his 'ickle temper...awww, diddums little man, you done poopsy in your nappy?


                                        ^ Sorry mister 2 kda, I dont really like being taught by newbs.


                                          yet he might help you :D :D

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            KDA MATTERS


                                              ez matchmaking
                                              ez life


                                                Sampson, half of doto community making fun of low kda people, why do you think? :p


                                                  Because more then half of doto community are retards?

                                                  Edit: maybe not "retards", but whatever word you use for 2k mmr players.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    "Sorry mister 2 kda, I dont really like being taught by newbs."

                                                    I didn't try to teach anything, I asked a question. Very well played Mr. whinge. Your 'ickle, malformed brain unable to accept that whatever level you play at there's good players and bad players on each team. Just come and whinge about matchmaking after you stomp for once, oh no, you won't notice them being bad 'cuz you'll be far too caught up in your own magnificence to notice it.

                                                    Such a massive ass hat.

                                                    Now I go cry over my low KDA's in a fucking video, I bad at video gamez...HOW WILL I SLEEP AT NIGHT!!!!


                                                      ^ Sorry, didnt read, mister 2 kda.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        only thing that matters in dota is killing the throne Ive seen people with 5+ KDA with 3k MM


                                                          Didn't read huh? Cool. Can't face the truth. So cute.

                                                          The most humerous thing is you don't even realise you're ruining your own argument.

                                                          If valve force losses on you until you're at 50%, your over 50% win ratio means the opposition you've faced have had the biggest retards in the game more often than your own team.

                                                          It's so funny.

                                                          I broke this one down into little sentences to help you out...yeah yeah, no doubt you didn't read, whatever.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            "only thing that matters in dota is killing the throne Ive seen people with 5+ KDA with 3k MM"

                                                            No need to flame dude :(


                                                              Sampson, but still you didnt answer.


                                                                The moment you realize some people who say 3k is bad have 3k themselves


                                                                PS: phase on potm is situational, stop building them on every occasion
                                                                Most of the time that the enemy doesnt have heavy nukers/ or has chase heroes its good
                                                                But on other times treads is better. I rather treads most of the time myself

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  i always build phase
                                                                  get 65% win rate mirana.


                                                                    ^ you have 32 games with her and because you dont buy treads vs heavy nukers you die alot


                                                                      yes 32, dont compare me with ur 1,7k match lol

                                                                      162 hp is not too much, its just about the player gameplay. Whether love movement speed or attackspeed


                                                                        How do you suck this bad with Storm?


                                                                        Don't get me wrong I did a bunch of dumb shit (I built Vlads at the very end when the game was already over) too, but holy cow.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                                          Ofc idiot rhasta skilling not ether shock but his chain stun against bristle -> sucking completely.

                                                                          I cant even say that was a forced loss actually, maybe like 6/10 of forced loss. Ofc given after a winstreak 3rd time in a row in a month. Pretty proves of forcing, aint it kiddos?

                                                                          I cant get how such clueless trashes get to their mmr, really.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            Pretty balanced games, from 15 to 25 minutes length, pretty interesting to play, pretty forced.




                                                                              Fucking getting forced win/loss every fucking game.

                                                                              Why should I waste my time? Does this mm actually work or randomly puts random players in teams?

                                                                              Wtf Volvo, your shit cant stop amusing me.


                                                                                Quit this fucking game and stop being a burden to this community then since you dislike it so much.

                                                                                Others play it because they enjoy it.

                                                                                Don't waste your time, move on with life - you profit, we profit.


                                                                                  ^ quote of the day


                                                                                    Zenoth, does me being on this forum hurt you so much? But you have to live with it as when Volvo fixes this mm, I will quit bitching.



                                                                                      Thanks to my pick of support alche I won this game, idiot gyro ofc failed to farm.

                                                                                      I actually get how this works - Volvo send retards in the team who pick carries, people like me are forced to play supports and lose. But not this time, shitty Volvo.



                                                                                        And one more impossible to win game with furion maxing dagon against bristle and abbadon.

                                                                                        Best mm ever. <3



                                                                                          Who could win this game? Maybe retard Sampson or Zenoth?

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            ^You didnt get a rampage at 2 minutes into the game so its your fault.


                                                                                              ^ Actually if Sampson wrote this I would have even thought he was half-serious.

                                                                                              But all these kiddos left the topic as they have no arguments - mine are games I post here, what can be a counter to them? xD

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                I wont even watch it but I can tell that all you did was afk in the jungle while you left every other lane to die.


                                                                                                  you can easily tell if your team will win or not in the first 30 seconds of the game by the behaviour of your team members. Early signs of bad attitude, whiners are signs of gg.


                                                                                                    Sampson, pretty retarded idea, as usual. And btw even if I was afk losing all lanes in 10 min cannot be my fault in any way.

                                                                                                    Stop being wrong all the time, I already almost miss the real arguing.

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      there's nothing to argue, you're a retarded low skilled ape that makes troll threads