General Discussion

General DiscussionLF 3K+ Players!!!

LF 3K+ Players!!! in General Discussion

    I'm an average player looking to improve with a team that plays very regular, like every night. Need headset and must be understanding and also be able to speak clear english. SEA server only. If interested reply here and we can full stack every night and pub-stomp :D If your'e damn pro plz dont join us. I want a team that improves as the time goes not one that's already pro. Please help me!


      dont call yourself average if your rating isnt 4.5k or higher

      Sup m8

        Meeeee :D

        Sup m8

          Btw 50% win rate is awesome


            here in dotabuff 6k is average

            Woof Woof

              if you rating is below average gl in real life I cant catch a single fuckin job because everywhere they demand dota 2 rating above 5200


                average by what standards anyway?

                There's normal player average, then there's dotabuff standards average.

                I think it's better to look for someone to play w/ @ dota2 facebook groups.

                Woof Woof

                  i would say try joindota they have special forum section for players that look for teammates


                    Hi GrimoLUKE,

                    I have below 3K MMR right now but because I was trying to branch out the last 3 weeks on heros I hadn't really tried before, and also added "ALL PICK" to my search which I seem to have lower success on MM wins on ALL Pick. I have just put it to Captain Mode/Draft and should be back up past 3.5k soon.

                    I typically support, and looks like you like to carry. I need a good carry that can last hit in my lane. I play typically every night between 8:00PM to 12:00AM Mon~Fri and on weekends from 8:00PM to 3:00AM. Would love to try and group up with you. Just add me when you can if you would like.

                    Woof Woof

                      : ) good luck guys !

                      King of Low Prio

                        add me I play with any MM players in group que

                        No soft skinned pussies tho plz


                          trash game whats wrong with your natures prophet dude?

                          King of Low Prio

                            ^ he got angry with MM and started feeding games

                            Woof Woof

                              long story short I got tired of dota 2 very long time ago but i kept on playing due to mental issues and addiction which translated into increasing frustration, anger and self hatred which affected my performance tremendously and about week or two ago i reach my max capacity when it comes to all those negative emotions inside me (before that i used to wake up enraged at night because i dreamt about playing with russians etc + 90% of time i had headaches based on negative self talk or rage while playing) so i threw 24games with natures prophet(+2 games as clinkz) in a row and said hopefully permanent gg also Hopefully i can leave dotabuff permanently soon too

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                ^ LOL!!


                                  Statistically speaking, the average DotA 2 player has a ~2250 MMR, but from my point of view, 4k or below is pretty shit.


                                    ^ Statistically speaking, the awesome player has a 4k+ MMR, but from point of the 5k 6k mmrs, 4k+ is just shit.


                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      Add me up. I'm looking for people who want to better at their "roles"

                                      pub-stomping and MMR score will be secondary



                                        Add me. I have an excellent understanding of this game and can draft very well. Im a loser so all i do is read and watch hugh level games/streams of this game