General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming hero?

Roaming hero? in General Discussion

    what are some good heroes to roam with? is smoke ganking early game really worth the effort or no? If you solo the offlane and you are getting lane control, should you switch lane and try to roam even with hero like undying that has no stun or should you stay and try to soak up as much exp as possible.


      many more


        PA, she got super long range slow, very good roaming hero.


          Alch easily one of the strongest. Don't roam as offlane unless you have a stronger safe lane carry. Don't roam as support if your safe lane carry cannot farm while laning against their offlane. Control rune, gank mid if enemy is something like storm or sf, squishy and weak early.

          See my last alch game if you want to see how early roamers can control the entire pace of the game from level 1.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            can a SD roam at low level or no? i want hero that can start roaming when they hit level 2-3. so far i have try CM rhasta and lion. they work really well for early roaming

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


              Tango > Clarity x2 > Smoke > Obs > Courier

              Lvl 1: W

              Jungle until level 2, check rune at 2 minutes. Check in on lane while clarity is active.
              (Normally I give obs to offlane~, so I try and wait for rune where it isn't warded.)

              3:00 Courier upgrade
              Soon after > Boots + tp.

              Tp to a t2, smoke, proceed. Try to go at level 3-4, at least 1 level in slow, 1 in freeze.

              Never pass a hardcamp without killing the largest creep~
              Get a stick / wand when you can, keep wards on cd~ Buy smokes / dust when needed and deward.
              Work into phase / Tranqs, whatever you're comfortable with.
              Carry tps.
              If the enemy CC spell has been used, walk close, and scream YOLO, and press R.

              828 average damage lvl 1 freezing field if they stay in for the full duration, regardless 300-500 burst is enough usually.

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              white lies

                wr,bane,shaman,lina. sven is good as well, i use him for support.


                  Go solo offlane with Lich, hit lvl 6 in 4 minutes. Go roam and kill everyone.




                      You can almost do it with any hero though some excel and are better than others...

                      Key things to roaming success are:

                      >Does the hero you pick have a lockdown?
                      >Buy quick consumables and smoke (salves over tangos)
                      >Always carry smoke/tp
                      >Pick the right lane and target the right hero (don't level 1 gank an OD mid with an Invoker on your team try another lane)

                      List of easy solo roamers:

                      Crystal Maiden
                      Shadow Demon

                      -- can also work in combination with the above but is a pocket strat

                      Lina - Stun can be unreliable at times and you will need someone to lockdown first
                      Rhasta - I don't favor him in roaming for a few reasons but is good with other heroes.
                      Nyx Assassin

                      as a few people above have mentioned others I won't continue but point is if your hero has some nuke or disable you can probably roam with it decent;y enough.


                        earth spirit auto win

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                          No mirana pls, everyone is sick of mirana


                            Mirana, CM, Nyx, Veno, venge, ES, ES (but not ember spirit), SK (the sandy one)

                            Dire Wolf

                              Tiny's not bad either.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!