General Discussion

General Discussion“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson

“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson in General Discussion

    you need to win the lane. staying alive is for noobs like you.

    King of Low Prio


      OOO sweet jesus I havnt laughed that hard all week


        I wonder how you win a lane by not staying alive.


          ^ I disagree with you completely Sampson, we need the skill of someone like Hokuto in our lives.

          Hokuto for top bounty #heartrushnewmeta


            Dying is not losing the lane, you can trade kills or disrupt carries farm while dying however being afk for 7-8 for minutes for waiting your ulti is obviously means you lost your lane. I dont even know why am i teaching dota to 5k players.

            King of Low Prio

              o my god it IS the BH from the video, can I get your autograph?


                if only you will let me join your elite players guild :D


                  "Trade kills"
                  If you killed enemy carry and then died to support(s) - it's ok.
                  But if you killed support and then feed carry - you lost your lane.

                  King of Low Prio

                    fucking hell Hokuto its pretty bad when even soultrap gets it


                      That guy was Varun! Not Hokuto lol.... Oh sampson...


                        @Cpt. Caveman
                        All good players are unique in their own way, all bad players are the same. =)


                          Yeah i probably need a breathalyzer and a pee test before I am allowed to play ranked some days. Seems like a clever idea at the time until I do a downward spiral into losses for two weeks lol...


                            i get quelling blade + 5 gg branches and jinada first


                              btw you might want to edit some of the BF part, some of the stuff I wrote was specifically directed at the guy I was replying to in the other thread (for anyone wondering, here:
                              Plus looking back at it, there were some typos / syntax errors / whatever.

                              "[color=#affaff]If you still believe your build is the way to go, I'm going to explain how, although you probably can't be fucked reading any advice given by me, since you're still not maxing Fire Spirits on Phoenix by level 7.[/color]"

                              The guy who I was replying to, hydro mike or w/e, he's just constantly making threads asking for people to critique him, so I explained several times why skill order / skill build is important, going into great lengths why you should max Fire Spirits on Phoenix asap (by level 7), to which he doesn't do, yet maxes Metamorphosis on Terrorblade by level 11, and gets 2 points into Craggy Exterior on Tiny by level 5.

                              I guess you could still keep the "If you still believe your build is the way to go, I'm going to explain how" part if you wanted.

                              "[color=#affaff]Looking at your PA games, which you went BF in 3 out of 5 of them, the same applies (or you could get Dominator instead of Vlads on PA).[/color]"

                              Again this was also directed at him, or at least draws a parralel between BF Bounty and BF PA, both heroes who can contribute in the early game with Phase + Drum instead of Battle Fury, and is probably unneeded info.

                              "[color=#affaff]Drum would also give an extra 9 x 0.04 = 0.36 mana per second from the int, so a Bounty with Drum + Vlads gains 1.16 mana per second[/color]"

                              Should be: "so a Bounty with Drum + Vlads gains an [underline]extra[/underline] 1.16 mana per second"
                              i.e. Whereas BF only gives 0.63 extra mana per second.

                              Also in the survivability section I totally forgot about the Vlad's giving +5 armour, and the +9 agility from Drum giving you a little over 1 armour (1.28 to be precise).

                              Also being nitpicky of myself, the bit about the advantages of PB + Vlads + Drum, maybe change:
                              "[color=#affaff]• Easier to build - individual components increase your stats, increasing the chance of success of the next gank[/color]"

                              • Easier to build
                              - individual components increase your stats, increasing the chance of success of the next gank

                              So that all the hyphenated facts are on a new line for consistency.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              King of Low Prio

                                Im not gunna lie I barely read it (tired and just overall lazy). Only checked some of the basic numbers I will edit more tonight

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I lied I just changed it now

                                  Mortimer Smith

                                    Hokuto, how can u win the lane 1v3?


                                      first of all dont read guides of 5k players

                                      waku waku

                                        it might be possible if you play clockwerk instead of bh


                                          Dagon Bounty Hunter shows no mercy, why you no mention dagon Sampson-sama?