General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR issue

MMR issue in General Discussion
    i was playing slark got 15-7, but we lost the game due to warlock owning..
    point is after the game, i was thinking okay, ill probably lose like 20plus MMR after this game.. but i lost 41 team MMR! (was team with the disruptor)
    so why did i lose so much mmr? first time i've lost over 28 acutally..
    Is it because my team was made up of higher win-rates ppl, so valve expected us to win the game and penalised us heavily for losing the game instead?



      King of Low Prio

        it works both ways, if you win against better teams you win alot more but if you lose against really bad teams you lose alot


          How do you guys check how much points you lose / win per game?


            meh.. first time i lost 41 mmr so i was curious... i'd rather play games against proer teams if i stand a chance to earn higher MMR if i win and lose much lesser MMR when i lose though..
            @aP.WooT u can check it at your own profile haha.