General Discussion

General Discussionwhy mid lane have to be solo ?

why mid lane have to be solo ? in General Discussion

    why almost never saw dual lane mid (lane support + carry) ?
    Tried that the other day worked pretty well.


      It works quite well with some lineups but it is rarely seen in pubs. Wisp + CK/Morph/et.c. is done sometimes and Pudge + Invoker is quite common in Russia.

      who am i

        need to be able to kill the other mid laner, usually requiring something like a CK + kotl/wisp. if you can't kill the other mid, its simply not worth it since he's gonna get guaranteed xp (same as giving a offlaner guaranteed xp if you want to look at it that way).


          Unless the support partner is Lich.


            very situational


              Solo gets more EXP
              Send semicarry to mid to get good exp advantage
              Easiest access to both runes
              Able to gank both lanes easily with level and rune advantage
              Snowball out of control
              Win game


                lich and wisp allow anyone to win a mid


                  If you go with a dual solo lane mid that is a good combo its great.

                  There are lot of heroes that work well as a partial dual with Crystal Maiden currently, She can go back, take a jungle creep, return to lane and zone, kill, or control a rune, stand in lane and harass and protect... so many options.

                  It should force a rotation to mid if the other team is good. But dual mid with cm can beat most other dual mid lanes. And if they send 3 mid, the side lanes are very easy for your team. As long as you pay attention to the rotation you can just back up if/when it comes. Its pretty dangerous to dive a mid hero+ cm even if you have 3 heroes. 1 more tp in and you could be giving the mid hero a triple kill.

                  The main reason you don't see dual mids is just trends. Pro dota moves slowly and pub dota moves even slower to follow it. Currently roaming/ganking teams are the best in the meta... but you still see lots of tri-lanes instead.... where the two supports roam out of the tri-lane. Its just a sort of natural extension of what people knew before in 6.78. A dual mid and strong dual safelane is much better at protecting against roaming than a tri-lane and a solo mid. But people just have not done it much before, have not thought of it. Dual mid can also roam offensively more easily because its harder to keep track of what the supports are doing, but again people are not used to it.

                  If you want to try a dual mid lane, the best ones have the mid hero be a typical mid hero... and the extra hero be one that can get some work done on the nearby jungle camp. This way you can choose to push the lane and take more farm and control the rune. Or you can choose to stay on the lane and harass and zone or go for a kill. It's important to have both options open. Also if you want to rotate the support from mid and you are regularly backing out to take a little jungle farm or stack... then no one is sure whether you have left or not.

                  It would cost them 2 wards to see the movement in the jungle and the rune both... so they have to choose.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    The one time I saw a dual mid was an AA-CK dual mid versus a QoP.

                    I felt bad for the QoP.


                      not really i've gone PL+KOTL mid for a few times

                      jess the goat

                        a cm or something with pudge=easy kills, but the cm should have some smoke, act like she is going to the jungle then come and gank

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          Dual mid was so viable back in 2008. I think the strategy is gone now since tri-lane, 3 cores + jungle are greedier playstyles. Honestly in pubs the mid action are so bad. No calls, you're lucky if they even get runes. They won't ward runes if supports don't. If they get ganked, they won't gank themselves etc..

                          Dire Wolf

                            I agree mids are usually feeders who want the solo xp and think they are amazing farmers.

                            I think generally the reason you don't see dual mids is you need an offlaner and people aren't expecting it. You might have a good mid and a good support to dual lane it but have two more hard carrys who need babysitting so it's not an option. If you discuss it before the picks you might get people to go along. If you pick a jungler people will usually adjust and pick an offlane and not pick hard carries who have no shot but they won't get it if you pick a dual mid.


                              5 man mid and take tower, fuck the meta.



                                easy to win against pubs if you want to tryhard stack and try that

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