General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to have your MMR go up!!

Tips to have your MMR go up!! in General Discussion

    4. I know this has something to do with your behavior. Don't play DOTA if you're hungry and bad mood. This will stir up your mind to lose games like its normal. (later you will see that you're not just losing games, you're building a losing streak and then blame Valve.)

    i surely agree with this.
    that's why before i start to play SOLO / RANKED MATCH i take a bath and eat first! xD

    Arnold Taga Gubat

      I very agree with #1, 3 and 4

      but at #3 When you guys played at SEA Region you can see many Trashtalk(specially from Pinoys) and it really blows up the mind of the player like me and now I'm stuck at 4.5MMR


        "Don't dare to criticize your team mate especially your carries."

        If you only knew that i have about 50% success chance on telling my carry to stop autoattacking and start lasthitting.
        I usually have to tell them again every 30-60 seconds but better they are mad instead of just autoattacking and getting no farm.


          ^ That's common sense?


            Pls close to avoid recapitulation