General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for more fun supports to play

looking for more fun supports to play in General Discussion
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    i pretty much only play wr nyx (not so much on this acc yet) veno alch and SK as my "fun supports"

    anyone have ideas on more fun supports? and by fun i mean can still be decently impactful as the game goes on, isn't useless, doesn't afk jungle that kind of stuff.


      Death Prophet? Disrupter?

      I play Abaddon as support too. Maybe you should try him out.

      who am i

        Yeah abaddons interesting i'll try him out a few more times. Not as much fun though, kind of lacks any killing potential/snowballiness but guess i'll find out
        and yeah my disruptor play is trash need to work on that thanks


          Rubick! The most fun to play support...I'm biased yes.

          Contrary to popular beleif, you don't need to play him against the likes of Warlock, Tidehunter or Magnus...instead, play him against Weaver and AM. You'll see what I'm talking about.


            Jakiro is a fun support can be a bit of a pusher on towers with his passive and can contribute a lot of damage from just his spells and smart positioning, and he is rather tanky for a support hero, Him and as previously mentioned disruptor are my two favorite supports to use.. and i have a high WR with both of them..


              io, though you may fail hard if you are solo q


                I pretty much only play damage supports and have a ton of fun (as well as most kills quite often with them). Witch Doctor (with scepter), Necrphos, Crystal Maiden, Pugna, Keeper of The Light, Shadow Shaman, Venomancer. They all have their share of tons of damage (kotl is nice with kills early-mid game and long last hits mid-late). Every game needs a somewhat support hero that either heals/buys support items or both. I go carry wd for a rushed scepter and get kills really easy in team fights.

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                  alchemist abaddon visage rubick CM


                    I'm a fan of warlock. If you time things right, you can really, really turn the tide of a team fight with Fatal Bonds + Golems.

                    I also enjoy Ogre, Lion, and Omni.


                      Ogre Magi is super fun. He is probably my favorite support. Bane is fun too.


                        Ogre Magi is the most fun when you sacrifice to RNGesus and the Multi-Casts are in your favor.


                          Not gonna lie, I enjoy treant. I've done pretty decently in a couple games, but his attack speed is nothing to write home about.


                            sven/gyro controversial


                              Rubick is tons of fun. If you're ever in a game where you think, "Well I shouldn't play Rubick because they don't have any spells I want to cast," then it doesn't matter what you play - the other team is terrible.

                              Lina can be fun too, as long as you can play greedy and keep levels up. It's nice to be able to play supports that can jungle or wave clear to catch up on gold and such...which is why I hate playing Bane.



                                alch support easily one of the strongest support. No passive play, just roam and control the game from early, stack here and there and help your safe lane get kills. Better with a strong safe lane hero since they need to be able to hold the lane alone.

                                Lich is also great for when your safe lane is a greedy farmer that doesn't really come online early, but I find pulling and zoning early relatively more boring.

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  A support that snowballs? Options are kind of limited but lich is good, bane sometimes (get early gank kills, get aghs, you will wreck everyone 1on1). Earthshaker can do some major dmg and is good all game. Support doom might be up your alley. Bristle is a better tanky support than carry imo. Centuar can snowball into a couple hearts and then is just devastating to fight.


                                    support that snowballs?
                                    alchemist or leshrac


                                      If you can micro, I think Visage & Enchantress would be fun on low tier pubs.

                                      They're kinda stressful on higher tier tho because other players are expecting much when you pick tier1 pick supports.


                                        Lion, CM, lich.

                                        There really isn't enough lion in competitive.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          lich is the very opposite of "fun" support.

                                          and why no one mention sd

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            i enjoy lich a lot.

                                            When you are playing in a more "skilled" game, especially late game, often times supports are going to be relegated to staying safe, stacking when possible, looking at the mini map for warding duty, and following a carry around in the fog. Basically, you become weaker and weaker and your existance is a liability, especially when you are losing.

                                            At least with lich, you can armor your whole team diligently (seriously, people who don't get armor by level 5... shame on you) and it makes a big difference in fights. You can help control lanes throughout the game with sacrifice. You move fast as hell and can avoid ganks easier. You have strong team fight potential. And because of sacrifice, you will never end up super underleveled and a thorn on your teams side when shit goes sideways.

                                            SD is super fun i must admit.


                                              Top supports:
                                              For competitive: Lich, Nyx, CM, Visage, Veno
                                              For fun: Ogre Magi, Lich, Lina, Riki, Nyx, Veno, Venge


                                                I just did my first support SK, and it was fun. Though he doesn't seem to build like a typical support.

                                                Lich (for me) is terribly hit or miss, and it takes a little coordination by the enemy team to throw the whole thing off. Same with WD.

                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                  CM is such an interesting support. Can jungle, and lots of quirky things can happen with her. Midas and other things can be acceptable in situations. Very good hero~. Should give it a run.

                                                  Pro tip, after most CC/stuns are cast, walk in Yolo R.


                                                    just noo ogre pls :D
                                                    Jakiro: -50% AS to everything woot
                                                    Lina: zap ppl
                                                    Dazzle: 5s immortality
                                                    Witch Doctor: agha rampagee

                                                    also it is sad that supp. role is less.. rewarding since 6.79

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Lich is fun. Nuke, amazing ulti, fast XP gain, no mana shortages. Loves the dead cold guy.


                                                        Visage. He isnt as hard to play as everyone says and he is really good.
                                                        Omniknight. Man has a beard.
                                                        Earthshaker if they pick PL, Furion or Brood. potential team wipe with R
                                                        Tidehunter if your teammate picks Mirana, fun little ult combo.
                                                        and if you wanna branch out pick Treant, denies every creep in lane

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Dazzle, it's fun to see your carry limp to safety with 1 HP as the enemy team wasted every single ult on him.

                                                          That is if Axe isn't around.

                                                          Also you're purple.

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!